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[Character] Grow Lancer


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Grow Lancer

Lancer FORM.jpg

    Long ago, in the ancient realm of MU, there was a peaceful tribe known as the Celts. The Celts were deeply connected to the natural world and revered the mystical energies that flowed through it. Among their people, there was a young warrior named Astharoth, who possessed an exceptional affinity for nature and combat.
    Astharoth was chosen by the spirits of the land to become the guardian of the sacred Grow Lancer. The Grow Lancer was a legendary polearm infused with the essence of nature's power, granting its wielder immense strength and control over the elements. It was said that the Grow Lancer was the embodiment of the spirits' will, entrusted to protect the balance of nature from those who sought to disrupt it.
     Guided by the spirits and armed with the Grow Lancer, Astharoth embarked on a perilous journey. He traveled across the land, battling monstrous creatures and facing numerous challenges along the way. As he fought, Astharoth discovered his true potential, honing his combat skills and learning to channel the primal forces of nature through his weapon.
    Throughout his quest, Astharoth encountered dark forces that threatened the harmony of MU. He stood against these malevolent beings, becoming a symbol of hope and resistance. With the Grow Lancer in hand, he unleashed devastating attacks, combining his physical prowess with elemental abilities that allowed him to command the power of wind, lightning, and earth.
    As Astharoth's legend grew, so did the fame of the Grow Lancer. Other warriors sought to follow in his footsteps, yearning to harness the same powers that made him a force to be reckoned with. These brave individuals were chosen by the spirits and initiated into the sacred order of the Grow Lancers, continuing Astharoth's legacy as guardians of nature.
In the present era of MU, the Grow Lancer class represented those chosen warriors who have inherited the ancient traditions of the Celts and the power of the Grow Lancer. They are skilled melee fighters who combine swift and precise polearm strikes with nature-based abilities. Grow Lancers excel in close-quarters combat, unleashing devastating combos and powerful area-of-effect attacks.
    Through their connection with nature, Grow Lancers can tap into the elements, imbuing their attacks with the power of wind, thunder, and earth. They can summon powerful whirlwinds, and lightning strikes, and even call upon the earth itself to disrupt their enemies. With their agility and mastery over their polearm, Grow Lancers can swiftly maneuver around the battlefield, striking down foes with incredible precision.

I. Grow Lancer Mechanics and Playstyle

  • Lance Mastery
    • Grow Lancers specialize in wielding long weapons, such as lances or halberds. They have access to a variety of weapon-specific skills and abilities that enhance their melee attacks, allowing them to deal significant damage to enemies in close-quarters combat.
  • Elemental Abilities
    • One of the distinguishing features of the Grow Lancer class is their connection to elemental powers. They can harness the forces of wind, thunder, and earth to augment their attacks and unleash devastating elemental abilities. These abilities provide additional damage and crowd control effects, allowing Grow Lancers to manipulate the battlefield to their advantage.
  • Party Support
    • Grow Lancers also bring utility to party play. They have support skills that can provide buffs and bonuses to allies, enhancing their effectiveness in group content. These supportive abilities can boost the overall damage, of the entire party, making Grow Lancers valuable assets in party gameplay.
  • PvP and PvE Strengths
    • Grow Lancers have a balanced playstyle that allows them to perform well in both PvP and PvM scenarios. They excel at engaging in melee combat and can deal burst damage to single targets or unleash AoE attacks to clear groups of enemies.
  • Overall, the Grow Lancer class offers an engaging and dynamic gameplay style with its focus on melee combat, and elemental abilities. Players who choose the Grow Lancer can enjoy a versatile and visually striking playstyle, utilizing lances, elemental powers, and precise strikes to dominate the battlefield and emerge as formidable warriors in the world of MU.

II. Grow Lancer Evolutions & Quests

Evolution Requirements Quest NPC Quest
Grow Lancer Character Level 1 N/A N/A
Grow Lancer N/A N/A


Miracle Lancer

[For the 1st and 2nd Parts of the Quest]
2nd Quest Completed
Character level 380 or higher
[For the 3rd Part of the Quest]
Character level 400

Apostle Devin
Cywolf [228.49]
[Part 1] " Prove your Strength "
[Part 2] " Infiltrate the Barracks of Balgass "
[Part 3] " Into the Realm of Darkness "
Shining Lancer Character Level 800 Cent
Lorencia [131.147]

[Part 1] " Qualification test "
[Part 2] " New Battle I "
[Part 3] " New Battle II "

III. Character Formulas
Health (Level * 1.5) + (VIT * 3)
Shield Defense ((STR AGI ENE) * 2) + ((VIT * 5) * (Level / 200)) + (Level * 12) + (DEF * 2)
Ability Gauge (STR * 0.15) + (AGI * 0.20) + (VIT * 0.30) + (ENE * 1.00)
Mana (Level * 1) + (ENE * 1)
Minimum Attack Power (STR / 5) + (AGI / 9)
Maximum Attack Power (STR / 2) + (AGI / 4)
Attack Speed AGI / 18
Defense AGI / 5
PvM Attack Rate (Level * 3) + (AGI * 1) + (STR / 4)
PvP Attack Rate (Level * 2.5) + (AGI * 1.5) + (STR * 2)
PvM Defense Rate AGI / 4
PvP Defense Rate (Level * 2) + (AGI * 1) + (STR * 1)
Minimum Elemental Damage (STR / 8) + (AGI / 11)
Maximum Elemental Damage (STR / 5) + (AGI / 6)
Elemental Defense AGI / 5
Elemental Attack Rate (Level * 5) + (STR / 4) + (AGI * 1.5)
Elemental Defense Rate AGI / 4

IV. Character Specializations
0% bonus base Defense under 800 AGI
7% bonus base Defense between 800 and 1300 AGI
15% bonus base Defense over 1300 AGI
0% bonus base Attack Power under 1500 STR
7% bonus base Attack Power between 1500 and 2000 STR
15% bonus base Attack Power over 2000 STR

V. Wings

Level Class/Requirements Wings
1 Grow Lancer " Small Cloak of Limit "
150 Grow Lancer " Cloak of Steel "
250 Grow Lancer " Cloak of Limit "
400 Miracle Lancer " Cloak of Transcendence "
1000 Shining Lancer " Cloak of Isolation"

VI. Custom Changes & Balancing

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