Administrators rDy Posted January 5, 2023 Administrators Share Posted January 5, 2023 Release date: 12.10.2022 at 23:00 - A small server restart will be needed. Note: Make sure to update the game via Launcher (PlayZenith.exe) - close the Launcher and reopen it to search for updates! Legend: [FIXED] - Something was fixed/resolved (that wasn't correctly working before OR was bugged/misconfigured/not working as expected). [ADDED] - Something was added into the game that previously wasn't there (new feature/system/item/command/event/etc.) [UPDATED] - Something was changed/improved/edited/updated (in most of cases if it is not something FIXED or something ADDED then it is UPDATED) [DOCUMENTED] - This is a PRE-TAG for any of the tags from above, and it means that the fix/addition/update was already UP before the patch but only now made public. Changelog: [UPDATED] Characters now spawns without pentagram box (we aren't using the beginner pentagrams). [UPDATED] Characters now spawns with the 2 starter rings (40 & 80). Ring 40: Any set item from silver medal for the class that drops it. Ring 80: Random small wings/capes. [FIXED] Spirit names (raven/horse). [ADDED] New items in test shop [ADDED] /move command for everyone [as test-server feature] (move your character at any map and coordinates). Usage: /move [MapID] [X] [Y] => example: /move 0 125 125 => character moved in Lorencia at 125x 125y. [UPDATED] Adjusted pull-back rules for starting maps (lorencia,noria,elbeland) - must confirm if mobs still gets stucked. [FIXED] Some skills requiring a "hidden" level in order to be learnt. Note: This is a different fix compared to those requiring level 0 client side but they actually need their official level (they aren't set yet client-side). [FIXED] Ring of Magic & Pendant of Ability having 1% bonus instead of 10%. Good, fast, cheap - you can only pick 2! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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