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[Event] [PvP] Illusion Temple


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Illusion Temple

Illusion Temple is a Capture The Flag PvP battle arena where players can compete against each other. Two randomly made teams of a maximum of 5 players each will have to fight to obtain a Sacred Artifact and use it to capture Stone Statues to earn Event Points.

How do I participate?

IS alert.jpg

Entry is free and doesn't require any special item.

Illusion Temple 1:  Level 250 - 400

Illusion Temple 2: Level 401~ 699

Illusion Temple 3: Level 700 ~ 999

Illusion Temple 4: Level 1000 ~ 1299

Illusion Temple 5:   Level 1300+    

 Every 4 hours (01:40, 05:40, 09:40, 13:40, 17:40, 21:40).
 You can join only 1 time per day with the same character.
Only 1 Character / IP can join the Event at the same hour.

Level Entries, Event Hours, and entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
Minimum of Players for the Event to start: 4
 You must leave the party to be able to join the Event.




  • The battle arena is a large area in which the Red Team is fighting the Blue Team to capture the objectives.
  • Each team spawns on the opposite side of the map.

IT MAP.png

  • The objective is to return the Cursed Sacred Artifact to your team's pedestal to earn a Game point.


  • The cursed artifact is located in the central part of the map, on the Temple Pedestal.

ILLUSION TEMPLE PEDESTAL BALL MIDDLE.png                          Illusion Temple Pedestal

  • The player who picks up the artifact will greatly reduce his Movement Speed.
  • Players can attack each other during the Event to earn Kill Points.
  • Kill points can be used to buy skills during the Event that can help you defeat your enemies.
  • The Event time limit is 15 minutes.

Available Event skills


  1. Magic Shield
    • Cost: Kill Points (x5)
    • Function: Prevents 100% of DMG for 15 sec.
  2. Resistance
    • Cost: Kill Points (x5)
    • Function: Immobilize the enemy for 15 sec.
  3. Freeze Time
    • Cost: Kill Points (x5)
    • Function: Damages 50% of the target's SD
  4. Tracking 
    • Cost: Kill Points (x10)
    • Function: Teleports the player to the ball
  • How to win Illusion Temple
    • Event Points contribution
    • Player Kill: Grants Kill Points
    • Returning the Cursed Sacred Artifact to your base grants a Game Point
    • Earn 7 Game Points to win

Illusion Temple Event Rules

  • Any character with a PK Status cannot enter the Illusion Temple map.
  • No penalty upon character death.
  • PVP is allowed, once the Event starts
  • Town Portal Scroll warps characters to the Event Square map.
  • Upon death, characters are moved to their Party's respawn area, which is inside their base.


Players that participate in IT can get a Winner Reward as well as a Participation Reward.
Note: Participation Reward
is given to all participants after 5 minutes of the event.
IT1: 50 RUUD 
3x Gemstone + 2x Creation - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 7x Bless / 3x Chaos.
Note: 10% chance for an Early NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT2: 120 RUUD 5x Elemental Rune + 2x Chaos + 25% chance for 1x Condor Flame as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 3x Elemental Rune + 2x Gemstone.
Note: 6.5% chance for Early NS Box & 3.5% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT3: 220 RUUD 1x Steel of Heaven + 4x Lapidary Stone + 25% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] / 1x Forefathers Casting Mold as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA / 1x ETOL.
Note: 10% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT4: 220 RUUD 1x Steel of Heaven + 4x Lapidary Stone + 25% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] / 1x Forefathers Casting Mold as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA / 1x ETOL.
Note: 10% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT5: 1x Errtel Emblem - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 30x Golden Sentence.

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