Administrators rDy Posted March 4, 2023 Administrators Share Posted March 4, 2023 Release date: 04.03.2023 at 16:50 - A small server restart will be needed. Note: You need to update the client via Launcher (PlayZenith.exe). Legend: [FIXED] - Something was fixed/resolved (that wasn't correctly working before OR was bugged/misconfigured/not working as expected). [ADDED] - Something was added into the game that previously wasn't there (new feature/system/item/command/event/etc.) [UPDATED] - Something was changed/improved/edited/updated (in most of cases if it is not something FIXED or something ADDED then it is UPDATED) [DOCUMENTED] - This is a PRE-TAG for any of the tags from above, and it means that the fix/addition/update was already UP before the patch but only now made public. Changelog: [FIXED] Items like socket necklace, blood casting mold, etc. showing as some other item in website. [ADDED] Website images for Illusion Knight. [ADDED] All weapons, set weapons, wings, earrings, pentagrams, socket necklaces & skills item images on website. Note: Currently missing IK's brilliant weapon & apoc set icons as well as some consumables / crafting items images. [UPDATED] Profile images for all characters (delete cache from browser to correctly see them). [ADDED] Optional note when selling items on Market - you can type anything related to your sale, leave your main char name for contact, specify what other item you can trade with, etc. [UPDATED] Removed Elf Soldier from BC & DS. [ADDED] Vault in BC & DS. [UPDATED] Official Info topic from forum -> "Events, Invasions, Bosses & Activities" is now fully updated for official (outside of the "To be continued" parts). [FIXED] Bonus System message. [UPDATED] Small Wings now show the real increase damge % and absorb % values. [UPDATED] Shared Drops no longer "share the jewel" with characters in off-attack mode (and neither the bonus). [UPDATED] Shared Boss Pools no longer "share the RUUD/Credits" with characters in off-attack mode. [UPDATED] Official Event Hours: CC: 00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00. BC: 00:15, 02:15, 04:15, 06:15, 08:15, 10:15, 12:15, 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15. DOP: 00:40, 04:40, 08:40, 12:40, 16:40, 20:40. DS: 01:05, 03:05, 05:05, 07:05, 09:05, 11:05, 13:05, 15:05, 17:05, 19:05, 21:05, 23:05. IT: 01:40, 05:40, 09:40, 13:40, 17:40, 21:40. Rabbits & MUUNs Invasion: 00:20, 06:20, 12:20, 18:20. White Wizards Invasion: 02:45, 08:45, 14:45, 20:45. Goldens & Elites Invasion: 01:xx, 05:xx, 09:xx, 13:xx, 17:xx, 21:xx. Bonus System: 03:30, 11:30, 19:30 [45 minutes]. Death Skeletons Invasion: 09:10, 21:10. Medusa: 11:15, 23:15. Acheron Guardian: 08:20, 20:20. Arena Tournament: 19:40. Crywolf Event: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday | 22:50. World Bosses: Wednesday, Friday & Sunday | 22:50. Castle Siege: Saturday 17:00. Arca War: Sunday 17:00. [UPDATED] Official Event Entries: BC & DS: 1 Entry (+1 for VIP Dealer/PRO) per Character. CC: 2 Entries (+1 for VIP Dealer/PRO) per Character. Imperial: 1 Entry (+1 for VIP PRO) per Character. DOP & IT: 1 Entry per Character. [UPDATED] Doppelganger Event: Only full parties (5 characters) can join the Event. Only last man slotted in party can start the Event. Everyone from party must be in the same level range for the event. Everyone from party must be in the same map (Event Square) for the event. Note: NPC will let you know if any of the checks fails. At the end of the normal PvM part (10 minutes), there is an extra PvP round that lasts for 3 minutes (and starts 1 minute after the PvM part is over). If during the PvP round from each Doppelganger Level (1~7) only 1 party remains alive (all other characters from the rest of parties are killed) then the party will win an additional reward. In order for the bonus reward to be given, the survivor party must have at least 1 player kill. Note: PvP is disabled during the PvM part. [UPDATED] Implemented the following event rewards: Elite Monsters: 71% chance for 1x Socket Item Tier 1 - 15% chance for 1x Socket Upgrade Note - 10% chance for 1x Fragment of Radiance (1-4) - 4% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Left] + 5x Mithril / 10x Elemental Rune / 1x TOCA / 1x Elemental TOCA / 1x Elemental TOL + 40% chance for 1x Steel of Heaven as extra drop. MUUN Monsters: 1x MUUN Egg (43% chance for 1x Normal MUUN - 25% chance for 1x Premium MUUN - 20% chance for 1x Evolution Stone - 8% chance for 1x MUUN Energy Converter - 3% chance for 1x Brave MUUN - 1% chance for 1x Mount MUUN) + 12x Bless / 8x Soul / 5x Chaos / 4x Life / 3x Creation. Death Bones: 1x Magic Backpack + 3x Chaos. Balgass Free for All Reward: 1x Radiance Slot Expansion + 1x BC Ticket (10x) + 1x DS Ticket (10x) + 2x Condor Flame that anyone can pick, at random locations near Balgass (in 12x12 range). Balgass Most Damage Reward: 1x Fragment of Radiance Slot (1~4). Acheron Guardian: Boss Monsters: 50% chance for 1x Pentagram Tier 2 | Normal Monsters: 6% chance for 1x Pentagram Tier 2 | Obelisks winners: 1x Earring T1 [Left] + { 10x Mithril / 30x Elemental Rune }. DS1: Mithrils in drop & 1x Box of Ancients as Participation Reward. DS2: Pentagrams Tier 2 in drop & 1~2x Mithril + 5x Sphere Upgrade Rune as Participation Reward. DS3: Socket Upgrade Notes in drop & 10x Elemental Rune as Participation Reward. DS4: Steel of Heaven in drop & 50% chance for 1x Fragment of Resurrection - 25% chance for 1x Elemental TOCA - 25% chance for 1x Elemental TOL as Participation Reward. DS5: Fragment of Resurrection in drop & 1x Mysterious Stone as Participation Reward. DS6: Fragment of Radiance (1-4) in drop & 4x Golden Sentence as Participation Reward. DS7: Exc. Manticore / Brilliant OFF-Set Item/Shield in drop & 70% chance for 5x Guardian Upgrade Stone - 30% chance for 2x Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone as Participation Reward [UPDATED] Implemented NS Box chances on the following places: Gold Rabbits - 1% chance - Early. BoK+1 Goldens - 1% chance - Early. BoK+2 Goldens - 1.5% chance - Early. Orcs - 2% chance - Early. BoK+3 Goldens - 2% chance - Early. BoK+4 Goldens - 2.5% chance - Early. Golden Budge - 4% chance - Early. Illusion of Kundun - 5% chance - Early. Golden Derkon - 7% chance - Early. GGD - 9% chance - Early. Whie Wizard - 9% chance - Early. Dark Elves (Balgass) - 15% chance - Early. Death Bones - 20% chance - Early. Cursed Dragon - 25% chance - Early. Death King - 25% chance - Early. Nightmare - 30% chance - Early. Kundun - 30% chance - Early. CC1 - 15% chance - Early. CC2 - 30% chance - Early. BC2 - 4% chance - Early. Acheron Guardian Bosses - 5% Early. MUUN Monsters - 2.5% chance - Mid. Elite Monsters - 4% chance - Mid. CC3 - 30% chance - 10% Mid - 20% Early. CC4 - 30% chance - 20% Mid - 10% Early. CC5 - 30% chance - Mid. BC3 - 4% chance - 1.5% Mid - 2.5% Early. BC4 - 4% chance - 2.5% Mid - 1.5% Early. BC5 - 4% chance - Mid. Acheron Guardian Obelisk - 10% Mid. CC6 - 30% chance - 15% Late - 15% Mid. CC7 - 30% chance - Late. BC6 - 4% chance - 1.5% Late - 2.5% Mid. BC7 - 6% chance - 2.5% Late - 3.5% Mid. The following NS Box chances & places are decided but not yet implemented: DOP2 - 4% chance - Early - Golden Chest - everyone from party. IT1 - 4% chance - Early - All participants. IT2 - 7% chance - Early - All participants. World Bosses Participation Reward - 20% chance - Early. DOP3 - 4% chance - 1.5% Mid Box - 2.5% Early Box - Golden Chest - everyone from party. DOP4 - 4% chance - 2.5% Mid Box - 1.5% Early Box - Golden Chest - everyone from party. DOP5 - 4% chance - 4% Mid Box - Golden Chest - everyone from party. IT3 - 7% chance - 3.5% Mid - 3.5% Early - All participants. DOP6 - 3% Mid Box - 1% Late Box - Golden Chest - everyone from party. DOP7 - 2% Mid Box - 2% Late Box - Golden Chest - everyone from party. IT4 - 7% chance - 2% Late - 5% Mid - All participants. IT5 - 7% chance - 4% Late - 3% Mid - All participants. Hybrid Events that will give NS Boxes based on the stage of the game (Early in first weeks, Mid after, etc.): Arena Tournament - Early / Mid / Late Boxes - Participation chance / Performance chance increase / Guaranteed TOP3. NSGM - Early / Mid Boxes with 5% chance for participation. Weekly Imperial - Mid & Late boxes based on weekly rank. Castle Siege NetWorth - Early / Mid Boxes with chance based on NetWorth (minimum chance being 10%). Arca War - To be continued. [ADDED] Introduced 3 ways of "active farm": 1. Treasure Hunt There are 25~60 Chests spawning outside of Safe-Zones in Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lost Tower, Aida, Kanturu, Karutan2 & Raklion. The number of Chests spawned are equally spread between the available spawn maps. Out of the 15~40 Chests, 85% are Silver Chests and 15% are Golden Chests. Silver Chest reward: 93.5% chance for 2x Bless / 2x Soul / 2x Life / 2x Chaos / 1x Mithril - 6.5% chance for 1x NS Jewel / 1x TOCA / 1x ETOC / 1x ETOL + 5~10 RUUD + 1 Credit + 1% chance for Early NS Box as extra reward. Golden Chest reward: 85% chance for 4x Bless / 4x Soul / 4x Life / 4x Chaos / 4x Elemental Rune / 4x Sphere Upgrade Rune / 2x Creation / 2x Gemstone / 1x Mithril - 15% chance for 1x NS Jewel / 1x TOCA / 1x ETOC / 1x ETOL + 25~50 RUUD + 3 Credits + 5% chance for Early NS Box as extra reward. In order to claim their rewards you must have a Silver Key (for Silver Chests) or a Gold Key (for Golden Chests) and simply find them and click them. Silver & Gold Keys can be found on any monster starting from Devias. Note: There's a 3 second Global Cooldown on all clicks on Chests. The Chests are refreshed every 4 hours at a random minute and announced globally. Hours when they can refresh: 02:xx, 06:xx, 10:xx, 14:xx, 18:xx, 22:xx. 2. Mining System There are 40~100 Nodes spawning in Safe-Zones of Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lost Tower, Atlans, Tarkan, Aida, Kanturu 1, Karutan 1, Kanturu 3, Acheron, Kanturu Relics, Raklion, Vulcanus & Swamp of Peace. The number of Nodes spawned are equally spread between the available spawn maps. Out of the 40~100 Nodes, 65% are Blue Nodes, 25% are Purple Nodes & 10% are Gold Nodes. You need Pandora Pick in order to start mining. Pandora Pick can be bought from Lorencia Bar and it has 1 Durability. The cost is 15kk Zen. Each mining attempt consumes a different amount of Durability from the Pandora Pick as following: 1 Durability - Blue Nodes attempt. 2 Durability - Purple Nodes attempt. 4 Durability - Gold Nodes attempt. The Pandora Pick's Durability can be increased by using Jewel of Bless on it. Each Jewel of Bless adds +4 Durability. Each mining attempt has a 70% chance to success and 30% chance to fail. There are 5 stages of mining for each node: Stage 1 - if successful you get 1x Jewel based on the node type. Stage 2 - if successful you get 2x Jewels based on the node type. Stage 3 - if successful you get 3x Jewels based on the node type. Stage 4 - if successful you get 4x Jewels based on the node type. Stage 5 - if successful you get 5x Jewels based on the node type. Failing at any stage means losing all the Jewels you acquired until then. After each successful stage, you have the choice to either continue mining or to collect the current reward. Even if you have a failed attempt, you will still get the guaranteed rewards. Blue Nodes reward: Collected Jewel: Bless Guaranteed Reward: 5~10 RUUD + 1 Credit + 0.5% chance for Early NS Box. Purple Nodes reward: Collected Jewel: Creation Guaranteed Reward: 15~30 RUUD + 2 Credits + 1% chance for Early NS Box. Gold Nodes reward: Collected Jewel: Harmony Guaranteed Reward: 25~50 RUUD + 3 Credits + 2% chance for Early NS Box. The Nodes are refreshed every 4 hours at a random minute and announced globally. Hours when they can refresh: 00:xx, 04:xx, 08:xx, 12:xx, 16:xx, 20:xx. 3. Lucky Hunt There are 10 Fortune Pouch monsters that can be found in Crywolf. They have a respawn time of 8~15 minutes after they are killed. Reward: 1x Bless / 1x Soul / 1x Life / 1x Chaos / 1x Creation / 1x Gemstone / 1x Mithril + 10~20 RUUD + 1 Credit + 1% chance for Early NS Box. [ADDED] /active command - you can use it to see what you can actively farm at that moment and it contains info related to Chests, Mine Nodes & Fortune Pouches. Good, fast, cheap - you can only pick 2! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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