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Patch CBT 5.5.0 - 10.02.2023


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Release date: 10.02.2023 at 16:00 - A small server restart will be needed.

Note: You need to update the client via Launcher (PlayZenith.exe).

[FIXED] - Something was fixed/resolved (that wasn't correctly working before OR was bugged/misconfigured/not working as expected).
[ADDED] - Something was added into the game that previously wasn't there (new feature/system/item/command/event/etc.)
[UPDATED] - Something was changed/improved/edited/updated (in most of cases if it is not something FIXED or something ADDED then it is UPDATED)
[DOCUMENTED] - This is a PRE-TAG for any of the tags from above, and it means that the fix/addition/update was already UP before the patch but only now made public.


  • [ADDED] Acheron zones to move list.
  • [UPDATED] Reworked starting zones (spots & extra mobs spawning).
  • [UPDATED] Karutan2 map level is now 320 instead of 300.
  • [UPDATED] Dungeon3 map level is now 90 instead of 80.
  • [UPDATED] Acheron - Ubaid map level is now 375 instead of 365.
  • [UPDATED] Maps System:
    • 9 NON-PVP Maps: Dungeon (1-3), Aida (1-2), Karutan 2, Kalima 7, Acheron-Debenter, Nixies Lake, Cubera Mine (1-5), Crimson Icarus & Burning Kethothum.
    • 10 GENS Maps: Atlans (1-3), Tarkan (1-2), Karutan 1, Kanturu Relics, Vulcanus, Ferea, Old Kethothum, Atlans Abyss 1, Scorched Canyon & Kanturu Underground.
    • 22 PvP Maps: Rest of maps.
      • Non-PvP maps no longer have a 50% drop penalty. If we'll need a new punishment we'll have something like less % zen or similar things.
      • Gens maps no longer have a 12% bonus exp, we'll have a new gens system to match the new progression.
  • [UPDATED] BoK+1 set items & weapons/extras removed from Silver Medal.
  • [UPDATED] BoK+3 set items removed from Gold Medal.
  • [UPDATED] Now each class has 1 starting set that can only be wear by maximum 2 classes:
    • Bronze: DL
    • Scale: IK
    • Robust: GL
    • Brass: BK
    • Vine: Elf, RW
    • Bone: SM & MG
    • Pad: LEM & KM 
    • Leather: RF & GC
    • Wind: SUM & SL
      • The starting sets are all similar in terms of def & stats required.
  • [UPDATED] Reworked the defense on all bok+1~bok+4 sets in a way that it is balanced for all classes:
    • BoK+1 Armor DEF:
      • GL: 20
      • SM: 20
      • SUM: 20
      • LEM: 21
      • KM: 21
      • DL: 22
      • ELF: 23
      • RW: 23
      • GC: 24
      • BK: 25
      • IK: 26
      • SL: 26
      • RF: 28
      • MG: 30
        • Then bok+2 has +6 def compared to bok+1, bok+3 has +8 def compared to bok+2 and bok+4 has +11 def compared to bok+3.
          • Exception: RF & MG that have a 25% boost on their difference between tiers. (+7/+10/+13).
        • For the set pieces values goes like this:
          • Pants -5 DEF compared to ARMOR.
          • Helm -8 DEF compared to ARMOR.
          • Boots -10 DEF compared to ARMOR.
          • Gloves -12 DEF compared to ARMOR.
  • [UPDATED] Shops Tier 1 now contains the starting set of each class.
  • [UPDATED] Shops Tier 2 now contains the BoK+1 set for each class.
  • [UPDATED] Manually reworked the non-exc drops from monsters as following:
    • Starting zones: Low items that aren't on BoKs/Medals.
    • BoK+1 Set Items: Devias -> LostTower7/Atlans3.
    • BoK+1 Weapons/Extras: Devias -> Aida2/Tarkan2.
    • BoK+2 Set Items: Tarkan1/Aida1 -> Kanturu2/Karutan1.
    • BoK+2 Weapons/Extras: Icarus -> Kanturu Relics/Karutan2/Kalima6.
    • BoK+3 Set Items: Kanturu3 -> Kanturu Relics/Karutan2/Kalima6.
    • BoK+3 Weapons/Extras: Raklion/Vulcanus/Kalima7 -> Debenter.
    • BoK+4 Set Items: Raklion/Vulcanus/Kalima7 -> Debenter.
    • Bloodangel Set Items: Uruk Mountain -> Ferea.
    • Darkangel Set Items: Nars -> Old Kethothum.
    • Holyangel Set Items: Nixies Lake -> DeepDungeon5.
    • Soul Set Items: Swamp of Dark -> Cubera Mine.
    • Blue Eye Set Items: Atlans Abyss 1 -> Atlans Abyss 3.
    • Silver Heart Set Items: Scorched Canyon -> Crimson Icarus.
    • Manticore Set Items: Arnil Temple -> Gray Aida.
    • Brilliant Set Items: Burning Kethothum -> Kanturu Underground.
    • Apocalypse Set Items: Ignis Volcano.
      • Options:
        • Low Items: Level 0, 0% chance for luck, 0% chance for ADD.
        • BoK+1~2 Set Items & Weapons/Extras: Level 2~4, 10% chance for luck, 1% chance for ADD4.
        • BoK+3~4 Set Items & BoK+3 Weapons/Extras: Level 1~3, 15% chance for luck, 1.5% chance for ADD4.
        • Bloodangel -> Apocalypse Items: Level 1~5, 15% chance for luck, 0.5% chance for ADD4.
  • [UPDATED] Big rework on all spot monsters:
    • All spots monsters now have a respawn of 10s.
    • Attack Range of spot monsters updated:
      •  Melee Monsters - range 1 (all)
      •  Range Monsters - range 3 from starting maps up to Aida2/Tarkan2 and range 2 from Icarus to Ignis Volcano.
    • All spot monsters levels and exp levels have been touched so there's a clear, linear progression from the weakest map up to the best map.
    • All spot monsters now have their level on name (that only dictactes the drop, no the exp, but the rule is that the higher the "drop" level the higher the exp level as well).
    • Monsters from same level maps now have the same level & exp level (and will have the same stats when we do them).
    • All levelling maps now have a maximum of 4 MOB types (most of them having 3 types) - with few exceptions (like devias).
    • Each levelling map now has a clear progression path (weaker mob types closer to warps -> the longer you move the better the mob type combinations).
    • There are clear rules of how mob types are spread into a map as following:
    • For maps with 3 mob types:
      • 40% of spots -> Mob type 1 spot (weakest)
      • 25% of spots -> Mob type 1 + Mob type 2 spot
      • 20% of spots -> Mob type 2 + Mob type 3 spot
      • 15% of spots -> Mob type 3 spot (strongest)
    • For maps with 4 mob types:
      • 40% of spots -> Mob type 1 spot (weakest)
      • 25% of spots -> Mob type 1 + Mob type 2 spot
      • 20% of spots -> Mob type 2 + Mob type 3 spot
      • 15% of spots -> Mob type 3 + Mob type 4 spot (strongest)
    • IMPORTANT!!! The restructure of mobs from maps is not fully done yet, still missing few maps.
  • [ADDED] Implemented a new concept: Shared Drops
    • If a consumable is picked-up from a monster drop (on spot) and the player that is pick-ing it up is in a party, everyone from party that is in the 10x10 range of the picker will also receive that consumable.
      • Example: rDy, Mario, BMG and PressPlay are in a party. rDy, Mario and BMG are on spot, PressPlay is in safe-zone. rDy is picking up a Jewel of Bless -> Mario & BMG are also receiving a Jewel of Bless, but PressPlay does not.
    • There's also a "Bonus" feature:
      • If 4 players of the same party are on spot (in 10x10 range), there's a 25% chance when a consumable is picked-up that one random player from those 4 is receiving 2x from that consumable.
      • If 5 players of the same party are on spot (in 10x10 range), there's a 40% chance when a consumable is picked-up that one random player from those 5 is receiving 2x from that consumable.
    • Currently the consumables that are part of "Shared Drops" are:
      • Jewel of Bless
      • Jewel of Soul
      • Jewel of Chaos
      • Jewel of Life
      • Jewel of Creation
      • Gemstone
      • Elemental Rune
    • The feature tries to touch multiple "issues":
      • Lower the gap between ALT farm and NORMAL, random solo players (which usually have like 1/5 chance of getting something while a random ALT gets 100% of the drops).
      • Reduce the frustrations for those that have higher PING and can't really compete for drops with people that have normal ping.
      • Get rid of the "fights" between permanent parties for splitting the drops. 
  • [UPDATED] Level entries for events to match the new S18 P3 progression:
    • BC/DS/CC/Doppelganger:
      • [1]: 250~399 
      • [2]: 400~549 
      • [3]: 550~699 
      • [4]: 700~899 
      • [5]: 900~1099
      • [6]: 1100~1299
      • [7]: 1300+   
    • IT: 
      • [1]: 250~399 
      • [2]: 400~699 
      • [3]: 700~999 
      • [4]: 1000~1299
      • [5]: 1300+   
  • [UPDATED] Guardian Tier 4 level is now 1350 instead of 1400.
  • [UPDATED] Corrected / improved lots of texts.
  • [UPDATED] Invasions numbers and maps:
    • Goldens: 
      • Box of Kundun + 1: 10x Knights in Dungeon(1-3), 8x Vepars in Atlans(1-3).
      • Box of Kundun + 2: 9x Tantalos in Tarkan(1-2), 7x Golems in Aida(1-2).
      • Box of Kundun + 3: 8x Satyros in Kanturu(1-3), 6x Soldiers in Karutan2.
      • Box of Kundun + 4: 8x Iron Knight in Raklion, 4x Twin Tale in Relics.
      • Special: 1x Budge Dragon in Lorencia, 1x Budge Dragon in Devias(1-4), 1x Budge Dragon in Noria, 1x Budge Dragon in Elbeland(1-3).
      • Special: 1x Derkon in LostTower(1-7), 1x Derkon in Karutan1.
      • Special: 1x GGD in Acheron (Alkmaar or Ubaid, randomly), 1x GGD in Vulcanus.
    • Elite Monsters:
      • Ferea: 4x Elite Monsters.
      • Old Kethothum: 4x Elite Monsters.
      • Nixies Lake: 4x Elite Monsters.
      • Deep Dungeon 1-5: 3x Elite Monsters in each Deep Dungeon.
      • Swamp of Darkness: 4x Elite Monsters.
      • Atlans Abyss 3: 4x Elite Monsters.
    • MUUN Monsters:
      • 10x in Vulcanus, 10x in Swamp, 8x in Ferea, 6x in Old Kethothum and 6x in Nixies Lake.
  • [UPDATED] Removed global kill message from Rabbits & MUUN Monsters.
  • [UPDATED] Improved /invasion command:
    • All messages are now shown on the global screen (middle).
    • Monster counts can now be seen for both sub-servers under any sub-server (you can see both normal & gens maps monsters left).
    • Added color for the monster counts so they can be seen more easily.
  • [UPDATED] Newly created characters now start with new default, custom Helper basic settings, including the most important item-picks.
  • [UPDATED] Progression diagram:
    • ProgressionDiagram.png
  • [ADDED] Statistics for all jewels from monsters drop, shared drops and bonus jewel drops, all of them being split in early maps statistics, mid maps statistic and late maps statistics.
    • This will help us to more easily adjust inflation/deflation of jewels drops based on real game data.
  • [ADDED] Implemented a new concept: Shared Pools
    • Balgass, Medusa, Selupan, Lord Silvester, Core Magriffy, Nix, Lord of Ferea & God of Darkness now have a Shared Pool of Credits & RUUD.
    • Basically, there's a higher number of RUUD & Credits given when the boss dies but the amount of RUUD & Credits given are equally split between the players that are in range of the boss when it dies.
      • Example: Medusa has a Shared Pool of 120 Credits & 1000 RUUD. If there are 5 players in Medusa's range when she dies, each of them receive 24 Credits & 200 RUUD. If there's only one player in range when she dies, the player will receive 120 Credits & 1000 RUUD.
  • [UPDATED] Implemented Credits & RUUD for most of the PvM monsters:
    • Gold Rabbit - 3 credits & 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • MUUN Monsters - 5 credits - 80~120 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • BoK+1 Goldens - 3 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • BoK+2 Goldens - 4 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • BoK+3 Goldens - 5 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • BoK+4 Goldens - 6 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Golden Budge Dragon - 10 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Golden Derkon - 15 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • GGD - 20 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Elite Monsters - 10 credits - 80~120 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • WW Orcs - 4 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • WW - 15 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Cursed Dragon - 25 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Death Skeleton - 10 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for LAST HIT
    • Death King - 30 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Nightmare - 40 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Kundun - 40 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Illusions of Kundun - 10 credits - 20~40 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Bloody Witch Queen - 50 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Balgass - Shared Pool of 500 credits - Shared Pool of 3000 RUUD
    • Dark Elf - 30 credits - 50~75 RUUD (random value) - for MOST DAMAGE
    • Medusa - Shared Pool of 120 credits - Shared Pool of 1000 RUUD
    • Selupan - Shared Pool of 120 credits - Shared Pool of 1000 RUUD
    • Lord Silvester - Shared Pool of 160 credits - Shared Pool of 2500 RUUD
    • Core Magriffy - Shared Pool of 160 credits - Shared Pool of 2500 RUUD
    • Nix - Shared Pool of 200 credits - Shared Pool of 4000 RUUD
    • Lord of Ferea - Shared Pool of 200 credits - Shared Pool of 4000 RUUD
    • God of Darkness - Shared Pool of 200 credits - Shared Pool of 4000 RUUD
    • World Bosses: 50 Credits each eligible participant - 200 RUUD each eligible participant
  • [UPDATED] Implemented most of the item drops:
    • BC/DS+1 mats: Monsters level 81~123 - Icarus up to Ubaid (included).
    • BC/DS+2 mats: Monsters level 124~167 - Swamp up to Ferea (included).
    • BC/DS+3 mats: Monsters level 159~200 - Ferea up to Nixies (included).
    • BC/DS+4 mats: Monsters level 192~263 - Nixies up to Swamp of Dark (included).
    • BC/DS+5 mats: Monsters level 249~335 - Swamp of Darkup to Scorched Canyon (included).
    • BC/DS+6 mats: Monsters level 325~491 - Scorched Canyon up to Burning Kethothum (included).
    • BC/DS+7 mats: Monsters level 479+ - Burning Kethothum up to Ignis Volcano (included).
    • Symbol of Kundun + 1~7: Monsters level 19~211 - Devias up to Deep Dungeon 5 (included).
    • Sign of Dimensions: Monsters level 81+ - Icarus up to Ignis Volcano (included).
    • Varka Ticket: Monsters level 203+ - Deep Dungeon 1 up to Ignis Volcano (included).
    • Sign of Lord - Monsters level 62+.
    • Pumpkin of Luck - Monsters level 19~146 - Devias up to Acheron - Uruk Mountain (included).
    • Silver Medal - Monsters level 19~91 - Devias up to Kanturu2/Karutan1 (included).
    • Gold Medal - Monsters level 92~146 - Kanturu3 up to Acheron - Uruk Mountain (included).
    • Non-Exc Rings/Pendants 2-4% HP Recovery (or 10% Mana/10% AG) - Monsters level 19~117 - Devias up to Vulcanus (included).
    • Uniria - Monsters level 1~81 - All maps up to Icarus (included).
    • Guardian Angel - Monsters level 1~123 - All maps up to Acheron - Ubaid (included).
    • IMP - Monsters level 43~145 - Dungeon3 up to Acheron - Uruk Mountain (included).
    • Rudolf - Monsters level 43~317 - Dungeon3 up to Atlans Abyss 3 (included).
    • Mithril Fragment - Monsters level 95+.
    • Moonstone Pendant - Kanturu Relics (any monster).
    • Pentagrams Tier 1 - Monsters level 95~135 - Alkmaar up to Acheron - Debenter (included).
    • Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos - Monsters level 19+ - The higher the map the higher the drop rate as following:
      • Boost 1: Monsters level 78+.
      • Boost 2: Monsters level 108+.
      • Boost 3 (higher boost): Monsters level 159+.
      • Boost 4: Monsters level 212+.
      • Boost 5 (higher boost): Monsters level 325+.
      • Boost 6: Monsters level 479+.
    • Jewel of Life - Monsters level 71+ - The higher the map the higher the drop rate as following: 
      • Boost 1: Monsters level 108+.
      • Boost 2 (higher boost): Monsters level 159+.
      • Boost 3: Monsters level 212+.
      • Boost 4 (higher boost): Monsters level 325+.
      • Boost 5: Monsters level 479+.
    • Special Consumables drops:
      • Jewel of Creation:
        • Tarkan1/2.
        • Karutan1.
        • Karutan2.
        • Acheron - Alkmaar.
        • Kalima6.
        • Raklion.
        • Kalima7.
        • Acheron - Uruk Mountain.
        • Ferea.
        • Old Kethothum.
        • Deep Dungeon 5.
        • Swamp of Dark.
        • Atlans Abyss 2.
        • Atlans Abyss 3.
        • Crimson Icarus.
        • Burning Kethohum.
      • Gemstone:
        • Kanturu3.
        • Kanturu Relics.
        • Swamp of Peace.
        • Old Kethothum.
        • Deep Dungeon 1.
        • Deep Dungeon 3.
        • Cubera Mine 1-5.
        • Scorched Canyon.
        • Gray Aida.
        • Kanturu Underground.
      • Elemental Rune:
        • Acheron - Ubaid.
        • Acheron - Debenter.
        • Ferea.
        • Deep Dungeon 2.
        • Deep Dungeon 4.
        • Atlans Abyss 1.
        • Atlans Abyss 3.
        • Arnil Temple.
        • Ignis Volcano.
      • Sphere:
        • Vulcanus.
        • Acheron - Uruk Mountain.
        • Acheron - Nars.
        • Deep Dungeon 5.
    • Special Items drops:
      • Magic Backpack:
        • Tarkan1/2.
        • Kanturu2.
        • Acheron - Debenter.
        • Ferea.
        • Old Kethothum.
      • Dark Horse & Dark Raven Spirits:
        • Aida1/2.
        • Kanturu1.
        • Acheron - Ubaid.
      • Loch Feather & Monarch Crest:
        • Icarus.
        • Karutan1.
        • Raklion.
      • Fenrir Mats (Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian, Claw of Beast):
        • Acheron - Alkmaar.
        • Kalima6.
        • Acheron - Uruk Mountain.
      • Condor Flame:
        • Vulcanus.
        • Swamp of Peace.
        • Acheron - Nars.
        • Nixies Lake.
    • Note: For Special drops the higher the map the higher the drop rate.
    • What is missing so far and it is open to discussions:
      • Class skills & tiers.
      • Any other drop you may consider a good idea to be added OR removed.

Good, fast, cheap - you can only pick 2!


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