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Accounts | Characters | Guilds | Game Masters | Online | Active in 24H |
1957 | 2129 | 20 | 3 | 0 | 0 |
DW | DK | ELF | SUM | MG | DL | RF | GL | RW | SL | GC | KM | LEM | IK |
22 (7%) | 24 (8%) | 29 (10%) | 15 (5%) | 28 (9%) | 27 (9%) | 8 (3%) | 15 (5%) | 10 (3%) | 20 (7%) | 18 (6%) | 17 (6%) | 22 (7%) | 45 (15%) |
Full information about the Server: HERE
Season: 18 Episode 3.
Normal Exp (1-400): Dynamic 8-15x - starts with very low exp and goes to higher exp as game progress.
Note: The number of mobs on spots also gets higher as the game progresses.
Example: Lowest maps have 4 mobs on spots, highest maps have 10 mobs on spots.
Master EXP (400+): Dynamic 20-35x - starts low & goes higher or lower as you advance in Master Levels.
Note: Master Exp can be gained on any monsters over level 110.
Note2: Majestic Exp can be gained on any monsters over level 190.
Gameplay: Non-Reset.
Maximum Level: 1500 (400 Normal + 1100 Master).
Drop: 15%.
Max Add on Items: 28.
Party Exp System:
The following exp rates will be applied no matter the races that are in party:
Solo = 100%.
2 Players = 102%.
3 Players = 105%.
4 Players = 108%.
5 Players = 112%.
Now, when there are ONLY 4 people in party, but all of them different races (Perfect Party):
Everyone gets a "seal" with +5% EXP from the 4 man base exp (108%).
If there are 5 people in party, and all of them different races (Perfect Party):
Everyone gets a "seal" with +7% EXP from the 5 man base exp (112%).
In order to apply the seal, a player from party must be in the 10x10 range of PM.
If PM hasn't at least 1 other player from party in his 10x10 range, he won't get the seal alone.
So: Leaving from the spot means losing your seal, but others on spot near PM does not lose it.
If PM leaves spot and he's alone, nobody have a seal anymore, including the PM.
All events working with nice rewards and adjusted difficulties (& custom additions).
Guild System: Maximum 20 players in a guild for all classes.
Note: Level needed to create a guild is 100.
Note2: Maximum amount of players in guild will be raised as the game progress.
Alliance System: Maximum 2 guilds in an alliance.
Note: Alliance can join the CS as well with the same rights as main guild.
Note2: There can only be 25/40 players at CS per alliance, with minimum 10 being from main guild.
Note3: Maximum amount of players per alliance at CS will be raised as the game progress.
Elf Soldier Buff: Up to level 200 (or higher with VIP).
Limited Connections: Maximum of 2 accounts on same IP/HWID.
Note: Energy Elves & Lemuria Buffers are removed from gameplay so you can have 1 main + 1 alt/farmer.
Note2: The Energy Elf build is made only for Castle Siege using a free stats rebuild before each CS.
Shops for a low exp server.
Limited HP & Mana stacks: Maximum of 9 HP pots and 30 Mana pots (for PvP and PvM experience).
All characters are unlocked from level 1.
Reconnect System fully working.
Play2Win System: No Web-Shop, no Cash-Shop, only VIP System (without VIP Server) & Web-Credits.
Helper from level 1.
Party Exp Gap: 100 Levels.
Max Level to delete a Character: 350. To delete chars over level 350 you need to contact us.
OFF-Attack: Active for everyone, 5 hours no auto-pick (VIP can boost its duration and can add auto-pick).
Quest 3 is reworked and is no longer based on RNG drop.
You will automatically get your Quest 3 item after killing 75x monsters from each of the 3 quest monsters.
Small Wings are nerfed compared to Wings Level 1.
There is no reset stats on website! So be careful with how you add your points!
You can only reset stats with Reset Fruits farmed in-game.
PK clear is off, so if you want to PK you must also wait 20-60 minutes to clear and/or you must kill mobs.
Full information about the Server: HERE
Name | Level | Skype | ||
rDyNS | Administrator | - | - | - | Mario | MU-Team | - | - | - | BMGG | MU-Team | - | - | - | PressPlay | MU-Team | - | - | - |