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Selupan - White Widow of the Hatchery Lore Location & Schedule The boss can be found in Raklion - in his room that is reached by entering the Hatchery Gate located at {172, 24}. It will respawn 12 hours after it is killed or after the gates permanently close. 45 minutes after it is spawned, the gates to Selupan will be closed. Stats Difficulty Tier: Mid-Game Health Damage Defense Defense Rate Attack Rate Attack Range Attack Speed 25.000.000 1.800 ~ 2.200 535 1.200 3.700 10 1 hit / 1.8 seconds The boss has a Maximum Elemental Defense Rate which means Elemental Damage is useless. Skills & Mechanics PRE-FIGHT For the Boss to spawn, all the eggs must be destroyed. DEATH'S GATE Selupan summons rows of guardsmen that block the entrance to his layer after he spawns. Every 2 minutes the entrance is cleared and players have a 30 seconds window to enter The Hatchery LIGHTNING STRIKE Leaps and hit the ground with a lightning strike which will push and damage all the players around. POISON WAVE Launches a wave of poison orbs in front of him that causes damage and poisons the hit targets. STUN Attacks have a chance to stun the target. ICE RAIN Casts a rain of ice that damages everyone in range. SUMMON During the fight, the slower you defeat the boss, the more mobs he will spawn. TELEPORT Selupan uses the Teleport skill to move around the room. IMMUNITY During the last phase of the fight, the boss casts an immunity shield for 10 seconds. SELUPAN'S WRATH While a character is inside The Hatechery, its HP potions will be constantly deleted. Requirements & Restrictions Only characters over level 500 can enter the boss room and the recommended level is 550+. Open-Entry: Anyone can participate to Selupan while he is alive. Boss Type: PvP - PK is enabled and it is free in Selupan's room. Relogging/disconnecting in Selupan's room will have the character warped to a safe zone. Extra Information & Mechanics The Summon skill is blocked in Selupan's room. If Selupan stays more than 25 seconds in the same place, it will be teleported to the middle of the room, causing a "de-bug" on its movement and skills. Skills usage cooldown is 2 seconds. All of Selupan's skills can trigger in rotation starting from 85%~75% HP. You cannot "bypass" the guards, if anyone tries to do that, their character will be teleported back. Selupan's Push range is 4 tiles. Rewards Reward: 5x Box of Sockets + 4x TOCA + 20x Gemstone + 60% chance for 1x Darkangel Soul - 40% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 30% chance for 1x Darkangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Holyangel Anvil - 35% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold + 33% chance for 10x Lapidary Stone - 33% chance for 12x Chaos - 34% chance for 8x Creation. Shared Pool of 120 CREDITS & 1000 RUUD per kill. Credits: Adapted by New Squad. The information matches our Zenith server.
Medusa - The Queen of Swamp Lore Location & Schedule The boss can be found in Swamp of Peace - it will spawn randomly in one of the Swamp's pre-defined zones (1 for each entrance). It will respawn 2 times per day, at fixed hours, as follows: 1 time at 11:15. 1 time at 23:15. Duration of Medusa: 30 minutes. Stats Difficulty Tier: Mid-Game Health Damage Defense Defense Rate Attack Rate Attack Range Attack Speed 35.000.000 2.000 ~ 2.500 510 1.350 3.300 7 1 hit / 1.4 seconds The boss has a Maximum Elemental Defense Rate which means Elemental Damage is useless. Skills & Mechanics PRE-FIGHT When the boss spawns, it will also spawn 20 Sapi Guardians spread across the Swamp of Peace. As long as any Sapi Guardian is alive, the boss is immune to damage. PRE-FIGHT: RAMP-UP For every 45 seconds elapsed, while Sapi Guardians are alive, the boss will Ramp-Up. On each Ramp-Up, the boss will gain a permanent Shield of 4% damage absorption, up to 60%. GORGON'S GAZE Every 30 seconds, the boss will sleep 1/3 of the players that are in her 12x12 range, for 8 seconds. If any of the sleeping characters are attacked by players, the sleep will break and they will be petrified for 6 seconds. ICE STORM Casts a rain of ice to the player's location. EVIL SPIRIT Summons a bunch of evil spirits that deal AoE damage to players around the boss. Requirements & Restrictions There is no restriction on the level to enter the boss zone outside of the map level (400+) but the recommended level is 450+. Open-Entry: Anyone can participate in Medusa while she is alive. Boss Type: PvP - PK is enabled and it is free in the 12x12 range of Medusa. Summon (DL) is disabled in Swamp of Peace while Medusa is alive. Relogging/disconnecting in the 12x12 range of Medusa will have the character warped to the safe zone. Extra Information & Mechanics To be continued. Rewards Reward: 5x Box of Sockets + 4x ETOCA + 20x Gemstone + 60% chance for 1x Darkangel Soul - 40% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 30% chance for 1x Darkangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Holyangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Left] - 15% chance for 1x Exc. 380 Weapon - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold + 33% chance for 10x Lapidary Stone - 33% chance for 12x Chaos - 34% chance for 8x Creation. Shared Pool of 120 CREDITS & 1000 RUUD per kill. Tips & Tricks To be continued... Credits: Adapted by NewSquad. The information matches our Zenith server.
Lord Silvester - The Mountain's Ruler Lore Location & Schedule The boss can be found in Acheron - Uruk Mountain - In the middle of the map, around {125, 115}. It will respawn every 8 hours after it is killed. Stats Difficulty Tier: Mid-Game Health Damage Defense Defense Rate Attack Rate Attack Range Attack Speed 80.000.000 5.000 ~ 6.000 1.400 4.000 6.000 2 1 hit / 1.5 seconds Elemental Damage Elemental Defense Elemental Defense Rate Elemental Attack Rate 1.700 ~ 2.300 700 550 3.000 Skills & Mechanics STUN Attacks have a chance to stun the target. TWISTER Damage and push the characters around the boss. WIND COURSE On each activation, the boss will launch his weapon towards a player, pushing him back and dealing a significant amount of damage. WIND CALL When the boss reaches a HP threshold of 70%, 50%, and 20%, he will summon 3 minions and will receive a shield that prevents any damage. The shield will be purged after all the summoned minions are killed. One of the spawned minions (the Elemental Knight) only takes elemental damage. HP RECOVERY If the boss doesn't have any character around him, he will recover an amount of 20,000 HP per second. BURN EM' ALL Every 30 seconds Lord Silvester will spawn 10 Flame Traps in its 9x9 range. The traps have a trigger & AoE range of 2x2 tiles. FLAME KEEPER Every 2 minutes, 2 random Gates to Silvester will open for 45 seconds. While they are open, any character can pass them without needing a SM to use "Teleport Ally". Requirements & Restrictions There is no restriction on the level to enter the boss zone outside of the map level (470+) but the recommended level is 750+. Closed-Entry: If any character reaches the boss, the gates around it will be closed and only the characters that are already in the boss zone can participate in the boss fight, the entrance for other characters is closed, as well as for characters that die inside the zone. Boss Type: PvP - PK is enabled and it is free in Lord Silvester's zone. You can use Summon (DL) inside Lord Silvester's zone but not in Uruk Mountain, as long as the boss is alive. If there are no characters near the boss for 60 seconds, the entrance will be released and the boss will reset. Extra Information & Mechanics PK is allowed in the entire Lord Silvester location while he is alive. Lord Silvester's Push range is 4 tiles. There are 6 mini-map marks for all the gates to the Lord Silvester area, for the use of better communication during the fight. The Trigger & AoE range of flame traps is 2x2. Rewards - Reward: 1x Pentagram Tier 3 + 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 1 + 20x Lapidary Stone + 40% chance for 1x Awakening Soul - 13% chance for 1x Soul Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold - 12% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 33% chance for 50x Sphere Upgrade Rune - 33% chance for 30x Bless - 34% chance for 20x Soul. - Shared Pool of 160 CREDITS & 2500 RUUD per kill. Tips & Tricks To be continued... Credits: Adapted by NewSquad. The information matches our Zenith server.
Kundun - Conqueror of Kalima Lore Location & Schedule The boss can be found in Kalima - At the end of the map, around {40, 110}. It spawns 3 times per day: 1 time between 00:00 & 05:59 1 time between 08:00 & 13:59 1 time between 16:00 & 21:59 Duration of Kundun: 20 minutes. When there is a [PVP] spawn, Kundun will spawn in Kalima 6. When there is a [NON-PVP] spawn, Kundun will spawn in Kalima 7. Stats Difficulty Tier: Early-Game Health Damage Defense Defense Rate Attack Rate Attack Range Attack Speed 13.000.000 900 ~ 1.100 350 700 2.200 10 1 hit / 1.5 seconds The boss has a Maximum Elemental Defense Rate which means Elemental Damage is useless. Skills & Mechanics PRE-FIGHT: ILLUSIONISM Instead of spawning himself, Kundun will spawn 5 Illusions - 1 in each Kalima from 1 to 5, on his usual location. If all Illusions are killed in 15 minutes, Kundun will be summoned. KALIMA'S WRATH Calls spirits from the ground that deal AoE damage to all players. FIRE BREATH A fire wave comes out in front of the boss dealing AoE damage. KALIMA'S CALL The Boss summons various minions from Kalima to fight alongside him. KALIMA'S PROTECTION The boss gains invincible status periodically. Requirements & Restrictions To enter Kalima, anyone from the party must have a Lost Map with the same level as the Kalima. Lost Map is created by combining 5x Symbols of Kundun of the same level (from 1 to 7). The symbol of Kundun can drop from any monster and the symbol's level is based on the monster level. The Lost Map will be consumed on use, and the Magic Stone created will be closed after the one that summoned it passes through it. Open-Entry: Anyone can participate in Kundun while he is alive. Boss Type: Hybrid - One spawn is PvP (PK is enabled and it is free in the 12x12 range of Kundun/Illusions), and one spawn is PvM (PK is disabled). Summon (DL) is disabled in Kalimas by default. Rewards llusions Reward: 1x Box of Ancients + 30% chance to drop 1x Blessing of Spirit as an extra reward. Note: You have a 5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward. Kundun Reward: 2x High Tier Ancients + 10x Chaos + 1x NS Jewel + 70% chance for 1x Sealed Bloodangel Pants - 15% chance for 1x Cracked Bloodangel Item - 15% chance for 1x Exc. Bloodangel Weapon + 50% chance for 10x Splinter of Armor - 50% chance for 10x Bless of Guardian. Note: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward. You gain 40 CREDITS & 50~75 RUUD per Kundun kill | 10 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD per Illusion kill. Tips & Tricks To be continued... Credits: Adapted by NewSquad. The information matches our Zenith server.