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Everything posted by PressPlay

  1. Core Magriffy - The Nars Doom Bringer Lore Location & Schedule The boss can be found in Acheron - Nars - in his room that is reached by entering the Boss Gate located at {180, 150}. It will respawn every 8 hours after it is killed. Stats Difficulty Tier: Mid-Game Health Damage Defense Defense Rate Attack Rate Attack Range Attack Speed 85.000.000 7.500 ~ 8.000 1.650 5.200 7.400 3 1 hit / 1.4 seconds Elemental Damage Elemental Defense Elemental Defense Rate Elemental Attack Rate 2.500 ~ 3.000 900 970 4.400 Skills & Mechanics POISON Regular attacks have a chance to poison the target. TWISTER Launches multiple Tornadoes around the boss that will damage and knock back the characters around them. SHOUT Deals AoE damage while knocking back the hit characters. CLONE Creates a copy of the boss that has a random elemental aspect. The clone is identical to the boss and while it is active, the real Boss will be hidden. The fake boss will use the same skills as the real boss. LIFE REGENERATION Recovers an amount of his HP every second, if no character is around him. Requirements & Restrictions Only characters over level 700 can enter the boss room and the recommended level is 800+. Open-Entry: Anyone can participate in Core Magriffy while he is alive. Boss Type: PvP - PK is enabled and it is free in Core Magriffy's room. You can use Summon (DL) inside Core Magriffy's room but not in Nars, as long as the boss is alive. Extra Information & Mechanics PK is allowed in the entire Core Magriffy location while he is alive. Core Magriffy's Push range is 4 tiles. Rewards - Reward: 1x Pentagram Tier 3 + 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 1 + 20x Lapidary Stone + 40% chance for 1x Awakening Soul - 13% chance for 1x Soul Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 15% chance for 1x Glory Casting Mold - 12% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 33% chance for 50x Sphere Upgrade Rune - 33% chance for 20x Chaos - 34% chance for 15x Creation. - Shared Pool of 160 CREDITS & 2500 RUUD per kill. Tips & Tricks To be continued... Credits: Adapted by NewSquad. The information matches our Zenith server.
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