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[Important] Description of Patch Name


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All Zenith updates will have patch names and they will be posted in this Updates Tracker section.

The first patch name will be "Patch CBT 1.1.0".
During Closed Beta (CBT) and Open Beta (OBT) we will use their representation instead of a digit.

After the official start, the CBT/OBT will be replaced with a digit from 1 to N.

Explication of each digit from patch name:

  • First digit (in our exception case, CBT): Current edition from the server (CBT - closed beta, OBT - open beta, 1 = 1st official edition, 2 = 2nd official edition, etc.)
  • Second digit (in our case, 1): Will change if there is any client modifications (that requires update via Launcher) - if it is unchanged compared to last patch, that means no client modifications - no update from launcher needed.
  • Third digit (in our case, 1): If it is changed that means there is a 'bigger' update, with either new features, new impactful changes, etc.
  • Fourth digit (in our case, 0): If it is changed that means the update is a smaller one, containing only new fixes, improvements, or any changes/corrections of the bigger patch that contained them.

To make sure you understand, I'll comment the next patch name: Patch
That means the patch is part of the 2nd official edition of the server, it had already 3 client modifications that required update via Launcher (and now there's a 4th client modification), it is currently on the 7th bigger update from the edition and it has 2 small updates since the 7th bigger one.

Changelog Tags Legend:

[FIXED] - Something was fixed/resolved (that wasn't correctly working before OR was bugged/misconfigured/not working as expected).
[ADDED] - Something was added into the game that previously wasn't there (new feature/system/item/command/event/etc.)
[UPDATED] - Something was changed/improved/edited/updated (in most of cases if it is not something FIXED or something ADDED then it is UPDATED)
[DOCUMENTED] - This is a PRE-TAG for any of the tags from above, and it means that the fix/addition/update was already UP before the patch but only now made public.

Good, fast, cheap - you can only pick 2!


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