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[Zenith] Official Information (everything you need to know)


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NewSquadMU - Project Zenith - Info

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Basic Info

  • Season: 18 Episode 3.
  • EXP Rates:
    • Normal EXP (Lv. 1-400): Dynamic 2-5x - starts very low and it increased as you advance in Levels, up to 400.
    • Master EXP (Lv. 400-800): Dynamic 6-12x - starts high and it is decreased then increased again as you advance in Master Levels, up to 800.
      • Note: Master Exp can be gained on any monsters over level 110.
    • Majestic EXP (Lv. 800+): Dynamic 50-350x - starts low and it is increased then decreased again as you advance in Master Levels.
      • Note: Majestic Exp can be gained on any monsters over level 142.
    • Note: The number of monsters from spots is increased as the game progresses.
      • Example: The lowest maps have 4 monsters on spots, the highest maps have 10 monsters on spots.
  • Gameplay: Non-Reset.
  • Maximum Level: 1500 (400 Normal + 1100 Master).
  • Drop: 15%.
  • Max ADD on Items: 28.
  • Party Exp System: 
    • The following exp rates will be applied no matter the races that are in the party:
      • Solo = 100%.
      • 2 Players = 102%.
      • 3 Players = 105%.
      • 4 Players = 108%.
      • 5 Players = 112%.
    • Now, when there are ONLY 4 people in a party, but all of them different races (Perfect Party):
      • Everyone gets a "seal" with +5% EXP from the 4-man base exp (108%).
    • If there are 5 people in a party, and all of them different races (Perfect Party):
      • Everyone gets a "seal" with +7% EXP from the 5-man base exp (112%).
    • To apply the seal, a player from the party must be in the 10x10 range of PM.
    • If the PM hasn't at least 1 other player from the party in his 10x10 range, he won't get the seal alone.
      • So: Leaving from the spot means losing your seal, but others on the spot near PM do not lose it.
      • If the PM leaves the spot and he's alone, nobody has a seal anymore, including the PM.
  • All events work with nice rewards and adjusted difficulties (& custom additions).
  • Guild System: Maximum 25 players in a guild for all classes.
    • Note: The level needed to create a guild is 100.
  • Alliance System: Maximum 2 guilds in an alliance.
    • Note: Alliance can join the CS as well with the same rights as the main guild.
    • Note2: There can only be 30/50 players at CS per alliance, with a minimum of 10 being from the main guild.
  • Elf Soldier Buff: Up to level 200 (or higher with VIP).
  • Limited Connections: Maximum of 2 accounts on same IP / HWID.
    • Note: Energy Elves & Lemuria Buffers are removed from gameplay so you can have 1 main + 1 alt.
    • Note2: The Energy Elf build can be used only at Castle Siege, using a free stats rebuild before each CS.
  • Shops for a low-exp server.
  • Limited HP & Mana stacks: Maximum of 15 HP (Large) pots stack and 55 Mana (Large) pots stack (for PvP and PvM experience).
  • All characters are unlocked from level 1.
  • Reconnect System fully working.
  • Play2Win System: No Web Shop, no Cash Shop, only VIP System (without VIP Server) & Web-Credits for Premium Modules.
  • Helper from level 1.
  • Max Level to Delete a Character: 350. To delete chars over level 350 you need to contact us.
  • OFF-Attack: Active for everyone, 5 hours no auto-pick (VIP can boost its duration and can add auto-pick).
  • Quest 3 is reworked and is no longer based on RNG drop.
    • You will automatically get your Quest 3 item after killing 40x monsters from each of the 3 quest monsters.
  • Small Wings are nerfed compared to Wings Level 1.
  • You can only reset stats with Reset Fruits farmed in-game.
    • So be careful with how you add your stat points!
  • You can only clear your PK status by killing monsters and/or waiting.

Gameplay Info


NewSquad is going to offer you a nice & unique experience with a build-base, very interesting PvM, and balanced PvP for all classes, that can satisfy any kind of player (passive, farmer, pvp-lover, afk-er, competitive, etc.).

Just as we used you with OldSquad, we're also bringing a lot of innovations with NewSquad!

Energy Elves are eliminated as we used to know them (some must-have-secondary-chars to progress/compete). That means nobody will have to make a secondary EE now - They are USELESS on normal sub-server(s) and can only be played at the Castle Siege Event by using the free /rebuild command!
Lemuria's buffs are also removed from the character.

Zenith is featuring 3 big Stages, each of them having its own content, limitations, and catch-up mechanisms.

Info about Stages

Stage 1 - Level 1~500

This is the initial stage of the server, and the maximum Level that can be achieved during this Stage is 500.
After level 480, the overall EXP rate will be reduced to 16% compared to level 479.

Example: If the normal EXP gained at level 479 is 15.000, when you reach level 480 you will gain only 2.400 EXP (16% of the normal EXP).
The following content is available during this Stage:
- [EVENT] Blood Castle 1 & 2.
- [EVENT] Devil Square 1 & 2.
- [EVENT] Chaos Castle 1 & 2.
- [EVENT] Doppelganger 1 & 2.
- [EVENT] Illusion Temple 1 & 2.
- [EVENT] Crywolf Fortress.
- [EVENT] Castle Siege.
- [INVASION] Rabbits.
- [INVASION] White Wizards.
- [INVASION] Goldens.
- [INVASION] Death Skeletons.
- [BOSS] Cursed Dragon.
- [BOSS] Kundun.
- [BOSS] Nightmare.
- [BOSS] Bloody Witch Queen.
- [ACTIVITY] Treasure Hunt
- [ACTIVITY] Bonus System.
- [EXTRA] Early NS Box.

To complete Stage 1, at least 1 character from each class must reach level 480.
Once the condition is fulfilled, Stage 1 will be over in 4 days.
At the end of these days, characters will be rewarded for their progress during Stage 1, based on their final Level when the Stage is over.
Rewards: 2x Jewel of Creation + 3x Elemental Rune for every gained level after 480.
Example: Finishing the Stage with level 490 will grant you 20x Jewel of Creation + 30x Elemental Rune.

The following content will be released once Stage 1 is over:
- [EVENT] Blood Castle 3 & 4.
- [EVENT] Devil Square 3 & 4.
- [EVENT] Chaos Castle 3 & 4.
- [EVENT] Doppelganger 3 & 4.
- [EVENT] Illusion Temple 3.
- [EVENT] Acheron Guardian.
- [EVENT] Arena Tournament.
- [EVENT] Arca War.
- [INVASION] Elite Monsters.
- [BOSS] Medusa.
- [BOSS] Selupan.
- [ACTIVITY] Mining System.
[ACTIVITY] Lucky Hunt.
[EXTRA] Mercenary Squad.
- [EXTRA] Mid NS Box & Mix.
- [MODIFICATION] Crywolf Fortress difficulty increase.

Stage 2 - Level 501~800

The maximum Level that can be achieved during this Stage is 800.
After level 780, the overall EXP rate will be reduced to 22% compared to level 779.

Example: If the normal EXP gained at level 779 is 50.000, when you reach level 780 you will gain only 11.000 EXP (22% of the normal EXP).

To complete Stage 2, at least 1 character from each class must reach level 780.
Once the condition is fulfilled, Stage 2 will be over in 6 days.
At the end of these days, characters will be rewarded for their progress during Stage 2, based on their final Level when the Stage is over.
Rewards: 10x Elemental Rune + 5x Lapidary Stone for every gained level after 780.
Example: Finishing the Stage with level 790 will grant you 100x Elemental Rune + 50x Lapidary Stone.

The following content will be released once Stage 2 is over:
- [EVENT] Blood Castle 5 & 6.
- [EVENT] Devil Square 5 & 6.
- [EVENT] Chaos Castle 5 & 6.
- [EVENT] Doppelganger 5 & 6.
- [EVENT] Illusion Temple 4.
- [EVENT] Imperial Guardian.
- [EVENT] World Bosses.
- [BOSS] Lord Silvester.
- [BOSS] Core Magriffy.
[EXTRA] Late NS Box & Mix.
[MODIFICATION] Crywolf Fortress difficulty increase.

Stage 3 - Level 801~1100

The maximum Level that can be achieved during this Stage is 1100.
After level 1080, the overall EXP rate will be reduced to 30% compared to level 1079.

Example: If the normal EXP gained at level 1079 is 100.000, when you reach level 1080 you will gain only 30.000 EXP (30% of the normal EXP).

To complete Stage 3, at least 1 character from each class must reach level 1080.
Once the condition is fulfilled, Stage 3 will be over in 8 days.
At the end of these days, characters will be rewarded for their progress during Stage 3, based on their final Level when the Stage is over.
Rewards: 3x Jewel of Harmony + 2x Artifact Enhancement Stone for every gained level after 1080.
Example: Finishing the Stage with level 1090 will grant you 30x Jewel of Harmony + 20x Artifact Enhancement Stone.

The following content will be released once Stage 3 is over:
- [EVENT] Blood Castle 7.
- [EVENT] Devil Square 7.
- [EVENT] Chaos Castle 7.
- [EVENT] Doppelganger 7.
- [EVENT] Illusion Temple 5.
- [EVENT] Maze of Dimensions.
- [BOSS] Lord of Ferea.
- [BOSS] God of Darkness.
- [BOSS] Nix.
- [MODIFICATION] Crywolf Fortress difficulty increase.
- [MODIFICATION] World Bosses difficulty increase.

Progression System



NS Box System

There are 3 special boxes (Early NS Box, Mid NS Box & Late NS Box)

Each NS Box can be obtained on events based on their name.
Basically, Early NS Box can be obtained from Early-Game events / bosses / mini-bosses, and so on.

Each NS Box contains ONLY relevant items/rewards for the content stage where they can be obtained. 
Basically, Early NS Box contains valuable Early-Game items/rewards, and so on.

NS Boxes can't be: Traded, Moved to the Vault, or Moved to the Store (you can only drop them).

There's a Chaos Goblin Mix for the NS Boxes, that will keep them relevant during the entire edition, as follows:
You can craft a Mid NS Box by mixing:
- 3x Early NS Box.
- 3x Jewel of Chaos.
- 3x Jewel of Creation.
- 6x Jewel of Bless.
- 6x Jewel of Soul.
- 40.000.000 Zen.
You can craft a Late NS Box by mixing:
- 3x Mid NS Box.
- 10x Jewel of Chaos.
- 10x Jewel of Creation.
- 15x Jewel of Bless.
- 15x Jewel of Soul.
- 150.000.000 Zen.

This Mix will:
Motivate mid-game / late-game players to still farm early/mid boxes.
Give new chances to average players to get late-game rewards, even if they can't contest the highest events / bosses.
Give new ways of spending jewels & zen to boost the economy.

NS Boxes Rewards

Early NS Box

25% chance - 1x High Tier Ancient Item for the class that drops it.
20% chance - 1x Loch Feather / 1x Monarch Crest based on the class that drops it.
12% chance - 1x Exc. Earring Tier 1 [Left] (level +1~9 | 1 option).
12% chance - 1x Sealed Bloodangel Item for the class that drops it.
9% chance - 1x Condor Flame.
7.5% chance - 2x Piece of Horn.
6% chance - 1x Wings Level 2 (45% chance for luck | 80% chance for 1 option / 20% chance for 2 options) for the class that drops it.
5% chance - 1x Exc. Bloodangel Weapon (25% chance for luck | 20% chance for 2 options) for the class that drops it.
3.5% chance - 1x Exc. 380 Weapon (30% chance for luck | 30% chance for 2 options) for the class that drops it (and only to those that have 380 weapons).

Bonus Reward: Each Early NS Box you drop gives you 20x Cracked Armor Fragments.
Note: You can combine 50x Fragments into a random Cracked Bloodangel Item.

Mid NS Box

16% chance - 1x Broken Horn.
12% chance - 2x Fragments of Radiance (1~4).
11% chance - 1x Exc. Earring Tier 1 [Right] (level +1~9 | 1 option).
10% chance - 1x Darkangel Soul.
10% chance - 1x Holyangel Soul.
9% chance - 1x Forefathers Casting Mold.
8% chance - 1x Glory Casting Mold.
6% chance - 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 1 (65% chance for 2 options / 35% chance for 3 options | 30% chance for 1 slot / 70% chance for 2 slots).
4% chance - 1x Darkangel Anvil.
4% chance - 1x Holyangel Anvil.
4% chance - 1x Pentagram Tier 3 (4x Slots).
3% chance - 1x Archangel Hammer.
3% chance - 1x Seal of Ghost Horse.

Late NS Box

23% chance - 1x Seed Sphere (DD / REF / HP) Level 3.
12% chance - 1x Errtel Emblem.
11% chance - 1x Frost Soul.
11% chance - 1x Silver Heart Soul.
9% chance - 1x Expansion Scroll of Radiance Slot.
6.5% chance - 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 2 (75% chance for 3 options / 25% chance for 4 options | 40% chance for 2 slots / 60% chance for 3 slots).
6% chance - 1x Pentagram Emblem.
5% chance - 1x Frost Anvil.
5% chance - 1x Silver Heart Anvil.
4.5% chance - 1x Garuda Flame.
4% chance - 1x Blood Casting Mold.
3% chance - 1x Seal of Ice Dragon.

They can be obtained on almost any event from our server with a small chance (check event rewards).

Events, Invasions, Bosses & Activities

We are promoting active gameplay, which means the more active a player is, the more rewarded it will be.
We have 4 types of attractions that can be done during online time:

1. Invasions
They happen either at fixed hours or at random hours, based on the invasion.
Some invasions are Hybrid invasions which means they alternate between PvP invasions & Non-PvP invasions.

- PvP Invasions: Free PK near invasion monster (no penalty for killing), while a killed player is respawning close to the invasion monster.
- Non PvP Invasion: Not possible to kill players during the invasion, as long as there is still an invasion monster alive on that map, and 8 seconds after.

Note: When you are in the 14x14 range of an invasion monster you won't be able to drop items from your inventory (like potions). The permission is given back after you leave the monster's range or when it dies. Currently applied to: Rabbits, MUUN Monsters, Goldens, Elite Monsters, WW & Orcs.
Note2: You can use command /invasion whenever there is an invasion and you'll get info about monsters alive.

- Every 6 hours (00:20, 06:20, 12:20, 18:20) - Same time as MUUNs.
- There are 75 Rabbits / Invasion as follows:
15x in Lorencia, 15x in Noria, 10x in Elbeland(1-3), 10x in Devias(1-4) and 10x in Dungeon(1-3), 15x in Atlans (1-3).

- Duration of Invasion: 10 minutes.
- Reward: 12% chance for 1x Reset Fruit - 45% chance for 3x Bless - 38% chance for 2x Soul - 5% chance for 1x NS Jewel + 16% chance for 1x Mithril as extra drop.
Note: You have a 1.5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- You gain 2 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD per kill.

- Every 6 hours (00:20, 06:20, 12:20, 18:20) - Same time as Rabbits.
- There are 44 MUUNs / Invasion as follows:

7x in Vulcanus, 5x in Raklion, 7x in Swamp of Peace, 4x in Debenter, 4x in Uruk Mountain, 6x in Ferea, 5x in Nars, 6x in Old Kethothum.
- Duration of Invasion: 10 minutes.
Reward: 1x MUUN Egg (43% chance for 1x Normal MUUN - 25% chance for 1x Premium MUUN - 20% chance for 1x Evolution Stone - 8% chance for 1x MUUN Energy Converter - 3% chance for 1x Brave MUUN - 1% chance for 1x Mount MUUN) + 12x Bless / 8x Soul / 5x Chaos / 4x Life / 3x Creation / 1x TOCA.
Note: You have a 2.5% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
- You gain 4 CREDITS & 80~120 RUUD per kill.

White Wizards
- Every 6 hours (02:45, 08:45, 14:45, 20:45) - Same time as Royal & Baby Dragons.
- There are 5 White Wizards & 45 Orcs / Invasion as follows:
WW: 1x in Elbeland(1-3), 1x in Dungeon(1-3) 1x in Devias(1-4), 1x in Lost Tower(1-7), 1x in Tarkan(1-2).
Orcs: 15x in Lorencia, 15x in Noria, 15x in Atlans(1-3).
- Duration of Invasion: 10 minutes.
- There are both PvP and Non-PvP Invasions that are alternating each hour (at 02:45 for example it's a PvP WW, at 08:45 it's a Non-PvP WW, etc.).
- PvP Invasion: Free PK near WW & Orcs (no penalty for killing), while a killed player is respawning close to the WW/Orc.
- Non PvP Invasion: Not possible to kill players during this Invasion, as long as there is still a WW/Orc alive on that map, and for 8 seconds after.
WW Reward: 20x Bless / 15x Soul / 7x Chaos / 2x Mithril + 30% chance for 1x Feather / 1x Crest / 1x TOCA as extra drop.
Orcs Reward: 5x Bless / 3x Soul2x Creation / 2x Life / 1x TOCA + 16% chance for 1x Mithril & 5% chance for 1x Wizard Ring as extra drops.
Note: You have a 2% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward from Orcs & 9% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward from WW.
- You gain 10 CREDITS & 50~75 RUUD per WW kill | 2 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD per Orc kill.

Royal Dragons & Baby Dragons
- Every 6 hours (02:45, 08:45, 14:45, 20:45) - Same time as White Wizards & Orcs.
- There are 8 Royal Dragons & 20 Baby Dragons / Invasion as follows:
Royal Dragons: 2x in Scorched Canyon, 2x in Arnil Temple, 2x in Gray Aida, 2x in Burning Kethotum.
Baby Dragons: 5x in Swamp of Dark, 5x in Atlans Abyss 1, 5x in Atlans Abyss 2, 5x in Atlans Abyss 3.
- Duration of Invasion: 10 minutes.

    - Royal Dragons Reward: 16.5% chance for 1x Elena Letter, 16.5% chance for 1x Nixie Spirit Fragment, 12% chance for 1x Silver Heart Soul, 12% chance for 1x Manticore Soul, 4% chance for 1x Silver Heart Anvil, 4% chance for 1x Manticore Anvil, 7% chance for 1x Blood Casting Mold7% chance for 1x Deception Casting Mold, 5% chance for 1x Seal of Ice Dragon, 12% chance for 1x Errtel Emblem, 4% chance for 1x Pentagram Emblem.
Note: You have n 8% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward.

  - Baby Dragons Reward: 8x Creation + 5x Harmony + 5x Artifact Enhancement Stone + 1x extra drop as follows: 41% chance for 5x Guardian Upgrade Stone, 41% chance for 2x Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone, 6% chance for 1x Elena Letter, 6% chance for 1x Nixie Spirit Fragment, 6% chance for 1x Spider Artifact Fragment.
Note: You have a 6% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
- You gain 15 CREDITS & 180~250 RUUD per Royal Dragon kill | 8 CREDITS & 100~150 RUUD per Baby Dragon kill.

- Every 4 hours, random minutes (01:xx, 05:xx, 09:xx, 13:xx, 17:xx, 21:xx) - same time as Elite Monsters.
- Duration of Invasion: 15 minutes.
- Both PvP and Non-PvP invasions are alternating each hour (at 01:xx for example it's a PvP invasion, at 05:xx it's a Non-PvP invasion, etc.).
- PvP Invasions: Free PK near Goldens (no penalty for killing), while a killed player is respawning close to the Golden.
- Non-PvP Invasions: Not possible to kill players during these Invasions, as long as there are still Goldens alive on that map, and 8 seconds after.
- You gain different amounts of CREDITS & RUUD per kill.
- Box of Kundun + 1: 10x Knights in Dungeon(1-3), 8x Vepars in Atlans(1-3) [also gives 2 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 15% chance to get 2x Jewel of Chaos as an extra reward & a 1% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Box of Kundun + 2: 9x Tantalos in Tarkan(1-2), 7x Golems in Aida(1-2)  [also gives 3 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 15% chance to get 2x Jewel of Creation as an extra reward & a 1.5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Box of Kundun + 3: 8x Satyros in Kanturu(1-3), 6x Soldiers in Karutan1 [also gives 4 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 20% chance to get 2x Gemstone as an extra reward & a 2% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Box of Kundun + 4: 8x Iron Knight in Raklion, 4x Twin Tale in Relics [also gives 5 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 20% chance to get 3x Elemental Rune as an extra reward & a 2.5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.

Special: 1x Budge Dragon in Lorencia, 1x Budge Dragon in Devias(1-4), 1x Budge Dragon in Noria, 1x Budge Dragon in Elbeland(1-3) that is dropping 2x Exc. Rings/Pendants with 2~3 options. [also gives 7 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 4% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
Special: 1x Derkon in LostTower(1-7), 1x Derkon in Alkmaar that is dropping 3x BoK(+1~4) + 50% chance fork extra 1x random BoK (+1~2) [also gives 10 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD].
Note: You have a 7% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
Special: 1x GGD in Karutan2, 1x GGD in Vulcanus that is dropping 5x BoK +3~4 [also 
has a Shared Pool of 40 CREDITS & 200 RUUD].
Note: You have a 9% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.

Elite Monsters
- Every 4 hours, random minutes (01:xx, 05:xx, 09:xx, 13:xx, 17:xx, 21:xx) - Same time as Goldens.
- Duration of Invasion: 15 minutes.
There are 2 tiers of Elite Monsters.

Tier 2 Elite Monsters are harder than the Tier 1 Elite Monsters and have better rewards.
Tier 1 Elites:
- Swamp of Peace: 4x Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
- Debenter: 3x Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
- Uruk Mountain: 3x  Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
- Ferea: 4x Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
- Nars: 4x Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
- Old Kethothum: 4x Tier 1 Elite Monsters.
Tier 2 Elites:
- Deep Dungeon 1,3,5: 3x
Tier 2 Elite Monsters in each Deep Dungeon.
- Swamp of Dark: 4x Tier 2 Elite Monsters.
- Atlans Abyss 1,2,3: 3x Tier 2 Elite Monsters in each Atlans Abyss.

-Tier 1 Elites: 58% chance for 1x Box of Sockets - 15% chance for 1x Fragment of Radiance (1-4) - 5.5% chance for Darkangel Soul -5.5% chance for Holyangel Soul - 2% chance for Darkangel Anvil - 2% chance for Holyangel Anvil - 4% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Left] - 4% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] - 4% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 1
+ 5x Mithril / 10x Elemental Rune / 4x Gemstone / 1x TOCA / 1x Elemental TOCA / 1x Elemental TOL
+ 40% chance for an extra drop as 25% chance for 1x Steel of Heaven - 10% chance for 1x Mastery Skill Box - 3% chance for 1x Early NS Box - 2% chance for 1x Mid NS Box.
-Tier 2 Elites: 53% chance for 1x Box of Sockets - 10% chance for 1x Spider Artifact Fragment - 7% chance for 1x Garuda Flame - 5.5% chance for Awakening Soul - 5.5% chance for Frost Soul - 2% chance for Soul Anvil - 2% chance for Frost Anvil - 4% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold - 4% chance for 1x Glory Casting Mold - 4% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2 - 3% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse
+ 15x Creation / 10x Gemstone / 1x TOCA / 1x Elemental TOCA / 1x Fragment of Resurrection / 3x Guardian Upgrade Stone / 1x Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone
+ 55% chance for an extra drop as 25% chance for 1x Box of Ancients - 25% chance for 3x Golden Sentence - 5% chance for 1x Mid NS Box.
- You gain 7 CREDITS & 80~120 RUUD per kill.

Death Skeletons
- 2 times per day (09:10 & 21:10).
- There is one boss (Death King) and 8 mini-bosses (Death Bones).
Duration of Invasion: 20 minutes.

- There are 8 Death Bones, 2 of each spawning in one map from Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland, and Devias.
- Death Bones work differently, you'll have to both "catch" them and kill them, to steal their Reward:

They will teleport to a random location on their map every 15 seconds (so they only stay 15 seconds in the same position) with the same HP that they had before teleport.
They can teleport anywhere on the Map, in a "killable" zone.
- Reward:
4x Splinter of Armor / 4x Bless of Guardian + 4x Jewel of Chaos + 2x Jewel of Creation.
Note: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
The reward is delivered into Gremory Case (K).
- You gain 10 CREDITS & 50~100 RUUD per Death Bone's last hit.

2. Events

There are 3 types of Events:
PvM Event - there's no PvP interaction involved in it.
PvP Event - there's only (or mostly) PvP interaction involved in it.
Hybrid Event - there are both PvP & PvM interactions involved in it.

Note regarding BC/DS (and not only): Because when you teleport to a specific event / location someone else can request you to trade/party /etc, leading to you not being able to move/interact and thus losing the event, we strongly recommend you to have /re off active before the actual event!


[PvP] Chaos Castle
- Every 2 hours (00:00, 02:00, 04:00, 06:00, 08:00, 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 18:00, 20:00, 22:00).
- You can join only 2 times per day (3 with VIP Dealer/PRO) with the same character.

- Only 1 Character/IP can join the Event at the same hour.
- Level Entries, Event Hours & Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY CC REWARDS ON WEBSITE (Credits).
- TOP 1 on WEEKLY CC will also win a HoF Badge, apart from Credits.

- Players that win the CC will get rewards as follows:

CC 1: 1x High Tier Ancient + 1x NS Jewel.
Note: You have a 15% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul & Jewel of Chaos.

CC 2: 1x Earring Tier 1 [Left] + 15x Elemental Rune + 10x Gemstone.
Note: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation & Gemstone.
CC 3: 40% chance for 1x Pentagram Tier 3 - 40% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] - 20% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold + 10x Creation + 10x Chaos.
Note: You have a 20% chance to get 1x Early NS Box - a 10% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone & Lapidary Stone.
CC 4: 15% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 25% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 1 - 30% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold - 30% chance for 1x Glory Casting Mold + 20x Chaos.
Note: You have a 20% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 10% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone & Lapidary Stone.
CC 5: 35% chance for 1x Errtel Emblem - 30% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 15% chance for 1x Garuda Flame - 20% chance for 1x Blood Casting Mold.
Note: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone & Lapidary Stone.
CC 6: 50% chance for 1x Pentagram Emblem - 25% chance for 1x Seal of Ice Dragon - 25% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2.
You have a 15% chance to get 1x Late NS Box - a 15% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone & Lapidary Stone.
CC 7: 50% chance for 1x Blood Casting Mold - 15% chance for 1x Seal of Pierce Lion - 35% chance for 1x Seal of Ice Dragon + 1x Garuda Flame.
You have a 30% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward.
Note2: Monsters can drop Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos, Jewel of Creation, Gemstone & Lapidary Stone.

- Apart from the points gained for killing monsters, you also receive extra points for player eliminations/cc wins for the weekly top.

[PvM] Blood Castle
- Every 2 hours (00:15, 02:15, 04:15, 06:15, 08:15, 10:15, 12:15, 14:15, 16:15, 18:15, 20:15, 22:15).
- You can join only 1 time per day (2 with VIP Dealer / PRO) with the same character.

- Only 1 Character / IP can join the Event at the same hour.
- Level Entries, Event Hours & Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY BC REWARDS ON WEBSITE (Credits).
- TOP 1 on WEEKLY BC will also win a HoF Badge, apart from Credits.

- You can close the BC only when there are a maximum of 3 minutes left from the event.
- While fighting Monsters in BC, there's a chance that you can get the following drops:
BC 1: Mastery Skill Box.
BC 2: Mastery Skill Box (higher chance than BC 1).
Note: Mastery Skill Box has a 25% chance to drop a random Mastery Skill for the class that drops the box and a 75% chance to drop a random Mastery Skill.
BC 3: Exc. Bloodangel / Darkangel OFF-Set Items / Shields.
BC 4:
Exc. Holyangel / Soul OFF-Set Items / Shields.
BC 5: Exc. Blue Eye / Silver Heart OFF-Set Items / Shields.
- Players that win the BC will get rewards as follows:
BC 1: 100 RUUD + 10x Bless / 7x Soul / 3x Chaos / 3x Life + 20% chance for 1x TOCA / 1x Feather / 1x Crest as extra drop.
BC 2: 150 RUUD 
+ 2x Mithril + 4x Elemental Rune + 3x Chaos / 3x Creation.
Note: You have an 8% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
BC 3: 250 RUUD + 1x MUUN Egg + 1x TOCA + 4x Lapidary Stones + 3x Gemstone.
Note: You have a 5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box - and a 3% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
BC 4: 300 RUUD + 5x Lapidary Stone + 1x Elemental TOCA / 1x Elemental TOL + 1x Fragment of Resurrection.
Note: You have a 5% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box d - a 3% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
BC 5: 400 RUUD + 40% chance for 1x Glory Casting Mold - 30% chance for 10x Golden Sentence - 30% chance for 3x Guardian Upgrade Stone + 5x Creation / 5x Chaos.
Note: You have an 8% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
BC 6: 70% chance for 1x Fragment of Radiance (1-4) - 30% chance for 2x Elite Guardian Upgrade + 8x Creation / 8x Chaos.
Note: You have a 2.5% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 1.5% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward.
BC 7: 60% chance for 1x Pentagram Emblem - 25% chance for 1x Garuda Flame - 13% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2 - 2% chance for 1x Seal of Ice Dragon.
Note: You have a 3.5% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 2.5% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward.

[PvM] Devil Square
- Every 2 hours (01:05, 03:05, 05:05, 07:05, 09:05, 11:05, 13:05, 15:05, 17:05, 19:05, 21:05, 23:05).
- You can join only 1 time per day (2 with VIP Dealer / PRO) with the same character.

- Only 1 Character / IP can join the Event at the same hour.
- Level Entries, Event Hours & Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- You will get points that will be accumulated for WEEKLY DS REWARDS ON WEBSITE (Credits).
- TOP 1 on WEEKLY DS will also win a HoF Badge, apart from Credits.

- Players that participate in DS can get Special Drops as well as Participation Rewards.
Note: Participation Reward
is given to all participants left at the end of DS.
DS 1: Mithrils & Mastery Skill Box in drop & 50 RUUD 
1x Box of Ancients as Participation Reward.
DS 2: Pentagrams Tier 2 & Mastery Skill Box (higher chance than DS 1) in drop & 100 RUUD 50% Box of Ancients - 50% 3x Gemstone + 4x Elemental Rune / 3x Chaos / 3x Creation as Participation Reward.
DS 3: Exc. Bloodangel / Darkangel OFF-Set Items / Shields in drop & 150 RUUD 
2x Lapidary Stone + 2x Gemstone + 3x Elemental Rune + 30% chance for 1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA / 1x ETOL as Participation Reward.
DS 4: Steel of Heaven
Exc. Holyangel / Soul OFF-Set Items / Shields in drop & 200 RUUD + 3x Lapidary Stone + 50% chance for 1x Fragment of Resurrection + 25% chance for 1x Elemental TOCA - 25% chance for 1x Elemental TOL as Participation Reward.
DS 5: Fragment of Resurrection /
Exc. Blue Eye / Silver Heart OFF-Set Items / Shields in drop & 250 RUUD + 1x Mysterious Stone + 4x Lapidary Stone as Participation Reward.
DS 6: Fragment of Radiance (1-4) in drop & 4x Golden Sentence as Participation Reward.
DS 7: Exc. Manticore / Brilliant OFF-Set Item/Shield in drop & 70% chance for 5x Guardian Upgrade Stone - 30% chance for 2x Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone as Participation Reward.

[PvP] Illusion Temple
- Every 4 hours (01:40, 05:40, 09:40, 13:40, 17:40, 21:40).
- You can join only 1 time per day with the same character.
- Only 1 Character / IP can join the Event at the same hour.

- Level Entries, Event Hours & Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- Minimum of Players for the Event to start: 4
- You must leave the party to be able to join the Event.
- Illusion Temple Special Skills are disabled.

- Players that participate in IT can get a Winner Reward as well as a Participation Reward.
Note: Participation Reward
is given to all participants after 5 minutes of the event.
IT1: 50 RUUD 
3x Gemstone + 2x Creation - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 7x Bless / 3x Chaos.
Note: 10% chance for an Early NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT2: 120 RUUD 5x Elemental Rune + 2x Chaos + 25% chance for 1x Condor Flame as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 3x Elemental Rune + 2x Gemstone.
Note: 6.5% chance for Early NS Box & 3.5% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT3: 220 RUUD 1x Steel of Heaven + 4x Lapidary Stone + 25% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] / 1x Forefathers Casting Mold as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA / 1x ETOL.
Note: 10% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT4: 220 RUUD 1x Steel of Heaven + 4x Lapidary Stone + 25% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] / 1x Forefathers Casting Mold as extra drop - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA / 1x ETOL.
Note: 10% chance for Mid NS Box as part of the Participation Reward.
IT5: 1x Errtel Emblem - Participation Reward | Winner extra reward: 30x Golden Sentence.

[Hybrid] Doppelganger
- Every 4 hours (00:40, 04:40, 08:40, 12:40, 16:40, 20:40).
You can join only 1 time per day with the same character.
- Only 1 Character/IP can join the Event at the same hour.

- Level Entries, Event Hours & Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- Only Full Parties (5 Characters) are allowed to enter the event!
- Only the Last Member slotted in the Party can start the Event and it is considered the "Party Leader".
- Everyone from the party must have an event invitation (Dimensional Mirror - obtained from 5x Sign of Dimensions) in order to enter the event.
- Everyone from the party must be on the same map - Event Square to enter the event.
- Everyone from the party must have the same level range as the Doppelganger Level (1~7) to enter the event.
- The Doppelganger features a PvP round:
At the end of the normal PvM part (10 minutes), there is an extra PvP round that lasts for 3 minutes (and starts 1 minute after the PvM part is over) for the survivor Parties.
When the PvP round ends, the party from each Doppelganger Level (1~7) with the most players left alive will win an additional reward.
If there are multiple parties with the same number of players left alive, there will be no winner (and no additional reward).
Note: PvP is disabled during the PvM part.

- Each Doppelganger Level has 3 different rewards: Shared Reward, Party Reward, and Winner Reward.
Shared Reward - Obtained by everyone from the party after clicking the Silver Chest.
Party Reward - Dropped from Golden Chest at the end of the PvM round (if Ice Walker has been killed).
Winner Reward - Obtained by the winners of the PvP round.

DG 1 Silver Chest: 60 RUUD + 3x Gemstone + 10x Antidotes.
DG 1 Golden Chest50% 1x Fragment of Radiance (1~4) - 50% 1x NS Jewel.
DG 1 PvP Reward1x TOCA.
DG 2 Silver Chest: 120 RUUD + 4x Gemstone + 15x Antidotes + 30% chance for 1x Demon - 20% chance for 1x NS Jewel + 8% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
DG 2 Golden Chest1x Fragment of Radiance (1~4) + 1x Blessing of Spirit / 1x Talisman of Element Change.
DG 2 PvP Reward1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA.
DG 3 Silver Chest: 180 RUUD + 5x Gemstone + 20x Antidotes + 15x Sphere Upgrade Rune + 50% chance for 1x Demon + 5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box - 3% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward
DG 3 Golden Chest1x Fragment of Radiance (1~4) + 1x Blessing of Spirit / 1x Talisman of Element Change + 1x TOCA/ETOCA/ETOL.
DG 3 PvP Reward1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA.
DG 4 Silver Chest: 240 RUUD + 6x Gemstone + 25x Antidotes + 20x Sphere Upgrade Rune + 50% chance for 1x Demon + 5% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 3% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
DG 4 Golden Chest1x Fragment of Radiance (1~4) + 1x Blessing of Spirit / 1x Talisman of Element Change + 1x TOCA/ETOCA/ETOL.
DG 4 PvP Reward1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA.
DG 5 Silver Chest: 300 RUUD + 8x Gemstone + 30x Antidotes + 25x Sphere Upgrade Rune + 50% chance for 1x Demon + 8% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
DG 5 Gold Chest: 1x Fragment of Radiance (1~4) + 1x Blessing of Spirit / 1x Talisman of Element Change + 1x TOCA/ETOCA/ETOL.
DG 5 PvP Reward1x TOCA / 1x ETOCA.
DG 6: To be continued.
Note: You have a 3% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 1% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward from Golden Chest - for everyone from the party.
DG 7: To be continued.
Note: You have a 2% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box - a 2% chance to get 1x Late NS Box as an extra reward from Golden Chest - for everyone from the party.

[PvM] Crywolf Fortress
- 3 times per week (Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday at 22:50).
Balgass Free for All Reward: 1x Radiance Slot Expansion + 1x BC Ticket (10x) + 1x DS Ticket (10x) + 2x Condor Flame that anyone can pick, at random locations near Balgass (in 12x12 range).
- Balgass Most Damage Reward: 1x Fragment of Radiance Slot (1~4).
Note: You can't drop items from inventory while Balgass is alive & for 15 seconds after he's dead.
Dark Elves Reward:
3x Sphere + 10x Bless / 10x Soul / 10x Chaos / 10x Creation / 10x Gemstone / 10x Elemental Rune + 25% chance for an Exc. AA Weapon as an extra drop.
Note: You have a 25% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Bonus 15% EXP for ENTIRE SERVER if you finish the Event.
- You gain 30 CREDITS & 50~75 RUUD per Dark Elf kill.
- Balgass has a 
Shared Pool of 500 CREDITS & 3000 RUUD.
Note: Shared Pool means that the CREDITS & RUUD are equally split to all participants left alive in the 8x8 range of Balgass when it dies.

[PvM] Imperial Guardian
- It announces every time a boss is killed.
- You can join only 1 time per day (2 with VIP PRO) with the same character.
- Only 1 Character/IP can join the Event at the same time.

Entries Left can be seen in-game by pressing T -> Event Entries.
- To be continued.

[Hybrid] Acheron Guardian
- 2 times per day (08:20 & 20:20).
- Obelisk Winners Reward: 1x Earring T1 [Left] + 10x Mithril / 30x Elemental Rune.
You have a 10% chance to get 1x Mid NS Box as an extra reward.
- Boss Monsters Reward: 25% chance for 1x Pentagram Tier 2 / 35% chance for 1x Box of Ancients.
You have a 5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Normal Monsters Reward: 3% chance for 1x Pentagram Tier 2 / 5% chance for 1x Box of Ancients.
Cursed Towers (Obelisks) have a Shared Pool of 500 RUUD.

[PvM] Maze of Dimensions
- You need level 1000+ to enter.
- Elena's Letter is required for each entry to the event.
- You can join anytime and for as many times as you have Letters.

- Reward is 2000 RUUD for each finished Maze Floor (after the final mission).

[PvP] Arca War
Every Sunday at 17:00.
- To be continued.

[PvP] Castle Siege - Unique System
Every Saturday at 17:00.
All info about the Event: HERE

[PvP] Arena Tournament - Unique
- Every day at 19:40.
All info about the Event: HERE

[Hybrid] World Bosses - Unique
- 3 times per week (Wednesday, Friday & Sunday at 22:50).
All info about the Event: HERE

3. Bosses

There are 4 types of bosses:
Gens Boss - The boss is spawning on a Gens Map and the Gens rules are applied.
PvP Boss - PK is enabled in the boss zone/room.
PvM Boss - PK is disabled on the boss zone/room.
Hybrid Boss - It does alternate between PvP & PvM.


[Early-Game] [Hybrid] Cursed Dragon
All info about Cursed Dragon: HERE
- Duration of Cursed Dragon: 15 minutes.
- Reward: 1x Fragment of Radiance Slot (1~4) + 20x Elemental Rune + 71% chance for 1x Feather - 29% chance for 1x Crest + 50% chance for 1x TOCA - 50% chance for 1x ETOCA + 70% chance for 1x Sealed Bloodangel Boots/Gloves as extra drop.
Note: You have a 25% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Shared Pool of 40 CREDITS & 200 RUUD per kill.

[Early-Game] [PvP] Death King
All info about Death King: HERE
Duration of Death King: 20 minutes.

- Reward:1x Magic Backpack + 10x Creation + 2x Mid/High Tier Ancient + 50% chance for 1x Blessing of Spirit - 50% chance for 1x NS Jewel + 50% chance for 1x Cracked Bloodangel Item as an extra drop.
Note: You have a 25% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Shared Pool of 40 CREDITS & 200 RUUD per kill.

[Early-Game] [PvM] Nightmare
All info about Nightmare: HERE
It is spawning every 8 hours.
You can see the time left until the next event if you click on the Event entry gate.
- Hands Reward: To be continued.
- Nightmare Reward: 1x Talisman of Element Change + 2x TOCA + 20x Gemstone + 70% chance for 1x Sealed Bloodangel Helm - 15% chance for 1x Cracked Bloodangel Item - 15% chance for 1x Exc. Bloodangel Weapon + 50% chance for 20x Bless - 50% chance for 12x Soul.
 Instead of Sealed Bloodangel Helm, SMG/EMG is dropping Sealed Bloodangel Boots.

Note2: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Shared Pool of 60 CREDITS & 300 RUUD per kill.

[Early-Game] [Hybrid] Kundun
All info about Kundun: HERE
It spawns 3 times per day:
1 time between 00:00 & 05:59
1 time between 08:00 & 13:59
1 time between 16:00 & 21:59

- Duration of Kundun: 20 minutes.
- Illusions Reward: 1x Box of Ancients + 30% chance to drop 1x Blessing of Spirit as an extra reward.
Note: You have a 5% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.
- Kundun Reward: 2x High Tier Ancients + 10x Chaos + 1x NS Jewel + 70% chance for 1x Sealed Bloodangel Pants - 15% chance for 1x Cracked Bloodangel Item - 15% chance for 1x Exc. Bloodangel Weapon + 50% chance for 10x Splinter of Armor - 50% chance for 10x Bless of Guardian.
Note: You have a 30% chance to get 1x Early NS Box as an extra reward.

- You gain 10 CREDITS & 20~40 RUUD per Illusion kill.
- Shared Pool of 60 CREDITS & 300 RUUD per Kundun kill.

[Early-Game] [Gens] Bloody Witch Queen
All info about Bloody Queen: HERE
Spawning 3 times per day:
1 time between 02:00 & 07:59
1 time between 10:00 & 15:59
1 time between 18:00 & 23:59
- Duration of Bloody Witch Queen: 30 minutes.
- Reward: 1x Flame of Condor + 3x ETOL + 50x Elemental Rune + 70% chance for 1x Sealed Bloodangel Armor - 30% chance for 1x Exc. Bloodangel Weapon + 85% chance for 1x Cracked Bloodangel Item - 15% chance for 1x Exc. 380 Weapon + 50% chance for 30x Bless - 50% chance for 15x Creation.
- Shared Pool of 80 CREDITS & 500 RUUD per kill.

[Mid-Game] [PvP] Medusa
All info about Medusa: HERE
- Duration of Medusa: 30 minutes.
- Reward: 5x Box of Sockets + 4x ETOCA + 20x Gemstone + 60% chance for 1x Darkangel Soul - 40% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 30% chance for 1x Darkangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Holyangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Left] - 15% chance for 1x Exc. 380 Weapon - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold + 33% chance for 10x Lapidary Stone - 33% chance for 12x Chaos - 34% chance for 8x Creation
- Shared Pool of 120 CREDITS & 1000 RUUD per kill.

[Mid-Game] [PvP] Selupan
All info about Selupan: HERE
- 45 minutes after it is spawned, the gates to Selupan will be closed.
- Reward: 5x Box of Sockets + 4x TOCA + 20x Gemstone + 60% chance for 1x Darkangel Soul - 40% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 30% chance for 1x Darkangel Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Holyangel Anvil - 35% chance for 1x Earring Tier 1 [Right] - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold + 33% chance for 10x Lapidary Stone - 33% chance for 12x Chaos - 34% chance for 8x Creation
- Shared Pool of 120 CREDITS & 1000 RUUD per kill.

[Mid-Game] [PvP] Lord Silvester
All info about Lord Silvester: HERE
- Reward: 1x Pentagram Tier 3 + 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 1 + 20x Lapidary Stone + 40% chance for 1x Awakening Soul - 13% chance for 1x Soul Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 15% chance for 1x Forefathers Casting Mold - 12% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 33% chance for 50x Sphere Upgrade Rune - 33% chance for 30x Bless - 34% chance for 20x Soul
- Shared Pool of 160 CREDITS & 2500 RUUD per kill.

[Mid-Game] [PvP] Core Magriffy
All info about Core Magriffy: HERE
- Reward: 1x Pentagram Tier 3 + 1x Exc. Socket Necklace Tier 1 + 20x Lapidary Stone + 40% chance for 1x Awakening Soul - 13% chance for 1x Soul Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Seal of Ghost Horse - 15% chance for 1x Glory Casting Mold - 12% chance for 1x Holyangel Soul + 33% chance for 50x Sphere Upgrade Rune - 33% chance for 20x Chaos - 34% chance for 15x Creation.
- Shared Pool of 160 CREDITS & 2500 RUUD per kill.

[End-Game] [Gens] Lord of Ferea
All info about Lord of Ferea: HERE
- Reward: 1x Pentagram Emblem + 1x Errtel Emblem + 1x ETOC + 1x ETOL + 40% chance for 1x Frost Soul - 16% chance for 1x Frost Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Silver Heart Soul - 8% chance for 1x Silver Heart Anvil - 6% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2 - 10% chance for 1x Garuda Flame.
- Shared Pool of 200 CREDITS & 4000 RUUD per kill.

[End-Game] [PvP] God of Darkness
All info about God of Darkness: HERE
- Reward: 1x Pentagram Emblem + 1x Errtel Emblem + 100x Sphere Upgrade Rune + 40% chance for 1x Frost Soul - 16% chance for 1x Frost Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Silver Heart Soul - 8% chance for 1x Silver Heart Anvil - 6% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2 - 10% chance for 1x Blood Casting Mold.
- Shared Pool of 200 CREDITS & 4000 RUUD per kill.

[End-Game] [PvM] Nix
All info about Nix: HERE
- Reward: 1x Pentagram Emblem + 1x Errtel Emblem + 100x Elemental Rune + 40% chance for 1x Frost Soul - 16% chance for 1x Frost Anvil - 20% chance for 1x Silver Heart Soul - 8% chance for 1x Silver Heart Anvil - 6% chance for 1x Socket Necklace Tier 2 - 10% chance for 1x Seal of Ice Dragon. 
- Shared Pool of 200 CREDITS & 4000 RUUD per kill.

4. Activities

Everything that is not an Event, Boss, or Invasion is classified as an "Activity".
They are "mini-events" or pure, extra activities that can be found on our server.


Bonus System
- 3 times per day (03:30, 11:30, 19:30).
- Bonus System duration is 45 minutes. 
On weekly days (Monday-Friday) Bonus System will increase Normal & ML Experience by 50%.
- On weekends (Saturday, and Sunday) Bonus System will increase Normal & ML Experience by 100%.

Lucky Hunt
- 10 Fortune Pouch monsters can be found in Crywolf.
- They have a respawn time of 8~15 minutes after they are killed.
- You can type /active to check if there are Fortune Pouches alive!
Reward: 1x Bless / 1x Soul / 1x Life / 1x Chaos / 1x Creation / 1x Gemstone / 1x Mithril + 10~20 RUUD + 1 Credit + 1% chance for Early NS Box.

Mining System
- 40~100 Nodes are spawning in Safe-Zones of Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lost Tower, Atlans, Tarkan, Aida, Kanturu 1, Karutan 1, Kanturu 3, Acheron, Kanturu Relics, Raklion, Vulcanus & Swamp of Peace.
- The number of Nodes spawned is equally spread between the available spawn maps.
- Out of the 40~100 Nodes, 65% are Blue Nodes, 25% are Purple Nodes & 10% are Gold Nodes.
- The Nodes are refreshed every 4 hours at a random minute and announced globally.
- Hours when they can refresh: 00:xx, 04:xx, 08:xx, 12:xx, 16:xx, 20:xx.
- You can type /active to check how many Nodes are left!
- You need Pandora Pick to start mining.
- Pandora Pick can be bought from Lorencia Bar and it has 1 Durability. The cost is 15kk Zen.
- Each mining attempt consumes a different amount of Durability from the Pandora Pick as follows:
1 Durability - Blue Nodes attempt.
2 Durability - Purple Nodes attempt.
4 Durability - Gold Nodes attempt.
- The Pandora Pick's Durability can be increased by using Jewel of Bless on it. Each Jewel of Bless adds +4 Durability.
- Each mining attempt has a 70% chance of success and a 30% chance of failure.
- There are 5 stages of mining for each node:
Stage 1 - if successful you get 1x Jewel based on the node type.
Stage 2 - if successful you get 2x Jewels based on the node type.
Stage 3 - if successful you get 3x Jewels based on the node type.
Stage 4 - if successful you get 4x Jewels based on the node type.
Stage 5 - if successful you get 5x Jewels based on the node type.
- Failing at any stage means losing all the Jewels you acquired until then.
- After each successful stage, you have the choice to either continue mining or to collect the current reward.
- Even if you have a failed attempt, you will still get the guaranteed rewards.
- Blue Nodes reward:
Collected Jewel: Bless.
Guaranteed Reward: 5~10 RUUD + 0.5% chance for Early NS Box.
- Purple Nodes reward:
Collected Jewel: Creation.
Guaranteed Reward: 15~30 RUUD + 1 Credit + 1% chance for Early NS Box.
- Gold Nodes reward:
Collected Jewel: Harmony.
Guaranteed Reward: 25~50 RUUD + 2 Credits + 2% chance for Early NS Box.

Treasure Hunt
- 25~60 Chests are spawning outside of Safe-Zones in Lorencia, Devias, Noria, Elbeland, Lost Tower, Aida, Kanturu, Karutan2 & Raklion.
- The number of Chests spawned is equally spread between the available spawn maps.
- Out of the 25~60 Chests, 85% are Silver Chests and 15% are Golden Chests.
- The Chests are refreshed every 4 hours at a random minute and announced globally.
- Hours when they can refresh: 02:xx, 06:xx, 10:xx, 14:xx, 18:xx, 22:xx.

- You can type /active to check if there are Chests left unclaimed!
- To claim their rewards you must have a Silver Key (for Silver Chests) or a Gold Key (for Golden Chests) and simply find them and click them.
There's a 3-second Global Cooldown on all clicks on Chests.
- Silver & Gold Keys can be found on any monster starting from Devias.
- Silver Chest reward:
93.5% chance for 2x Bless / 2x Soul / 2x Life / 2x Chaos / 1x Mithril - 6.5% chance for 1x NS Jewel / 1x TOCA / 1x ETOC / 1x ETOL + 5~10 RUUD +
1% chance for Early NS Box as extra reward.
- Golden Chest reward:
85% chance for 4x Bless / 4x Soul / 4x Life / 4x Chaos / 4x Elemental Rune / 4x Sphere Upgrade Rune / 2x Creation / 2x Gemstone / 1x Mithril - 15% chance for 1x NS Jewel / 1x TOCA / 1x ETOC / 1x ETOL + 25~50 RUUD + 2 Credits + 5% chance for Early NS Box as extra reward.

Spots Info & Maps System



  • We do have a balanced Map System to make sure that each type of map (low, mid, high & very high) has all styles (gens, non-pvp & normal-pvp).
    • 9 NON-PVP Maps: Dungeon, Aida, Karutan 2, Kalima 7, Debenter, Nixies Lake, Cubera Mine, Crimson Icarus & Burning Kethothum.
      • NON-PVP Maps have 100% exp and you can't kill other characters (unless both are part of Mercenary Squad).
    • 10 GENS maps: Atlans, Tarkan, Karutan 1, Kanturu Relics, Vulcanus, Ferea, Old Kethothum, Atlans Abyss 1, Scorched Canyon & Kanturu Depths.
      • Gens Maps have 100% exp and you can freely kill other characters from opposite families but you can't kill characters from the same family.
      • Note: All Gens Maps are part of a separate, invisible sub-server.
    • All other Maps are 100% PVP, with free KS and free PK, and they can also be improved (in terms of EXP) with Mercenary Squad.
  • There is no ARENA (forget about leveling in the same place for 3 months, that's not how MU is supposed to be).
  • Kalimas 6 & 7 are populated with spots!
  • You can enter most maps with 10 levels faster than the Move (M) level by going through their gates, on feet.
  • Except for Lorencia, Noria, and Elbeland, anywhere you see a mob there is a spot for sure (we deleted extra mobs because we didn't want to have overpowered spots by mistake).
  • The number of mobs in spots is 4-10 (the higher the maps the higher the number of mobs in spots).
  • All spots are a mass spawn (not a pointed one) so you must have AoE characters in parties to hold the spots.
  • All the spots from the game have been manually reworked.
  • The number of mobs in spots is progressive as follows:
    • Very Low maps (Devias1-4, Elbeland2-3, Dungeon1-2) do have 4 mobs per spot with a 6x6 range.
    • Low Maps (Dungeon3, Atlans1-3, LostTower1-7, Tarkan1-2, Aida1-2) does have 5 mobs per spot with a 7x7 range.
    • Medium maps (from Icarus up to Ubaid) do have 6 mobs per spot with an 8x8 range.
    • Medium-High maps (Swamp of Peace, Debenter, Uruk Mountain, Ferea, Nars, Old Kethothum) do have 7 mobs per spot with a 9x9 range.
    • High maps (Nixies Lake, Deep Dungeon1-5, Swamp of Dark, Cubera Mine1-5) do have 8 mobs per spot with a 10x10 range.
    • Very high maps (Atlans Abyss1-3, Scorched Canyon, Crimson Icarus, Arnil Temple) do have 9 mobs per spot with a 10x10 range.
    • Endgame maps (Gray Aida, Burning Kethothum, Kanturu Depths, Ignis Volcano) do have 10 mobs per spot with a 10x10 range.
  • Each Elemental map has 2 types of spots:
    • Dedicated type spot - means all mobs from that spot have the same type (fire, water, dark, etc.)
    • Mixed type spot - means that each mob from that spot has a different type (fire, water, dark, etc.), basically having all types on the same spot.
  •  Spot monsters info:
    • Respawn of 10 seconds.
    • Attack range: 
      •  Melee Monsters - range 1 (all)
      •  Range Monsters - range 3 from starting maps up to Aida2/Tarkan2 and range 2 from Icarus to Ignis Volcano.
    • Levels and Exp Levels have been touched so there's a clear, linear progression from the weakest map up to the best map.
    • All spot monsters have their level on the name (that only dictates the drop, not the exp, but the rule is that the higher the "drop" level the higher the exp level as well).
    • Monsters from same-level maps have the same level, exp level & stats.
  • Each leveling map has a clear progression path (weaker mob types closer to warps -> the longer you move the better the mob type combinations).
    • All leveling maps have a maximum of 4 MOB types (most of them having 3 types) - with few exceptions (like Devias).
      • There are clear rules of how mob types are spread into a map as follows:
        • For maps with 3 mob types:
          • 40% of spots -> Mob type 1 spot (weakest).
          • 25% of spots -> Mob type 1 + Mob type 2 spot.
          • 20% of spots -> Mob type 2 + Mob type 3 spot.
          • 15% of spots -> Mob type 3 spot (strongest).
        • For maps with 4 mob types:
          • 40% of spots -> Mob type 1 spot (weakest).
          • 25% of spots -> Mob type 1 + Mob type 2 spot.
          • 20% of spots -> Mob type 2 + Mob type 3 spot.
          • 15% of spots -> Mob type 3 + Mob type 4 spot (strongest).
  • Important: There is an anti-lure feature that makes monsters "teleport" back to their original coordinates after moving more than x coordinates from their original position.
  • All the spots are showing on MINIMAP (TAB)!

Spots distribution:

Lorencia - 4x spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + mobs all over the map. 
Noria - 3x spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + mobs all over the map. 
Elbeland1 - 2x spots - 1 each entrance (bigger ones) + random mobs around Elbeland1.

Elbeland2 - 4x Werewolf spots.
Elbeland3 - 4x Cursed Lich spots | 3x Totem Golem spots.
Total: 11 spots.

Dungeon1 - 4x Ghost spots | 2x Ghost & Skeleton Archer spots | 1x Skeleton Archer spots
Dungeon2 - 4x Hell Hound spots | 3x Hell Spider spots.
Dungeon3 - 3x Bull & Thunder Lich spots | 3x Bull & Dark Knight spots | 3x Thunder Lich & Dark Knight spots.
Total: 23 spots.

Devias1 - 7x
Worm spots | 4x Hommerd & Ice Monster spots | 3x Ice Monster spots.
Devias2 - 3x Assassin spots | 8x Yeti spots.
Devias3 - 14x Elite Yeti spots.
Devias4 - 9x Elite Yeti spots.
Total: 48 spots.

Atlans1 - 5X Bahamut spots | 3x Bahamut & Vepar spots | 3x Vepar & Valkyrie spots | 2x Valkyrie spots.
Atlans2 - 5x Great Bahamut spots | 3x Great Bahamut & Silver Valkyrie spots | 2x Silver Valkyrie spots.
Atlans3 - 11x Lizard spots.
Total: 34 spots.

LostTower1 - 7x Shadow spots | 4x Shadow & Poison Shadow spots | 2x Poison Shadow spots.
LostTower2 - 9x Poison Shadow spots.
LostTower3 - 9x Death Cow spots.
LostTower4 - 3x Death Cow spots | 4x Death Cow & Devil spots.
LostTower5 - 4x Devil & Death Knight spots | 3x Death Knight spots.
LostTower6 - 7x Death Knight & Death Gorgon spots.
LostTower7 - 5x Death Knight & Death Gorgon spots | 8x Death Gorgon spots.
Total: 65 spots.

Tarkan1 - 9x Mutant spots | 7x Mutant & Bloody Wolf spots | 3x Bloody Wolf spots.
Tarkan2 - 9x Tantalos spots | 6x Tantalos & Beam Knight spots | 3x Beam Knight spots.
Total: 38 spots.

Aida1 - 6x Death Tree spots | 4x Death Tree & Forest Orc spots | 3x Forest Orc spots.
Aida2 - 8x Death Rider spots | 5x Death Rider & Blue Golem spots | 3x Blue Golem spots.
Total: 29 spots.

Icarus - 12x Queen Rainer spots.
Total: 12 spots.

Kanturu1 - 12x Splinter Wolf spots.
Kanturu2 - 7x Satyros spots | 5x Satyros & Blade Hunter spots | 4x Blade Hunter & Gigantis spots | 3x Gigantis & Genocider spots.
Kanturu3 - 9x Gigantis Warrior spots.
Total: 40 spots. 

Kanturu Relics - 4x Persona spots | 3x Persona & Twin Tale spots | 3x Twin Tale & Dreadfear spots | 2x Dreadfear spots.
Total: 12 spots.

Karutan1 - 11x Venomous Scorpion spots | 8x Venomous Scorpion & Bone Scorpion spots | 7x Bone Scorpion & Orcus spots | 4x Orcus & Gollock spots.
Karutan2 - 9x Crypta spots | 6x Crypta & Crypos spots | 4x Crypos & Narcondra spots | 3x Narcondra spots.
Total: 52 spots.

Raklion - 4x Ice Walker spots | 2x Ice Walker & Ice Giant spots | 2x Ice Giant & Coolutin spots | 2x Coolutin & Iron Knight spots.
Total: 10 spots.

Vulcanus - 12x Zombie Fighter spots | 8x Zombie Fighter & Ash Slaughterer spots | 6x Ash Slaughterer & Blood Assassin spots | 4x Blood Assassin & Ruthless Lava Giant spots.
Total: 30 spots.

Swamp of Peace - 11x Sapi-Tres spots | 7x Sapi-Tres &  Shadow Look spots | 5x Shadow Look & Blaze Napin spot | 4x Blaze Napin spots.
Total: 27 spots.

Kalima 6 - 2x Aegis & Rogue Centurion spots | 2x Rogue Centurion spots | 2x Blood Soldier & Rogue Centurion spots | 2x Blood Soldier spots.
Kalima 7 - 2x Death Angel & Necron spots | 2x Necron & Death Centurion spots | 2x Death Centurion & Schriker spots | 2x Schriker spots.
Total: 16 spots.

Acheron - Alkmaar - 2x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 14 spots.

Acheron - Ubaid - 3x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 3x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 15 spots.

Acheron - Debenter - 3x Fire spots | 3x Water spots | 3x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 17 spots.

Acheron - Uruk Mountain- 3x Fire spots | 3x Water spots | 3x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 16 spots.

Acheron - Nars - 2x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 1x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 12 spots.

Ferea - 6x Fire spots | 6x Water spots | 5x Earth spots | 5x Wind spots | 5x Dark spots | 6x Mixed spots.
Total: 33 spots.

Nixies Lake - 5x Fire spots | 5x Water spots | 5x Earth spots | 5x Wind spots | 4x Dark spots | 5x Mixed spots.
Total: 29 spots.

Old Kethotum - 6x Fire spots | 6x Water spots | 5x Earth spots | 5x Wind spots | 5x Dark spots | 5x Mixed spots.
Total: 32 spots.

Deep Dungeon 1 - 5x Fire spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Deep Dungeon 2 - 5x Water spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Deep Dungeon 3 - 5x Earth spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Deep Dungeon 4 - 5x Wind spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Deep Dungeon 5 - 8x Dark spots | 5x Mixed spots.
Total: 47 spots.

Swamp of Dark - 3x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 3x Earth spots | 3x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 10x Mixed spots.
Total: 23 spots.

Cubera Mine 1 - 6x Fire spots | 1x Mixed spots.
    Cubera Mine 2 - 6x Fire spots | 1x Mixed spots.
   Cubera Mine 3 - 6x Fire spots | 1x Mixed spots.
   Cubera Mine 4 - 6x Fire spots | 1x Mixed spots.
  Cubera Mine 5 6x Fire spots | 1x Mixed spots.
Total: 35 spots.

Atlans Abyss 1 - 2x Fire spots | 3x Water spots | 3x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Atlans Abyss 2 - 2x Fire spots | 1x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Atlans Abyss 3 - 2x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 1x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.

Total: 39 spots.
Scorched Canyon - 2x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 13 spots.
Crimson Icarus - 3x Fire spots | 4x Water spots | 4x Earth spots | 3x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Total: 21 spots.
Arnil Temple - 4x Fire spots | 3x Water spots | 3x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Total: 19 spots.
Gray Aida - 3x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 15 spots.
Burning Kethothum - 4x Fire spots | 4x Water spots | 4x Earth spots | 4x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 4x Mixed spots.
Total: 23 spots.
Kanturu Depths - 3x Fire spots | 3x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 4x Wind spots | 3x Dark spots | 5x Mixed spots.
Total: 20 spots.
Ignis Volcano - 2x Fire spots | 2x Water spots | 2x Earth spots | 2x Wind spots | 2x Dark spots | 3x Mixed spots.
Total: 13 spots.

Drop Info & Economy System


Our Drop, PvM & Economy System are highly encouraging Active Players but they also help Casual Players to keep up.

Important note: We reserve our right to ADJUST anything from the economy during gameplay for the sake of keeping a healthy environment for everyone involved.

There are multiple progression paths that you can choose but there are a few "important" ones as follows:
Non Exc. Items Progression: Shop Tier 1 -> Shop Tier 2 -> Non-Exc. BoK+1 ~ +2 Items from Monsters -> Silver Medal Items -> Non-Exc. BoK+3~4 Items from Monsters -> Gold Medal Items.
PvP Items Progression: Exc. BoK+1/2 items 2~4 opt -> BoK+3/4 items 2 ~ 4 opt -> BiS Exc. (BoK+4 Items DD+REF+HP) -> Socket Items Tier 1 (Socketed) -> Socket Items Tier 2 (Socketed).
Hunt/PvM Items Progression: Mid-Tier Ancient Items -> High-Tier Ancient Items -> Bloodangel -> Darkangel -> Holyangel -> Soul -> Blue Eye -> Silver Heart -> Manticore -> Brilliant -> Apocalypse.

There are advantages and disadvantages for any choice, based on your goal and your class (PvP/PvM/Hunt, CS, etc.) but this is how the progression should look. Now, the option chances are different from method to method, and we want to present them as well.

Items tiers can be seen on the dedicated topic for Medal/Excellent/Ancient tiers.

Info about Economy Drops

  • Non-Exc Items Drops
    • Low items that can be found only on Tier 1 Shops: Starting zones, Weapons can drop up to Devias - Yeti.
    • BoK+1 Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 19 & 41 (Devias - Worms -> Dungeon 2).
    • BoK+1 Weapons/Extras: Monsters between Lv. 29 & 49 (Devias - Yeti -> Atlans 1 / Dungeon 3 / Lost Tower 1-2).
    • BoK+2 Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 42 & 64 (Atlans 1 / Dungeon 3 / Lost Tower 1-2 -> Atlans 3 / Lost Tower 7).
    • BoK+2 Weapons/Extras: Monsters between Lv. 50 & 83 (Atlans 2 / Lost Tower 3-5 -> Kanturu 1).
    • BoK+3 Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 65 & 81 (Tarkan 1 / Aida 1 -> Icarus).
    • BoK+3 Weapons/Extras: Monsters between Lv. 84 & 125 (Kanturu 2 -> Swamp of Peace / Debenter).
    • BoK+4 Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 82 & 125 (Kanturu 1 -> Debenter).
    • Bloodangel Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 126 & 133 (Uruk Mountain -> Ferea).
    • Darkangel Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 134 & 141 (Nars -> Old Kethothum).
    • Holyangel Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 142 & 149 (Nixies Lake -> Deep Dungeon 5).
    • Soul Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 150 & 281 (Swamp of Dark -> Cubera Mine).
    • Blue Eye Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 289 & 317 (Atlans Abyss 1 -> Atlans Abyss 3).
    • Silver Heart Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 325 & 353 (Scorched Canyon -> Crimson Icarus).
    • Manticore Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 361 & 461 (Arnil Temple -> Gray Aida).
    • Brilliant Set Items: Monsters between Lv. 479 & 521 (Burning Kethothum -> Kanturu Depths).
    • Apocalypse Set Items: Monsters over Lv. 539 (Ignis Volcano+).
  • Event Materials Drops
    • BC/DS+1 mats: Monsters between Lv. 81 & 121 (Icarus -> Ubaid).
    • BC/DS+2 mats: Monsters between Lv. 121 & 132 (Ubaid -> Ferea).
    • BC/DS+3 mats: Monsters between Lv. 129 & 144 (Ferea -> Nixies Lake).
    • BC/DS+4 mats: Monsters between Lv. 141 & 154 (Nixies Lake -> Swamp of Dark).
    • BC/DS+5 mats: Monsters between Lv. 149 & 335 (Swamp of Dark -> Scorched Canyon).
    • BC/DS+6 mats: Monsters between Lv. 325 & 491 (Scorched Canyon -> Burning Kethothum).
    • BC/DS+7 mats: Monsters over Lv. 479 (Burning Kethothum+).
    • Lost Map (Kalima) + 1~7: Monsters between Lv. 19 & 149 (Devias -> Deep Dungeon 5).
    • Silver & Gold Keys: Monsters over Lv. 19 (Devias+).
    • Sign of Lord: Monsters over Lv. 62 (Atlans 3 / Lost Tower 7+).
    • Sign of Dimensions: Monsters over Lv. 81 (Icarus+).
    • Moonstone Pendant: Only in Kanturu Relics (any monsters).
    • Varka Ticket: Monsters over Lv. 146 (Deep Dungeon 1+).
  • Extra Drops
    • Silver Medal: Monsters between Lv. 43 & 71 (Atlans 1/ Dungeon 3 / Lost Tower 1-2 -> Tarkan 1 - Mutants / Aida 1 - Death Trees).
      • Note: Silver Medals have a 16% chance to drop an item for the class that is dropping it and an 84% chance for a random item.
    • Gold Medal: Monsters between Lv. 72 & 117 (Tarkan 1 - Bloody Wolves / Aida 1 - Forest Orcs -> Vulcanus / Raklion).
      • Note: Gold Medals have a 16% chance to drop an item for the class that is dropping it and an 84% chance for a random item.
    • Pumpkin of Luck: Monsters between Lv. 19 & 129 (Devias -> Uruk Mountain).
    • Horn of Uniria: Monsters between Lv. 1 & 81 (All maps up to Icarus).
    • Guardian Angel: Monsters between Lv. 1 & 121 (All maps up to Ubaid).
    • Imp: Monsters between Lv. 43 & 129 (Dungeon 3 -> Uruk Mountain).
    • Pet Rudolf: Monsters between Lv. 43 & 317 (Dungeon 3 -> Atlans Abyss 3).
    • Mithril: Monsters over Lv. 95 (Alkmaar+).
    • Pentagrams Tier 1: Monsters between Lv. 95 & 125 (Alkmaar -> Debenter).
    • Non-Exc Rings/Pendants 2-4% HP Recovery (or 10% Mana/10% AG): Monsters between Lv. 19 & 117 (Devias -> Vulcanus).

Info about Jewels Drops & Rare Drops

  • Most of the Jewels are also dropping from Monsters.
  • What's unique about our Jewels drop is that they are part of our unique Shared Drops system, which means whenever a Jewel is picked by a player in a party, everyone from that party in the picker's range will also receive that Jewel (and there's even a bonus chance for 4/5 man parties).
    • Jewel of Bless, Jewel of Soul, Jewel of Chaos - Monsters over Lv. 19. 
      • The higher the map the higher the drop rate as follows:
        • Boost 1: Monsters over Lv. 78.
        • Boost 2: Monsters over Lv. 108.
        • Boost 3 (higher boost): Monsters over Lv. 130.
        • Boost 4: Monsters over Lv. 150.
        • Boost 5 (higher boost): Monsters over Lv. 325.
        • Boost 6: Monsters over Lv. 479.
    • Jewel of Life - Monsters over Lv. 71.
      • The higher the map the higher the drop rate as follows: 
        • Boost 1: Monsters over Lv. 108.
        • Boost 2 (higher boost): Monsters over Lv. 130.
        • Boost 3: Monsters over Lv. 150.
        • Boost 4 (higher boost): Monsters over Lv. 325.
        • Boost 5: Monsters over Lv. 479.
  • We also have a Rare Drops system where some specific Consumables & Items can only drop in specific maps, making all maps attractive to farm in.
    • Note: For the Rare Drops, just as for the common Jewels, the higher the map the higher the drop rate. 
      • Rare Consumables drops
        • Jewel of Creation:
          • Tarkan1/2.
          • Karutan1.
          • Karutan2.
          • Alkmaar.
          • Kalima6.
          • Raklion.
          • Kalima7.
          • Uruk Mountain.
          • Ferea.
          • Old Kethothum.
          • Deep Dungeon 5.
          • Swamp of Dark.
          • Atlans Abyss 2.
          • Atlans Abyss 3.
          • Crimson Icarus.
          • Burning Kethothum.
        • Gemstone:
          • Kanturu3.
          • Kanturu Relics.
          • Swamp of Peace.
          • Old Kethothum.
          • Deep Dungeon 1.
          • Deep Dungeon 3.
          • Cubera Mine 1-5.
          • Scorched Canyon.
          • Gray Aida.
          • Kanturu Underground.
        • Elemental Rune:
          • Ubaid.
          • Debenter.
          • Ferea.
          • Deep Dungeon 2.
          • Deep Dungeon 4.
          • Atlans Abyss 1.
          • Atlans Abyss 3.
          • Arnil Temple.
          • Ignis Volcano.
        • Sphere:
          • Nars.
          • Nixies Lake.
          • Swamp of Dark.
          • Deep Dungeon 5.
      • Rare Items drops
        • Magic Backpack:
          • Tarkan1/2.
          • Kanturu2.
          • Debenter.
          • Ferea.
          • Old Kethothum.
        • Dark Horse & Dark Raven Spirits:
          • Aida1/2.
          • Kanturu1.
          • Ubaid.
        • Loch Feather & Monarch Crest:
          • Icarus.
          • Karutan1.
          • Raklion.
        • Fenrir Mats (Splinter of Armor, Bless of Guardian, Claw of Beast):
          • Vulcanus.
          • Alkmaar.
          • Kalima6.
          • Uruk Mountain.
        • Condor Flame:
          • Vulcanus.
          • Swamp of Peace.
          • Nars.
          • Nixies Lake.

Info about Skills

  • Tier 0 Skills: Flame, Drain Life, Harsh Strike.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 19 & 42 with the full drop rate.
      • Examples of maps: Elbeland 2-3, Devias 1-4, Dungeon 1-2.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 43 & 64 with 30% of the full drop rate.
      • Examples of maps: Dungeon 3, Atlans 1-3, Lost Tower 1-7.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters over Lv. 122 with a very very low chance.
  • Tier 1 Skills: Inferno, Twisting Slash, Greater Fortitude, Penetration, Fire Burst, Chain Lighting, Darkness, Chain Drive, Dragon Roar, Spin Step, Death Ice, Shining Bird.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 43 & 64 with the full drop rate.
      • Examples of maps: Dungeon 3, Atlans 1-3, Lost Tower 1-7.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 65 & 87 with 30% of the full drop rate.
      • Example of maps: Tarkan 1-2, Aida 1-2, Icarus, Kanturu 1-2, Karutan 1.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters over Lv. 122 with a very very low chance.
  • Tier 2 Skills: Evil Spirit, Teleport, Soul Barrier, Death Stab, Destruction, Ice Arrow, Flame Strike, Critical Damage, Explosion, Damage Reflection, Berserker, Increase Health, Magic Pin, Obsidian, Magic Arrow, Haste, Sword Inertia, Demolish, Ice Break, Dark Plasma, Reflection Barrier, Marvel Burst, Blessing, Illusion Avatar, Charge Slash.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 65 & 87 with the full drop rate.
      • Example of maps: Tarkan 1-2, Aida 1-2, Icarus, Kanturu 1-2, Karutan 1.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 88 & 105 with 30% of the full drop rate.
      • Example of maps: Kanturu 2-3, Karutan 1, Alkmaar, Kanturu Relics, Karutan 2.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters over Lv. 122 with a very very low chance.
  • Tier 3 Skills: Blast, Teleport Ally, Ice Storm, Rageful Blow, Strong Belief, Multi-Shot, Greater Damage, Greater Defense, Fire Slash, Gigantic Storm, Fire Scream, Electric Spark, Requiem, Lightning Shock, Sleep, Dark Side, Dragon Slasher, Breche, Plasma Ball, Runic Burst, Bat Flock, Death Fire, Dragon Violent, Unleash Marvel, Illusion Blade.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 88 & 105 with the full drop rate.
      • Example of maps: Kanturu 2-3, Karutan 1, Alkmaar, Kanturu Relics, Karutan 2.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 106 & 121 with 30% of the full drop rate.
      • Examples of maps: Kanturu Relics, Karutan 2, Raklion, Vulcanus, Ubaid.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters over Lv. 122 with a very very low chance.
  • Tier 4 Skills: Decay, Nova, Wizardry Expansion, Sword Fury, Solid Protection, Dex Booster, Greater Elemental Damage, Greater Elemental Defense, Crusher Charge, Elemental Charge, Spiral Charge, Chaotic Diseier, Summon, Pollution, Weakness, Innovation, Ignore Defense, Shining Peak, Wrath, Detection, Fixed Fire, Wind Glaive.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters between Lv. 106 & 121 with the full drop rate.
      • Examples of maps: Kanturu Relics, Karutan 2, Raklion, Vulcanus, Ubaid.
    • They can be dropped from Monsters over Lv. 122 with a very very low chance.
  • Tier 5 Skills: Fire Blow, Sword Blow, Raining Arrow, Focus Shot, Holy Bolt, Meteor Strike, Meteor Storm, Soul Seeker, Chaos Blade, Fire Blood, Ice Blood, Havok Spear, Dark Blast, Meteor Slap, Wind Soul, Fire Beast, Aqua Beast, Death Scythe, Spirit Hook, Dark Phoenix Shot, Lightning Storm, Pierce Attack, Ice Blast, Bursting Flare, Spear Storm, Ultimate Force, Blade Storm.
    • They can be dropped only from the Mastery Skill Box.

Info about Option Chances

  • Common Items (from mobs):
    • Non-Exc. Starting Low Items
      • Level: Between 0 & 2.
      • Luck: 5% chance.
      • Add: 1.5% for 4.
    • Non-Exc. BoK+1~2 Set Items & Weapons/Extras
      • Level: Between 0 & 3.
      • Luck: 13% chance.
      • Add: 3% chance for 4.
    • Non-Exc. BoK+3~4 Set Items & BoK+3 Weapons/Extras
      • Level: Between 0 & 4.
      • Luck: 20% chance.
      • Add: 4.5% chance for 4.
    • Non-Exc. Bloodangel -> Apocalypse Items
      • Level: Between 0 & 3.
      • Luck: 10% chance.
      • Add: 2% chance for 4.
  • Ancient Items (from mobs/events):
    • Level:
      • Low Tier Ancient: Between 0 & 5.
      • Mid & High Tier Ancient: 0 only.
    • Luck: 
      • Low Tier Ancient: 70% chance.
      • Mid Tier Ancient: 40% chance.
      • High Tier Ancient: 20% chance.
    • Add: 0 only.
  • Box of Kundun Items:
    • Level: 0 only.
    • Luck: 
      • BoK+1: 50% chance.
      • BoK+2: 40% chance.
      • BoK+3: 30% chance.
      • BoK+4: 25% chance.
    • Add: 0 only.
    • Excellent Options:
      • BoK+1 Set Items: 60% chance for 2 options,  40% chance for 3 options.
        • BoK+1 Weapons/Extras: 30% chance for 1 option, 50% chance for 2 options, 20% chance for 3 options.
      • BoK+2 Set Items: 65% chance for 2 options, 35% chance for 3 options.
        • BoK+2 Weapons/Extras: 39% chance for 1 option, 45% chance for 2 options, 16% chance for 3 options.
      • BoK+3 Set Items: 75% chance for 2 options, 25% chance for 3 options.
        • BoK+3 Weapons/Extras: 50% chance for 1 option, 40% chance for 2 options, 10% chance for 3 options.
      • BoK+4 Set Items: 80% chance for 2 options, 20% chance for 3 options.
        • BoK+4 Weapons/Extras: 63% chance for 1 option, 30% chance for 2 options, 7% chance for 3 options.
      • All BoKs are dropping 2 items.
      • Each item dropped has the following chances:
        • BoK+1:
          • 58% - 1x BoK+1 Set Item.
          • 20% - 1x BoK+1 Weapon/Extras.
          • 15% - 1x BoK+2 Set Item.
          • 5% - 1x BoK+3 Set Item.
          • 2% - 1x Exc. Ring/Pendant.
        • BoK+2:
          • 58% - 1x BoK+2 Set Item.
          • 20% - 1x BoK+2 Weapon/Extras.
          • 15% - 1x BoK+3 Set Item.
          • 5% - 1x BoK+4 Set Item.
          • 2% - 1x Exc. Ring/Pendant.
        • BoK+3:
          • 63% - 1x BoK+3 Set Item.
          • 20% - 1x BoK+3 Weapon/Extras.
          • 15% - 1x BoK+4 Set Item.
          • 2% - 1x Exc. Ring/Pendant.
        • BoK+4:
          • 78% - 1x BoK+4 Set Item.
          • 20% - 1x BoK+4 Weapon/Extras.
          • 2% - 1x Exc. Ring/Pendant.
  • Silver Medal Items:
    • Level: Between 3 and 6.
    • Luck: 45% chance.
    • Add: 10% chance for 4.
  • Gold Medal Items:
    • Level: Between 4 and 7.
    • Luck: 55% chance.
    • Add: 15% chance for 4.
  • Events Items:
    • Bloodangel Weapons from all sources outside of RUUD:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 15% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 100% for 2 options.
    • Bloodangel Weapons from RUUD:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 45% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: Guaranteed EDR + 75% for 1 extra option, 25% for 2 extra options.
    • Socket Items from Box of Sockets:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 25% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Socket Options: 100% for 3 slots.
    • Tier 1 Socket Necklaces from all sources:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 65% for 2 options, 35% for 3 options.
      • Socket Options: 30% for 1 slot, 70% for 2 slots.
    • Tier 2 Socket Necklaces from all sources:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 75% for 3 options, 25% for 4 options.
      • Socket Options: 40% for 2 slots, 60% for 3 slots.
    • Bloodangel...Apocalypse OFF-Set Items from all sources:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 25% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 100% for 1 option.
    • Bloodangel...Apocalypse Shields from all sources:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 15% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 100% for 1 option.
    • Tier 1 Earrings from all sources:
      • Level: Between 1 and 9.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 75% for 2 options, 25% for 3 options.
    • Rings/Pendants from Golden Budge Dragons:
      • Level: Between 1 & 4.
      • Add: Between 1% & 3%.
        • Exception1: Ring of Magic can drop from +10% Mana up to +30% Mana.
        • Exception2: Pendant of Ability can drop from +10% AG up to +30% AG.
      • Excellent Options: 84% for 2 options, 16% for 3 options.
    • Rings/Pendants from BoKs:
      • Level: Between 0 & 4.
      • Add: Between 0% & 3%.
        • Exception1: Ring of Magic can drop from +10% Mana up to +30% Mana.
        • Exception2: Pendant of Ability can drop from +10% AG up to +30% AG.
      • Excellent Options: 60% for 1 option, 30% for 2 options, 10% for 3 options.
    • Wings Level 2 from Early NS Box:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 45% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 80% for 1 option, 20% for 2 options.
  • Chaos Machine Mixes:
    • Chaos Weapon (for Wings Level 1):
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 30% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
    • Wings Level 1:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 15% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
    • Wings Level 2:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 20% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 70% for 0 options, 24.5% for 1 option, 5.5% for 2 options.
    • Wings Level 3:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 30% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 60% for 0 options, 30% for 1 option, 10% for 2 options.
    • Wings Level 4:
      • Level: 0 only.
      • Luck: 35% chance.
      • Add: 0 only.
      • Excellent Options: 70% for 1 option, 25% for 2 options, 5% for 3 options.

Socket System

  • Tier 1 Socket Items require a minimum level of 400.
  • Tier 2 Socket Items require a minimum level of 800.
  • Tier 2 Socket Items are highly buffed in terms of Defense.
  • A fully Socketed Tier 2 set is the best option for PvP in most cases and builds.
  • The maximum level of seeds is 5.
  • All weapons seeds have been removed (and are automatically replaced with the available seeds pool in case of mixes).
  • Official seeds pool:
    • Defense Increase (Water)
    • Damage Reduction (Water)
    • Damage Reflection (Water)
    • Maximum HP Increase (Wind)
    • Automatic HP Recovery (Wind)
    • Maximum Mana Increase (Wind)
    • Automatic Mana Recovery (Wind)
    • Maximum AG Increase (Wind)
    • Automatic AG Recovery (Wind)
    • Strength Increase (Earth)
    • Agility Increase (Earth)
    • Vitality Increase (Earth)
    • Energy Increase (Earth)
  • Seeds info:
    • Level 1 Seeds are just slightly lower than their exc. options counterpart.
    • Level 2 & Level 3 Seeds have bigger increases and gets better than their exc. options counterpart.
    • Levels 4 & Level 5 Seeds have lower increases and are mostly for min-max.
  • New options for Seeds [Level 1/2/3/4/5]:
    • Damage Decrease: 3%, 5%, 7%, 8%, 9%.
    • Reflect Damage: 4%, 6%, 8%, 9%, 10%.
    • Defense Increase: 20, 45, 70, 82, 94. 
    • Automatic HP Recovery: 35, 55, 75, 85, 95.
    • Maximum HP Increase: 80, 120, 160, 180, 200.
    • Maximum Mana Increase: 300, 500, 700, 800, 900.
    • Automatic Mana Recovery: 60, 90, 120, 135, 150.
    • Maximum AG Increase: 50, 75, 100, 112, 124.
    • Automatic AG Recovery: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8.
    • Strength Increase: 8, 16, 24, 28, 32.
    • Agility Increase: 8, 16, 24, 28, 32.
    • Vitality Increase: 8, 16, 24, 28, 32.
    • Energy Increase: 8, 16, 24, 28, 32.

Harmony System

  • The Harmony options have been fully reworked to be more balanced and to exclude useless options.
  • Weapons Options:
    • Increase Strength / Increase Agility / Increase Energy: Tier 1 [3~7], Tier 2 [8~13], Tier 3 [14~20], Tier 4 [25].
    • Increase Attack Power / Magical DMG / Curse DMG: Tier 1 [5~10], Tier 2 [11~18], Tier 3 [19~28], Tier 4 [35].
    • Increase Skill DMG: Tier 1 [8~12], Tier 2 [13~18], Tier 3 [19~25], Tier 4 [30].
    • Increase Crit DMG / EDR DMG: Tier 1 [15~20], Tier 2 [21~30], Tier 3 [31~45], Tier 4 [60].
    • Increase SD Reduction Rate: Tier 1 [2%~4%], Tier 2 [5%~7%], Tier 3 [8%~10%], Tier 4 [12%].
    • Convert 5% of Mana to Attack Power / Magical DMG / Curse DMG: Tier 1 [Max 8~Max 15], Tier 2 [Max 16~Max 25], Tier 3 [Max 26~Max 40], Tier 4 [Max 50].
  • Set Options:
    • Increase Vitality: Tier 1 [2~4], Tier 2 [5~8], Tier 3 [9~13], Tier 4 [15].
    • Increase Defense: Tier 1 [10~18], Tier 2 [19~30], Tier 3 [31~45], Tier 4 [60].
    • Increase Maximum AG: Tier 1 [10~20], Tier 2 [21~35], Tier 3 [36~55], Tier 4 [70].
    • Increase Maximum MP: Tier 1 [30~70], Tier 2 [71~140], Tier 3 [141~230], Tier 4 [300].
    • Increase Maximum HP: Tier 1 [25~40], Tier 2 [41~64], Tier 3 [65~100], Tier 4 [120].
    • Increase Automatic HP Recovery: Tier 1 [4~8], Tier 2 [9~15], Tier 3 [16~25], Tier 4 [30].
    • Increase Automatic MP Recovery: Tier 1 [10~18], Tier 2 [19~30], Tier 3 [31~45], Tier 4 [55].
    • Increase Damage Reduction: Tier 1 [15~25], Tier 2 [26~40], Tier 3 [41~60], Tier 4 [75].
    • Increase SD Ratio: Tier 1 [1%~1%], Tier 2 [2%~3%], Tier 3 [4%~5%], Tier 4 [6%].
    • Convert 10% of Mana to Health: Tier 1 [Max 40~Max 65], Tier 2 [Max 66~Max 100], Tier 3 [Max 101~Max 150], Tier 4 [Max 180]

Chaos Machine Info & Jewels Rates



  • Basic Mixes
    • Devil Square Ticket Mix - Level 1-2: 80% Level 3-5: 70% Level 6-7: 60%.
    • Blood Castle Ticket Mix - Level 1-2: 80% Level 3-5: 70% Level 6-7: 60%.
      • Dealer & Professional VIP will add a +5% chance on the invitations mix rates (it doesn't show at Goblin, client-side).
    • Fruits Mix: 75%.
    • Gemstone Mix: 80%.
    • Mid & Late NS Box Mix: 100%.
    • Lower Refine Stone Mix: 35%.
    • Higher Refine Stone Mix: 75%.
    • Socket Item Upgrade Mix: 70%.
    • Item Upgrades (+10 -> +15 without luck) Mix:
      • +10: 70%.
      • +11: 65%.
      • +12: 60%.
      • +13: 50%.
      • +14: 40%.a
      • +15: 30%.
        • Socket Items have -a 10% chance on any upgrade level compared to normal, ancient & excellent items.
        • Luck will add + 20% chance on every upgrade.
        • Dealer & Professional VIP will add +5% chance on every upgrade rate (it doesn't show at Goblin, client-side).
  • Wings related Mixes
    • Chaos Item Mix: 1-100% (100% max rate).
    • Wings Level 1 Mix: 1-100% (100% max rate).
    • Wings Level 2 Mix: 1-90% (90% max rate).
    • Feather of Condor Mix: 1-60% (60% max rate).
    • Wings Level 3 Mix: 1-40% (40% max rate).
    • Garuda Feather: 5-60% (60% max rate, based on Higher Magic Stones - +5% each).
    • Wings Level 4 Mix: 5-40% (40% max rate, based on Higher Magic Stones - +5% each).
  • Pets related Mixes
    • DL Pets Resurrection Mix: 50%.
    • Piece of Horn Mix: 65%.
    • Broken Horn Mix: 50%.
    • Horn of Fenrir Mix: 35%.
    • Guardian Resurrection (Ghost Horse) Mix: 100%.
    • Guardian Level-up Mix: 70%.
    • Guardian Upgrade Mix:
      • 85% with Previous Tier Guardian level +11.
      • 90% with Previous Tier Guardian level +12.
      • 95% with Previous Tier Guardian level +13.
      • 100% with Previous Tier Guardian level +14~+15.
  • Elemental Mixes
    • Errtel Creation Mix: 50%.
    • Errtel Level-Up Mix:
      • Rank 1 & Rank 2
        • Level 1~3: 90%.
        • Level 4~6: 85%.
        • Level 7: 80%.
        • Level 8: 75%.
        • Level 9: 70%.
        • Level 10: 65%.
      • Rank 3
        • Level 1~2: 90%.
        • Level 3~4: 85%.
        • Level 5~6: 80%.
        • Level 7: 70%.
        • Level 8: 65%.
        • Level 9: 60%.
        • Level 10: 55%.
    • Errtel Rank Up Mix: 100%.
    • Errtel Removal:
      • Rank 1:
        • Level 0~7: 100%.
        • Level 8~9: 90%.
        • Level 10: 80%.
      • Rank 2:
        • Level 0~4: 100%.
        • Level 5~6: 90%.
        • Level 7~9: 80%.
        • Level 10: 70%.
      • Rank 3:
        • Level 0~2: 100%.
        • Level 3~4: 90%.
        • Level 5~6: 80%.
        • Level 7~10: 70%.
      • Note: You can remove any errtel with a 100% chance by using Blessing of Spirit.
    • Mastery Pentagram Upgrade Mix:
      • Using Pentagram +11: 80%.
      • Using Pentagram +12: 85%.
      • Using Pentagram +13: 90%.
      • Using Pentagram +14: 95%.
      • Using Pentagram +15: 100%.
    • Mastery Pentagram Elemental Option Upgrade:
      • Level 1~3: 65%.
      • Level 4~9: 55%.
      • Level 10: 40%.
    • Mastery Errtel Upgrade Mix:
      • Using Rank 1 Errtel +7: 70%.
      • Using Rank 1 Errtel +8: 80%.
      • Using Rank 1 Errtel +9: 90%.
      • Using Rank 1 Errtel +10: 100%.
      • Using Rank 2 Errtel +0: 70%.
      • Using Rank 2 Errtel +1: 80%.
      • Using Rank 2 Errtel +2: 90%.
      • Using Rank 2 Errtel +3~10: 100%.
      • Using Rank 3 Errtel +0~10: 100%.
    • Mastery Errtel Level Up Mix:
      • Level 1~2: 65%.
      • Level 3~4: 60%.
      • Level 5: 55%.
      • Level 6~7: 50%.
      • Level 8~9: 45%.
      • Level 10: 30%.
    • Wings Elemental Option Addition:
      • Using Errtel +4: 15%.
      • Using Errtel +5: 25%.
      • Using Errtel +6: 40%.
      • Using Errtel +7: 50%.
      • Using Errtel +8: 60%.
      • Using Errtel +9: 75%.
      • Using Errtel +10: 90%.
    • Wings Elemental Option Upgrade:
      • Level 1~3: 50%.
      • Level 4~7: 45%.
      • Level 8~10: 40%.
      • Level 11~13: 35%.
      • Level 14~15: 30%.
  • Other Mixes
    • Seed Creation Mix: 100%.
    • Seed Sphere Creation Mix: 100%.
    • Seed Sphere Application Mix: 100%.
    • Seed Sphere Extraction Mix: 80%.
      • Note: The client shows a 90% rate but in reality, the rate is 80%.
    • Seed Sphere Upgrade Mix: 100%.
    • Bloodangel Soul: 80%.
    • Cracked Bloodangel Item Mix: 60%.
    • Earring Level-up Mix: 75%.
    • Earring Upgrade Mix:
      • 85% with Previous Tier Earring level +11.
      • 90% with Previous Tier Earring level +12.
      • 95% with Previous Tier Earring level +13.
      • 100% with Previous Tier Earring level +14~+15.
    • Artifact Spider Mix: 80%.
  • Jewels Rates in Items
    • Bless: 100%.
    • Soul: 65%.
    • Life: 65%.
    • Harmony: 100%.
      • 25% chance for 1 Option.
      • 50% chance for 2 Options.
      • 25% chance for 3 Options.
      • Options chance:
        • Tier 1 (White): 15%.
        • Tier 2 (White): 35%.
        • Tier 3 (Blue): 30%.
        • Tier 4 (Pink): 20%.
    • Lower Refine Stone: 25%.
    • Higher Refine Stone: 70%.
    • NS Jewel: 100%.
      • Luck will add + 20% chance on Soul.
      • Hunter & Professional VIP will add a +6% chance on Soul, Life, and Higher Refine Stone rates.

Special Commands / Hot Features that you should KNOW!


Server Features & Commands

  • Auto Party & Auto Party with Password
    • You can set your Character to automatically accept users into your party when you are the Party Master as well as to automatically accept other character's requests to join their parties.
    • The command that you must type is: /re auto
    • You can also set a password for your party, so only players using the password will be accepted.
    • To set the password you must type: /re auto <password>, where <password> = your random password.
    • After you set up your party password, for others to join your party automatically they must also type:
      • /re auto <password> where <password> = the same password that you set for your party.
        • And then just request a party on any user from your party (Pressing D -> Party and right click on Characters from party).
  • Add Points
    • You can add your free stat points very quickly to any of your stats by typing:
      • /addstr <value> or /addagi <value> or /addvit <value> or /addene <value> or /addcmd <value>, where <value> = the amount of points that you want to add from your free points, and where str = Strength, agi = Agility, vit = Vitality, ene = Energy and cmd = Command.
  • Post System
    • In order to have a more organized way of global communications, we do have 3 different POST channels as follows:
    • If you link your character with Discord (by using the ! member command in Discord) you will also be able to type on [POST] directly from your Discord, without even being logged in-game.
      • Any message you type in the Discord channel 🅿︱post will be rendered in-game with the [DISCORD] tag.
  • Clear Inventories
    • If you want to clear (DELETE) your entire Inventory (let's say it's full of trash items, and you don't want to waste time selling them to shop/dropping them, etc. or you have an item that you can't sell/drop and want to get rid of it) and only the inventory you must type: /clear inv
      • The entire inventory will be cleared instantly, so use it carefully!
    • If you want to clear (DELETE) your entire Expanded Inventory and only the expanded inventory you must type: /clear exp
      • The entire expanded inventory will be cleared instantly, so use it carefully!
    • If you want to clear (DELETE) your entire Event Inventory you must type: /clear event
      • The entire event inventory will be cleared instantly, so use it carefully!
    • If you want to clear (DELETE) the 5th page (last page) of your MUUN Inventory you must type: /clear muun
      • The 5th page of the muun inventory will be cleared instantly, so use it carefully!
  • Character Info & Chars Command
    • To check a character's details you need to type /info <name> where <name> = name of the character.
    • You can also check your character info by either typing /info <yourname> or simply typing /info.
      • The command will show you the following details of the character:
        • Basic Info
          • Character Level + Master Level.
          • Character Total Points.
          • Character Class/Build-Type.
          • Character Points from Fruits.
          • Character-equipped Pentagram Element.
          • Character Guild.
        • PvP Info
          • Character PK Kills.
          • Character PK Points.
          • Character Gens Family.
          • Character Mercenary Squad info (if it does exist).
      • For the info to be shown, the character must be ONLINE and on the same SUB-SERVER (1, 2, 20, etc.).
      • The command will also let you know if the Character name is invalid if the Character name does exist, if the Character is offline, or if the Character is on another sub-server.
    • You can also check the TOP 4 extra characters of a player by typing /chars <name> where <name> = name of the checked character.
      • The characters that are showing up are either main/secondary characters or characters accessed by that specific player.
        • If a player is disturbing you from his secondary character(s), feel free to use this command and get knowledge about his main character to fix the dispute(s)!
  • Account Lock / Unlock
    • To raise the level of security for your accounts, you can 'Lock' them with an extra password.
    • While the account is locked, the items from the account can't be moved/traded/sold/dropped/used on Goblin INGAME.
    • This option is recommended for shared accounts, almost a MUST!
    • You can lock your account by typing /lock <password> where <password> = your chosen password.
      • The password must have a minimum of 4 digits and a maximum of 10 digits.
    • To unlock it you must write /unlock <password> where <password> = the password that you set.
    • After you use /lock for the first time it will work like this:
      • The permissions will not be disabled when you use /lock, basically, nothing will happen at that moment.
      • Every time you LEAVE ACCOUNT (select server, x game, dcfriend, etc.) there will be an auto-lock on your account, as long as the /lock was used at least one time.
        • This means that you won't have to use /unlock every time you relog/change char / move from (to) gens-maps/cs server, etc.
      • The password from the auto-lock is the same password you used last time for the /lock.
      • After your account is logged off, the next time you (or someone else) does enter it, it will first have to /unlock the account to further use it (no matter if you/he change server, relog, etc.) for items-related things.
    • You can also use /removelock <password> where <password> = the password that you set.
      • This command will completely remove the lock from the account.
      • The account must be locked to use it (so you can use it only before using /unlock)!
    • Notes: 
      • The only things that can't be protected with /lock are the items from the main vault (which can be accessed/moved/stolen from the website).
      • Everything else (extra wares, equipment, store, inventories, etc.) are protected.
      • So to have 100% protection make sure to not store VERY IMPORTANT items on your main vault (ware 0) while using the /lock.
  • Disconnect or Reconnect a Friend / Own Account
    • You can disconnect a friend's account, or your account connected to another computer.
    • You must type: /dcfriend <name> <password> where <name> = name of the character, and <password>= password of the account, where the character which you want to disconnect is hosted.
      • Example: /dcfriend rDyNS 123456.
    • For the command to work, the account must be in the same SUB-SERVER as you (1, 2, 20, etc.).
    • Note: /dcfriend will close the game on the device where the character is connected.
    • If you want to only reconnect a character (disconnect it for 10-20 seconds and have it auto-reconnected) you need to type:
      • /reconnect <name> <password> where <name> = name of the character, and <password>= password of the account, where the character which you want to disconnect is hosted.
  • Zen Stones
    • We know that you would like to sell Zen as well on the Market or to deposit more Zen than your character limit so we've introduced Zen Stones!
      • You can type /makestone to create a Zen Stone, it costs 100kk Zen.
      • You can also type /convertstone to convert a Zen Stone into 100kk Zen.
  • OFF-Attack
    • Can be used by any player, but is limited depending on the account level.
      • Free: Maximum 5 hours, no auto-pick.
      • Hunter: Maximum 10 hours, no auto-pick.
      • Dealer: Maximum 5 hours, with auto-pick.
      • Professional: Maximum 12 hours, with auto-pick.
        • The Auto-Pick works as you set it on Helper.
        • The skill selected works as you set it on Helper.
    • The command that you need to type is: /offattack
    • It will leave your character to attack the spot while you are OFFLINE.
    • The character will attack with the spell & use the buffs that you set on Helper.
    • The character you set on OFF-Attack will share the IP with the rest of your chars.
      • That means, with a limit of 2 ACC/IP, you can have 1x OFF-Attack char and 1x Online chars.
    • In order to enter back as ONLINE, you need to write your account once (it will say it is already connected) and then write it again (it will let you connect 2nd time - 1st time is to disconnect it).
  • Extra Warehouses
    • You can access multiple warehouses on the same account.
    • You will have your *MAIN* warehouse as usual, and you'll gain access to extra (empty by default) warehouses where you can deposit your things:
      • Non-VIP characters do have 2 extra warehouses.
      • Dealer & Hunter VIP characters do have 3 extra warehouses.
      • Professional VIP characters do have 4 extra warehouses.
    • In order to access such extra warehouses you need to type /ware <number> where <number> = warehouse number (0/1/2/3/4).
      • Example: /ware 0 (will switch to your main warehouse, which is always set by default and after each relogs).
      • Example2: /ware 1 (will switch to your 2nd warehouse).
    • Note: Characters that had VIP and it expired will no longer be able to access the extra warehouse(s), but items will not be lost, they can be accessed back after you renew your VIP.
    • Note2: The Game Warehouse from Website does use ONLY the *MAIN* warehouse.
  • Dice
    • You can type /dice and it will generate a random number from 1-100, as a system message, that everyone from your range can see it.
    • You can also type /dice <number> where <number> = any number < 10000, it will generate a random number from 1 to your number, that everyone from your range can see it.
      • Note: There is a 5 seconds cooldown between each use.
    • Let the death rolls begin!
  • Reset ADD from Wings
    • You can use the /resetwings command to reset the ADD (Jewel of Life) option from your wings.
    • It will reset (remove) the life option from the currently equipped wings.
    • The cost for the command is 150 Credits & 30kk Zen.
  • Tree Reset
    • If you want to reset either your Master Tree or your Enhancement Tree you can easily do it.
    • You can type /treereset and it will show you what options you have for the reset.
      • You can type /treereset master and it will reset your Master Tree (and only the Master Tree).
      • You can type /treereset enhancement and it will reset your Enhancement Tree (and only the Enhancement Tree).
    • The price to reset one of the Trees is 1200 Credits.
    • Note: If you're over level 800, the Master reset option will reset both Trees, and the price is 2400 Credits!
  • Zen System
    • Normal monsters from the game will no longer "drop" the zen on the floor, instead, the Zen system is replaced from scratch.
    • While leveling you will have a 15%~30% chance of getting Zen after killing (last-hit) a monster.
      • Note: Lower maps have a higher chance, higher maps have a lower chance.
    • The Zen will go directly into your Inventory (without you picking anything) and will still notice you on system like it does for the normal Zen ("XX Zen Obtained").
    • There is a basic value (minimum value per map) and a dynamic value based on the monster level you kill (the higher the level of the monster, the higher the zen) as well as a Zen penalty based on the difference of your level vs map level.
    • The EXP you take does no longer matter, nor who does the "last hit" of the monster. All Zen is now linear and it is calculated for every character.
    • Important: Zen can be gained during /offattack ONLY with Dealer VIP / PRO VIP and only on maps over level 200.
    • Extra changes related to Zen (for balance purposes with the new Zen System):
      • Helper Zen cost usage:
        • Helper Stage 1: Level * 70 Zen.
        • Helper Stage 2: Level * 120.
        • Helper Stage >=3: Level * 200.
      • Excellent option (Zen) will now add +10% Zen per item.
      • Having Rudolf while farming will now give you a +15% Zen.
      • There's also an extra bonus ZEN (compared to normal, solo-player zen) if the party has 4 or 5 people in the same range - +35% for 4 - +50% for 5).
        • Keep in mind that on the new System, all the mobs do apply these bonuses, no matter who last-hits the mob.
        • Note: Zen Bonuses are additive, not multiplicative which means you get separate bonuses based only on the base zen.
      • Examples:
        • Solo case:
          • You will get the base Zen of that map/monster for every kill.
            • If you have VIP, you will get the base zen + the bonus from the VIP.
            • If you have items with +Zen, you will get the base zen + the bonus from the Zen Items.
            • If you have both VIP and items with +Zen, you will get the base zen + the bonus from the VIP + the bonus from the Zen Items.
            • Example:
              • Base zen: 5.000
              • VIP bonus: 25%
              • 4 items with Zen (4x10%) = 40% bonus Zen from items.
              • Final Zen that you get: 5.000 + VIP bonus (5.000*0.25) + zen items (5.000*0.4) = 8.250 final Zen that you get, under these conditions.
        • Party case:
          • Whenever a monster is killed, everyone in the same party with the killer (the one who last hits) and in the monster's map and 8x8 range (including the killer itself) will get Zen as follows:
            •  All players will receive the same amount of base zen that a solo player would get, for killing the same monster and in the same conditions.
            • Each player from the party will receive an INDIVIDUAL Zen bonus based on his own VIP level and his Items with Zen.
            • Example of party configuration and zen drop:
              • 4 Players in a party, and everyone is in range.
              • Base zen: 5.000 (the Zen that a solo player would take as well).
              • Party bonus: 35%.
              • Player 1: NON-VIP
              • Player 2: VIP Pro
              • Player 3: VIP Dealer
              • Player 4: NON-VIP but 3x items with Zen.
              • In this configuration, players will get the following amount of zen on the same monster killed:
                • Player 1: 5.000 + party bonus (35%) = 5000 + 1750 = 6.750 Zen received.
                • Player 2: 5.000 + party bonus (35%) + vip bonus (15%) = 5.000 + 1750 + 750 = 7.500 Zen received.
                • Player 3: 5.000 + party bonus (35%) + vip bonus (25%) = 5.000 + 1750 + 1.250 = 8.000 Zen received.
                • Player 4: 5.000 + party bonus (35%) + zen items (3x10%) = 5.000 + 1750 + 1500 = 8.250 Zen received.
              • As you will notice, there are several advantages:
                • Each player will have his bonuses based on what he individually has (no longer shared bonuses between all members).
                • The bonuses will be applied no matter who last hits the monster.
                • Farming Zen in a full party (4/5) will be better than farming Zen alone.
      • Zen Table:
        • Lorencia / Noria / Elbeland 1-3:
          • 30% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 70 + MonsterLevel*23 zen.
        • Devias 1-4 / Dungeon 1-3:
          • 24% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 550 + MonsterLevel*28 zen.
        • Atlans 1-3 / Lost Tower 1-7:
          • 21% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 1000 + MonsterLevel*36 zen.
        • Tarkan 1-2 / Aida 1-2 / Icarus:
          • 19% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 1550 + MonsterLevel*44 zen.
        • Kanturu 1-3 / Karutan 1 / Alkmaar / Ubaid:
          • 18% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 2200 + MonsterLevel*53 zen.
        • Kalima 6 / Relics / Karutan 2 / Land of Trials:
          • 17% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 3000 + MonsterLevel*62 zen.
        • Kalima 7 / Raklion / Vulcanus:
          • 16% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 4000 + MonsterLevel*70 zen.
        • Swamp of Peace & Higher Maps:
          • 15% zen chance.
          • Base zen: 2000 + MonsterLevel*100 zen.
        • Note: Zen is not gained on Events (BC, DS, CC, IT, etc.).
      • Zen Penalty:
        • If you have more than 20 levels over the average level of the map you are currently farming, you will start gaining penalties on Zen.
          • For maps until Uruk Mountain, for every 1 level after the first 20 levels difference, you lose 0.25% zen from the Base Zen.
          • For maps starting from Ferea, for every 1 level after the first 20 levels difference, you lose 0.125% zen from the Base Zen.
        • Note: The maximum penalty is 50% of Zen.
          • Example: Devias is a level 27 map (average of Devias1-4). After level 47, if you continue to farm in Devias you will get -0.25% base zen for each level over 47, up to a maximum of 50% penalty.
            • So, if you farm on Devias at level 247+, you will get only 50% Base Zen.
          • Note: Penalty is also individual, the penalties are for each character from a party, based on its level.
  • Fruits Stats Bonus
    • If you reach at least 100 extra stats by using the Fruits made from Creations, you'll receive an extra 150 free points.
      • Note: To receive the bonus you must have level 400, at least 100 points from fruits and to relog on sub-server 1 (non-gens maps).
      • Note2: Command Fruits will automatically change to other random Fruits after they are placed in the Inventory.
  • Shared Drops & Shared Pools
    • Shared Drops
      • If a consumable is picked up from a monster drop (on the spot) and the player that is picking it up is in a party, everyone from the party that is in the 10x10 range of the picker will also receive that consumable.
        • Example: rDy, Mario, BMG, and PressPlay are in a party. rDy, Mario, and BMG are on the spot, and PressPlay is in the safe zone. rDy is picking up a Jewel of Bless -> Mario & BMG are also receiving a Jewel of Bless, but PressPlay does not.
      • There's also a "Bonus" feature:
        • If 4 players of the same party are on the spot (in the 10x10 range), there's a 25% chance when a consumable is picked up that one random player from those 4 is receiving 2x from that consumable.
        • If 5 players of the same party are on the spot (in the 10x10 range), there's a 40% chance when a consumable is picked up that one random player from those 5 is receiving 2x from that consumable.
      • Currently, the consumables that are part of Shared Drops are:
        • Jewel of Bless
        • Jewel of Soul
        • Jewel of Chaos
        • Jewel of Life
        • Jewel of Creation
        • Gemstone
        • Elemental Rune
      • The feature tries to touch multiple "issues":
        • Lower the gap between ALT farm and NORMAL, random solo players (which usually have like 1/5 chance of getting something while a random ALT gets 100% of the drops).
        • Reduce the frustrations for those that have higher PING and can't compete for drops with people that have normal ping.
        • Get rid of the "fights" between permanent parties for splitting the drops. 
      • IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to this feature, the overall jewels drop rates are lower than usual, to avoid inflation.
    • Shared Pools
      • GGD, Cursed Dragon, Death King, Kundun, Nightmare, Bloody Witch Queen, Balgass, Medusa, Selupan, Lord Silvester, Core Magriffy, Nix, Lord of Ferea & God of Darkness now have a Shared Pool of Credits & RUUD.
      • There's a higher number of RUUD & Credits given when the boss dies but the amounts given are equally split between the players that are in range of the boss when it dies.
        • Example: Medusa has a Shared Pool of 120 Credits & 1000 RUUD. If there are 5 players in Medusa's range when she dies, each of them receives 24 Credits & 200 RUUD. If there's only one player in range when she dies, the player will receive 120 Credits & 1000 RUUD.


Client Utilities

  • Launcher Features
    • Our Launcher has a few interesting features that you should be aware of.
      • Event Timers, Tutorials & Notifications
        • You can see the remaining time for all of the Events if you keep the Launcher open.
        • You can enable/disable Windows notifications related to events by clicking on their icon from the left side.
        • You can also read event tutorials by clicking the "Open Tutorial" buttons from the available events.
      • Character(s) Linking
        • You can link any of your characters with the Launcher to enable new features.
        • In order to link a character you must click the "My Code" section of the Launcher and paste the code in-game.
        • After that, the character will appear on your Launcher with a few details updated every few seconds.
      • Attack Notifications & Kill Notifications
        • You have the option to enable such notifications from Launcher Settings.
        • If they are enabled, you will receive Windows notifications whenever one of your linked characters is either attacked (by another player) or killed (by monsters and/or players).
  • Game Anti-Lag
    • You can our anti-lag in real-time, as you wish, by either activating all of its features or only some of them as follows:
      • [SHIFT + 1] - Hide Wings
      • [SHIFT + 2] - Hide Effects
      • [SHIFT + 3] - Hide Pets
      • [SHIFT + 4] - Hide Zen
      • [SHIFT + 5] - Hide Drops
      • [SHIFT + 6] - Hide Character
      • [SHIFT + 7] - Hide Terrain
      • [SHIFT + 8] - Hide Mobs
      • [SHIFT + 9] - Hide Mobs and Terrain
      • [SHIFT + 0] - Hide Everything
  • 3D Camera & Minimizer
    • You can turn the 3D camera ON/OFF by pressing the "[F11]" key.
    • After turning the camera ON you can zoom in/out by using your mouse wheel.
      • Mouse wheel UP = Zoom IN, mouse wheel DOWN = Zoom OUT.
    • You can move the camera on the X axis by holding the "[SHIFT]" key and the "[Right Mouse Button]" and dragging around.
    • You can move the camera on the Y axis by pressing the "[PGUP]" and "[PGDN]" keys.
    • To reset the camera position, you must press the "[INSERT]" key and it will be restored to the default position.
    • Also, if you want to Minimize the game, just press the "[F12]" key and it will disappear from the screen.
      • To retrieve the window, go to the MU icon near the Windows Clock (on the bar) and click on it.

Website Features

  • Web Warehouse
    • This feature is just like a Game Warehouse but it is on WEBSITE.
    • You can deposit up to 50 items in the Web Warehouse (so use it for extra storage).
    • The Web Warehouse is also the bridge between your In-Game items and the Market/Premium Modules.
    • To use any of these modules, you must first move your items from Game Warehouse to Web Warehouse.
  • Zen Wallet & Jewel Wallet
    • These Wallets are your 'Bank' for Jewels and Zen.
    • To buy things from the Market, you must deposit the Jewels / Zen needed for the transaction, in your Wallets.
    • Also, when you are selling something in the Market, you will receive the Jewels / Zen in your Wallets.
    • You can have a large amount of Jewels and a large amount of Zen in your Wallets, so use them for extra space / Zen.
  • Add Luck Feature
    • You can use Credits to Add Luck to an item from your account that doesn't already have it.
      • Exception: Wings Level 3 & 4. You can't use this feature on them.
    • The feature can be used by any player, it doesn't matter if it's VIP or not.
    • The price is 500 Credits / Item.
    • To use this function you must use the following procedure:
      • 1. Adding the item that you want to put Luck on into the Web Warehouse:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE ->Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to upgrade -> Click on 'Move to Web'.
      • 2. Upgrading the Item using Add Luck feature:
        • Go to Services -> Premium Options -> Blacksmith then press the button under the 'Add Luck' column, which is in the front of the Item that you want to Upgrade.
  • Chaos Machine Feature
    • You can Upgrade your Items with credits using the Chaos Machine on WEBSITE (100% chance of success and without the jewels).
    • You can only use this function for items with a minimum level of +9 and a maximum level of +12 (based on Stage).
      • Exception: Wings Level 3 & 4. You can't use this feature on them.
    • The feature can be used by any player, it doesn't matter if it's VIP or not.
    • The price is 180 Credits for +10, 260 Credits for +11, 380 Credits for +12.
    • To use this function you must use the following procedure:
      • 1. Adding the item that you want to Upgrade the Level on into the Web Warehouse:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to upgrade -> Click on 'Move to Web'.
      • 2. Upgrading the Item using the Chaos Machine feature:
        • Go to Services -> Premium Options -> Blacksmith and press on the button under the 'Chaos Machine' column, which is in the front of the Item that you want to Upgrade.
  • Add Option Feature
    • You can Upgrade the +ADD Option of your Items using the Increase Add Option on WEBSITE.
    • It will transform any +add option (from +0 / +4 / +8) into a +12 option.
      • Exception: Wings Level 1, Rings, Pendants, Necklaces & Earrings. You can't use this feature on them.
    • The feature can be used by any player, it doesn't matter if it's VIP or not.
    • The price is 250 Credits / Item.
    • To use this function you must use the following procedure:
      • 1. Adding the item that you want to Upgrade the +ADD Option on into the Web Warehouse:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to upgrade -> Click on 'Move to Web'.
      • 2. Upgrading the Item using Add Option feature:
        • Go to Services -> Premium Options -> Blacksmith and press on the button under the 'Add Option' column, which is in the front of the Item that you want to Upgrade.
  • Market
    • You can easily Sell / Buy items from other Players in the Market.
    • All the items are added by players from the game.
    • You need a minimum level of 100 to be able to sell on the Market (that can be raised as the game progress).
    • Currencies in which you can Sell for, in the Market:
      • Jewel of Bless
      • Jewel of Soul
      • Jewel of Chaos
      • Jewel of Life
      • Jewel of Harmony
      • Jewel of Creation
      • Elemental Rune
      • Zen
      • Credits (Maximum price of 2000 Credits / Item).
        • You can make any combination of these currencies, up to 4, to set an offer.
    • Taxes:
      • 350.000 Zen for each item added to Market.
      • 10% on any Credits transactions.
    • Any item added to Market will expire after 5 days if it's not bought (will return to your account).
    • You can only sell up to 35 items / day in the Market.
    • To Sell Items in the Market you must use the following procedure:
      • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Game Warehouse -> Left Click on the Item that you want to sell -> Click on 'Sell Item' then set the price and click on 'Submit'. You can also sell the item from Web Warehouse.
    • To Buy Items from the Market you must use the following procedure:
      • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Wallets ->Click on Jewels / Zen Wallet -> Deposit the amount of Jewels / Zen needed to buy the items into the Jewels Wallet / Zen Wallet from your Game Warehouse -> Go to Market and buy the items you want.
    • You can filter items by excellent options, class, etc.
  • Character Market
    • You can Buy/Sell characters in a 100% safe way, using the Character Market.
    • The System works only with Credits (you can only buy/sell for Credits).
    • Characters sold must have a minimum of 300 levels.
    • There is a Tax of 20% and a Minimum Price of 2000 credits for any Character.
    • You must choose on what account the Credits will go after a successful sale (you must write the account where you want them at 'Recipient').
    • After a successful sale, the Character that was sold will be automatically transferred into the account that bought it (if there is space for it), and then you can use it.
    • The entire equipment, ranks, stats, etc. will be transferred.
  • Change Avatar
    • You can change your Avatar from Rankings (the image shown when somebody keeps the cursor on your name).
    • Be creative, be funny, make your name heard on Rankings, and you can even use GIFs.
    • In order to Change your Avatar you must use the following procedure:
      • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Services -> Go to Character Options-> Go to Change Avatar.
        • You need to choose the Character you want to add / update your avatar.
        • You must follow the next steps to add an Avatar:
          • Visit https://imgur.com
          • Click on 'New post' on the top left
          • Upload an image you want as Avatar from your PC
          • After the upload is over, click on 'Copy link'
          • Paste the copied link into the 'Avatar Link' field
        • Example: https://imgur.com/aAsa7sC
      • IMPORTANT! The avatar link must follow the structure *https://imgur.com/XXXXXX*, or else it won't work!
  • Account Logs, Search & Warp Features
    • Account Logs:
      • You can see all your Account Logs (everything you did on website, including the IP address accessing your account).
      • In order to access the Account Logs, you need to use the following procedure:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Services -> Go to Account Logs.
    • Search:
      • You can find any Player or Guild from the Server, just by writing his name on Search Feature.
        • After finding it, you can also click on it to see all the info that is publicly available.
      • In order to access the Search feature you need to use the following procedure:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Services ->Go to Search Player / Guild.
    • Warp Character:
      • You can warp your Character from the website to any available maps from the warp feature.
      • The feature is especially for PK'ers that want to move to other maps.
      • There is a cooldown of 30 minutes to use this feature.
      • Prices for moving to maps from the website are much higher than the game ones.
      • In order to access the Warp Character feature you need to use the following procedure:
        • Log IN on WEBSITE -> Go to Services -> Go to Character Options -> Go to Warp Character.
      • Attention! The Zen needed for Warp must be deposited into Zen Wallet to use the feature!
      • You can also use the Warp Character (for free) to teleport on Lorencia (in case of a character stuck).
  • Rankings PvM & NewSquad Golden Months
    • Rankings PvM:
      • In these Rankings, you can see the best PvM Players & Hunters.
      • You can also check which character killed which boss/mini-boss and for how many times.
        • This is helpful when you are looking for specific items (like BoK+2 items, for example).
      • Each boss / mini-boss available on PvM Rankings does give a specific amount of PvM Points on kill:
        • Rabbits = 2 Points. 
        • BOK+1 = 3 Points.
        • BOK+2 = 4 Points.
        • BOK+3 = 5 Points.
        • BOK+4 = 6 Points.
        • BOK+5 = 7 Points.
        • Budges = 8 Points.
        • Derkon = 10 Points.
        • WW = 10 Points.
        • Cursed = 15 Points.
        • GGD = 15 Points Killer & Party Members.
        • Witch = 20 Points Killer & Party Members.
        • Nightmare = 25 Points Killer & Party Members.
        • Kundun = 25 Points Killer & Party Members.
        • Medusa = 40 Points Killer & Party Members & Guild Members.
        • Selupan = 50 Points Killer & Party Members & Guild Members.
    • NewSquad Golden Months:
      • NSGM Ranks are showing the Players that are participating in NSGM Competition.
      • You can see the NSP for each Player and also the Day-Rank:
        • No Participation - The player didn't participate in the recent Event.
        • 1st Place - The player won 1st Place at the recent Event.
        • 2nd Place - The player won 2nd Place at the recent Event.
        • 3rd Place - The player won 3rd Place at the recent Event.
        • 4th Place - The player won 4th Place at the recent Event.
        • 5th Place - The player won 5th Place at the recent Event.
        • Consolation - The player got a Consolation at the recent Event.
      • The Day-Ranks are having a reset every day at 11:59 Server Time.

PvP System - All Details & Features

  • Starter Info
    • This is a full PvP Server - that means you can Kill / KS any player, any time, as much as you want, AS LONG AS GAME LET YOU DO IT.
    • You can Summon your Party in Gens Maps only when there is a boss / mini-boss / golden alive (GGD, Bloody Witch Queen, Lord of Ferea, etc.).
    • There is no /pkclear command available.
      • To clear your PK you must either wait (a long time for each kill) or to KILL monsters and make the clean process much faster (by gaining PK points).
    • When you are in a party you can't attack/be attacked by others from the same party (to avoid kills from mates by mistake)
  • Nature of Maps
    • Non-PvP Maps (can't attack players):
      • Dungeon, Aida, Karutan 2, Kalima 7, Debenter, Nixies Lake, Cubera Mine, Crimson Icarus & Burning Kethothum where you can only KS.
    • Free PvP Zone (can kill players without punishments):
      • Lorencia Circle.
      • Raklion Hatchery.
      • In Death King's 12x12 range.
      • In Medusa's 12x12 range.
      • In Lord Silvester's 12x12 range.
      • In Core Magriffy's 12x12 range.
      • In God of Darkness's 12x12 range.
    • Gens Maps (can attack players from opposite gens without punishments / can't attack members from the same gens):
      • Atlans, Tarkan, Karutan 1, Kanturu Relics, Vulcanus, Ferea, Old Kethothum, Atlans Abyss 1, Scorched Canyon & Kanturu Depths.
    • Normal PvP Maps (can kill players but with punishments):
      • Rest of maps.
  • PK Points System
    • You gain 3 points per second.
    • You gain MonsterLevel / 4 points per monster kill.
    • Points required to clean PK at Stage1: 10000
    • Points required to clean PK from Stage2 to Stage1: 15000
    • Points required to clean PK from Stage3 to Stage2: 20000
    • Points required to clean PK for each extra Kill after Stage3: 5000
  • PK Punishments & Allowance
    • If you are PK you can:
      • Be summoned by a DL (if it is not on the same IP with you and ONLY if there is an invasion / boss / mini-boss alive on that map).
      • Teleport to most of the Maps via Website (But with a much higher cost of Zen).
        • Note: There's a cooldown of 30 minutes per warp. The exception is Lorencia where you can warp anytime.
    • Punishments:
      • You can't use Shops if you are PK.
      • You can be attacked on Non-PvP maps.
      • You have specific Kill Limits based on the map where you currently are.
      • You can't join LoT if you are PK.
  • Kill Limits
    • You aren't able to PK after a certain amount of kills and based on the map you are until you clear some Kills (but you can be killed).
      • Lorencia, Noria, Elbeland, Devias, Dungeon, Lost Tower -> Max 8 Kills.
      • Icarus, Kanturu, Kalima 6 -> Max 12 Kills.
      • Alkmaar, Raklion, Ubaid, Swamp of Peace -> Max 16 Kills.
      • Uruk Mountain, Nars, Deep Dungeon 1-5 -> Max 25 Kills.
      • Maps higher than Swamp of Dark -> Max 40 Kills.
    • The limit is bypassed on a map when there are Goldens / Bosses / Mini-Bosses alive (you can pass the kill limit while the mobs are alive).
    • The limit is bypassed when you are attacking a Stage2 / Stage3 PK'er (you're not limited).
    • The limit is bypassed if both attacker and victim are part of the Mercenary Squad.
    • The limit is bypassed if there is a fight for a spot or a fight with KS'ers.
      • The condition is that the attacker must have a full party (4 or 5 members) and at least 3 other party mates must be in his 6x6 zone (to be marked as eligible).
      • If the conditions are met the attacker can bypass the limit of kills.
  • Fairness Gaps
    • You aren't able to attack or be attacked by players when a fairness gap is touched.
    • This feature will disable the option of attacking a player if it's much lower in levels than you.
    • The feature is having a vice-versa also, players much lower than you can't attack you.
    • Exceptions:
      • The feature is disabled on Gens Maps.
      • The feature is disabled at Events (CS, Arena Tournament, CC, etc.) as well as on Duel Arena and Lorencia Circle.
      • The feature is disabled if you have a party of 4 or 5 players and all of them are in the 6x6 range.
        • If the attacker or the one being attacked does have such party (basically, on the spot), the Fairness Gap is bypassed and both attacker and the target can attack each other without any restriction.
        • The feature is similar to the one from Kill Limit (when you can pass Kill Limit while on the spot / fights between parties).
        • The feature was added to 'fix' the cases when low or high players come to a spot just for KS, and can't be stopped due to Fairness Gap, which can now be passed with 4 / 5 members in the party and on the spot.
    • The Fairness Gaps are:
      • Level 1~399 gaps:
        • 90~179 -> 90 Levels
        • 180~259 -> 80 Levels
        • 260~339 -> 70 Levels
        • 340~399 -> 60 Levels
      • Level 400~799 gaps:
        • 400~499 -> 80 Levels
        • 500~599 -> 90 Levels
        • 600~699 -> 100 Levels
        • 700~799 -> 120 Levels
      • Level 800~1500 gaps:
        • 800~899 -> 80 Levels
        • 900~1099 -> 120 Levels
        • 1100~1299 -> 160 Levels
        • 1300~1500 -> 200 Levels
    • Examples:
      • Players with levels between 90 and 179 can't attack players with 90+ levels difference.
        • Example: A player with level 179 can't attack another player under level 89.
      • Players with levels between 260 and 339 can't attack players with 70+ levels difference.
        • Example: A player with level 320 can't attack another player under level 250.
      • Players with levels between 400 and 499 can't attack players with 80+ levels difference.
        • Example: A player with level 400 can't attack another player under level 320.
      • Players with levels between 900 and 1099 can't attack players with 120+ levels difference.
        • Example: A player with level 1000 can't attack another player under level 880.
      • And so on.
  • Mercenary Squad System
    • Mercenary Squad is a new OPTIONAL PvP System, where anyone who wants more PvP can join.
      • You can register into the squad by writing /registerpvp.
      • You need at least level 400 to join Mercenary Squad.
      • After you join you need to wait at least 6 hours before leaving it.
      • In order to leave you need to write /unregisterpvp.
      • You can join/leave any number of times you want.
      • There is also a new Ranking tab on the Website (Mercenary Squad), reflecting the top for Mercenaries.
      • You will get 1 point for every 7 minutes of ONLINE TIME while you are registered on the squad.
        • Note: Only if you are out of safe zones / events do you get the online points.
      • The system is active only on normal server(s) - Gens Server & Events Server excluded - except Kalimas, where you don't get points or mercenary benefits but you also can't be targeted for mercenary quests. 
      • IMPORTANT! If you unregister from the Mercenary Squad you will LOSE all your ACCUMULATED POINTS!
        • So, the higher the risk the higher the reward.
    • Features for those that register:
      • There are 3 levels of seals that you get by registering, which will upgrade in time:
        • First Seal is automatically given after you register, it will increase your Master Exp by 5%.
        • The second seal will give you 10% exp.
        • The third seal will give you 15% exp.
          • Each Seal will show you the current seal level & bonuses.
            • Requirements for Level 2:  2000 Points, 8 Quests & 4 Repels or 2000 Points & 30 Quests.
            • Requirements for Level 3: 5000 Points, 25 Quests & 12 Repels, or 5000 Points & 60 Quests.
          • All seals also have a visual effect on your character so people will know that you're part of the Mercenary Squad.
          • Seals only work on the normal server(s).
      • You will bypass Fairness Gaps versus other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass PK Limit vs other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass Non-PvP invasions vs other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass Non-PvP maps vs other Mercenaries.
      • You will bypass the Non-PvP aspect of Rabbits invasions vs other Mercenaries.
      • When you reach a total of 8 PK kills, you'll no longer gain extra PK kills (levels) vs other Mercenaries.
    • Mercenary Quest System:
      • There is also a Mercenary Quest system that can be accessed once every 12 hours with the command /pvpquest.
        • Note: If you neither finish your quest nor get repelled you can access the quest after 6 hours instead of 12, for a second chance.
      • This command will assign you an ONLINE player from the Mercenary Squad, using the Quest Normalizer Feature, that you need to kill in the next 15 minutes to finish the quest:
        • The Mercenary Quest will first try to assign you targets based on levels interval, as follows:
          • It will look 10 times for Target with -10 / +10 levels compared to you.
          • It will look 15 times for a Target with -20 / +20 levels compared to you.
          • It will look 20 times for a Target with -30 / +30 levels compared to you.
          • It will look 25 times for a Target with -45 / +45 levels compared to you.
          • It will look 30 times for Target with -60 / +60 levels compared to you.
          • It will look 35 times for a Target with -80 / +80 levels compared to you.
            • If it doesn't find any target during these 135 tries, it will look for a Target with any level.
        • If you have over 500 Mercenary Points, when starting a mercenary quest, you have a 1/3 chance of getting a target in your Mercenary Points interval instead of your Character Level interval as follows:
          • It will look 15 times for a Target with -250 Merc Points / +250 Merc Points compared to you.
          • It will look 20 times for a Target with -500 Merc Points / +500 Merc Points compared to you.
          • It will look 25 times for a Target with -750 Merc Points / +750 Merc Points compared to you.
          • It will look 30 times for Target with -1000 Merc Points / +1000 Merc Points compared to you.
          • It will look 35 times for a Target with -1500 Merc Points / +1500 Merc Points compared to you.
          • It will look 40 times for a Target with -2000 Merc Points / +2000 Merc Points compared to you.
            • If it doesn't find any target during these 165 tries, it will look for a Target with any amount of Merc Points.
        • Basically, you'll have a 33.3% chance to get a target based on Merc Points instead of Level and a 66.7% chance to get a target based on Level, as usual.
        • This was added in order to reduce the power and the easier life of alts.
          • Note: If your Mercenary Points are under 500, you will encounter only players related to your character level, and not points, in your quests.
        • Important note: If your target is on a map that you don't have the level to access yet you can use /qwarp command to get & stay there during the quest duration!
          • If you did use the /qwarp command you will receive a Seal of Sustenance, preventing you from getting experience until the quest is over (won /lost / expired / canceled).
      • There is a counter-attack function called Repel:
        • If the quest targets kill their hunter before being killed, they will receive points and the hunter's reward, and the hunter will fail the quest.
      • The points earned from Quests / Repels are Dynamic:
        • Points are received based on the kill type (normal or challenge), repel (normal or challenge), and level difference.
        • Default *Normal* Quest Points reward is 35 Points.
        • Default *Challenge* Quest Points reward is 45 Points.
        • Default *Normal* Repel Points reward is 45 Points.
        • Default *Challenge* Repel Points reward is 65 Points.
        • The formula of points added is DefaultValue +- LevelDifference*0.4.
          • Minimum points gained: 10.
          • Maximum points gained: 85.
      • You will lose Mercenary Points when you are being killed as Quest Target and from Repel. 
        • Formula: 4% of current Mercenary Points.
          • Minimum points lost: 20 Points.
        • Note: If you already passed the Seal Upgrade requirements you will lose the Upgrade if you go back under the Points requirement, so you need to make them back in other to recover your Seal Upgrade.
        • Note2: Points lost by dying as quest target/repel or by leaving the Challenge can't go under 0 (minimum points value is 0).
      •  For Quest Retarget, you have to type again /pvpquest when your target is gone/inaccessible.
        • In this way, you can choose how many times you retry.
    • Mute List Feature
      • When you start a quest you will receive Mute on characters online & on any new character you try to log in as well as disabling the option to open a store.
      • Mute will be removed when Quest is failed, retried, repelled, or finished, along with the store access restore.
      • This will prevent "friendly quests" as we got used to.
    • Black List Feature
      • Whenever you finish a quest with a Target (kill or repel), the target will be added to the blacklist.
      • Blacklist targets can't appear as quest targets for up to 7 days since they were added to the blacklist.
    • Challenge Feature
      • When you are being targeted in a Quest, you will receive a global message, "You are being Hunted!", every 1 minute, in the first 8 minutes of the quest.
      • During these 5 minutes, you can type /challenge.
      • If you do this, you and your Target (which you don't know) will be moved to a Colosseum Arena, each one on a different side.
      • The first one that will die will lose (which means Target will successfully Repel or Hunter will successfully finish the Quest).
      • Both players won't be able to move from the Map until the "duel" is over, or one of them will exit the game.
        • If Hunter leaves the game before any of them die, he will fail the quest & lose 120 points and 5% of points
        • If Target leaves the game before any of them die, he will lose 180 and 5% Points and Hunter will get to retry the quest.
      • In Colosseum, both Repel points reward and the Quest points reward are increased, for the Challenge.
      • You won't gain any PK level in the Colosseum.
    • Mercenary Bounty
      • Mercenary Bounty can only be gained from Quests & Repels.
      • There are 2 types of Mercenary Bounty:
        • Mercenary Bounty Initiate (available when having < 2500 Points).
          • Reward:
            • TBD.
        • Mercenary Bounty Advanced (available when having >= 2500 Points).
          • Reward:
            • TBD.
      • Quest extra reward is progressive:
        • You gain 0 Mercenary Bounties as an extra reward when you have < 500 Points.
        • You gain 1 Mercenary Bounty as an extra reward when you have between 500 and 999 Points.
        • You gain 2 Mercenary Bounties as an extra reward when you have between 1000 and 1999 Points.
        • You gain 3 Mercenary Bounties as an extra reward when you have over 2000 Points.
        • You gain +1 Mercenary Bounty for every extra 2000 Points after 2000 (at 4000,6000, etc.).
      • Repel extra reward will always be the same amount of Mercenary Bounties that the Hunter would get based on his Points (if the target has 0 Bounties as a reward Repel will be 0 Bounties, etc.).
  • Gens System
    • Looks like the classic system, with some adjustments:
      • You get 1 Gens point every 3 minutes you stay in a Battle Map and outside of a safe zone, as long as you are not a part of the Mercenary Squad.
        • Note: Mercenaries do not gain Gens points from online time in Battle Maps but they also can't be targeted for mercenary quests there.
      • There are RAIDS, 3 times per day (20:55, random hour/minute between 01:00 and 07:59, random hour/minute between 10:00 and 16:59).
        • Each lasts for 20 minutes and these are the only Gens events where you can obtain Gens points by killing other Gens clans in battle maps.
          • Only the first kill on the same person gives points, you can kill any player for how many times you want though.
          • If you are being killed during Raid, you won't gain Points by killing the same person.
        • Raid points gained from kills: 60 +- LevelDifference * 0.7.
          • Minimum Points gained: 10 Points.
        • Raid points lost on death: 12 + TargetLevel * 0.1.
        • During Gens Raids, if you attack a Character, both you and the target will have the warping disabled for 10 seconds.
      • Points are updated only when you switch character / go to Crywolf / go from non-gens maps to gens maps.
    • Gens Rewards:
      • Twice per month, the players with the most gens points (and not only) will be rewarded.
      • The Gens reset will happen on the 1st day of each month and the 16th day of each month, at 17:00. There will be a disconnect-reconnect for everyone that will be online on Gens-maps at that moment. After this disconnect, you will be able to get your reward for the previous gens season by speaking to your (Family) Gens NPC.
      • You will be able to take your reward for the previous month anytime until the next Gens reset.
      • There is also a gens contribution reset at the same time.
      • To take your reward you'll have just to click the Gens NPC for your Gens family. It has a global cooldown of 4 seconds between rewards. Global cooldown means if Player A gets the reward now, the others can get the reward 4 seconds later.
      • Gens Rank Rewards:
        • First place from Vanert & Duprian:
          • To be continued.
          • HoF badge
        • 2nd place from Varnert & Duprian:
          • To be continued.
        • 3rd place from Vanert & Duprian:
          • To be continued.
        • 4th place form Vanert & Duprian: 5th place from V & D
          • To be continued.
          • To be continued.
        • There are 25(50) extra rewards for top 5~30 players from Vanert and Duprian:
          • To be continued.
      • So, choose your gens carefully! If one gens family is lower populated you have more chances to get in top there!
    • Handicap Advantage for Gens Families:
      • Based on the total number differences of Gens, the gens family with a lower number of players will have a higher number of total rewards
      • Example: If by default there are 30 rewards for Vanert and 30 rewards for Duprian, now based on the difference of total players there can be 20-30 rewards for the higher populated gens and 30-40 rewards for the lower populated gens (total number of rewards will always be 60, as default)
        • Note: Only the TOP 300 characters part of Gens are counted for Gens proportions.
      • Handicap intervals:
        • If Difference <= 6% (interval of 50-53% players for one gens or another):
          • 30 Rewards - 30 Rewards (both families getting the same amount of rewards).
        • If the Difference is> 6% and the Difference <= 12% (interval of 54-56% players for one family or another):
          • 28 Rewards for higher population Family - 32 Rewards for the lower population Family.
        • If the difference is> 12% and the Difference <= 18% (interval of 57-59% players for one family or another):
          • 26 Rewards for higher population Family - 34 Rewards for the lower population Family.
        • If the Difference is> 18% and the Difference <= 24% (interval of 60-62% players for one family or another):
          • 24 Rewards for higher population Family - 36 Rewards for the lower population Family.
        • If the Difference is> 24% and the Difference <= 30% (interval of 63-65% players for one family or another):
          • 22 Rewards for higher population Family - 38 Rewards for the lower population Family.
        • If Difference > 30% (66%+ players for one family or another):
          • 20 Rewards for higher population Family - 40 Rewards for the lower population Family.

Medals, Excellent (BoKs) & Ancient Tiers


Medals Items Tiers

  • Silver Medal
    • Sets:
      • Black Dragon
      • Eclipse
      • Iris
      • Valiant
      • Adamantine
      • Red Wing
      • Sacred Fire
      • Princie
      • Rune Sphinx
      • Slayer
      • Scale Gunner
      • Light Ray
      • Mage Sphinx
      • Plate Illusionist
    • Weapons:
      • Sword of Destruction
      • Dragon Soul Staff
      • Celestial Bow
      • Sword Dancer
      • Lord Scepter
      • Ancient Stick
      • Piercing Blade Glove
      • Alacran Lance
      • Frost Rune Mace
      • Cookery Short Sword
      • Weiwen Magic Gun
      • Blue Moon Orb
      • Xeno Blade
    • Extras:
      • Skull Shield
      • Tower Shield
      • Alacran Shield
      • Book of Neil
  • Gold Medal
    • Sets:
      • Dark Phoenix
      • Grand Soul
      • Holy Spirit
      • Thunder Hawk
      • Dark Steel
      • Ancient
      • Storm Zahard
      • Sate
      • Rune Legendary
      • Slayer Demonic
      • Round Gunner
      • Flash
      • Mage Legendary
      • Steel Plate
    • Weapons:
      • Knight Blade
      • Platina Staff
      • Viper Bow
      • Kundun Staff
      • Dark Reign Blade
      • Great Lord Scepter
      • Demonic Stick
      • Pantera Claws
      • Pluma Lance
      • Light Road Rune Mace
      • Paring Short Sword
      • Cannon Magic Gun
      • Spinel Orb
      • Dragon Blade
    • Extras:
      • Legendary Shield
      • Serpent Shield
      • Pluma Shield
      • Book of Lagle
      • Combat Quiver
      • Elemental Magic Book

Excellent Items Tiers

  • Box of Kundun + 1
    • Sets:
      • Dragon
      • Legendary
      • Guardian
      • Storm Crow
      • Light Plate
      • Violent Wind
      • Plate
      • Gru Hill
      • Rune Pad
      • Slayer Red
      • Leather Gunner
      • Glimmer
      • Mage Pad
      • Scale Illusionist
    • Weapons:
      • Lightning Sword
      • Legendary Staff
      • Resurrection Staff
      • Silver Bow
      • Rune Blade
      • Great Scepter
      • Red Wing Stick
      • Holy Storm Claw
      • Conmocion Lance
      • El Hazard Mace
      • Dacia Short Sword
      • Frere Magic Gun
      • Myotis Orb
      • Silver Blade
    • Extras:
      • Buckler Shield
      • Large Round Shield
      • Lapid Shield
      • Book of Samut
      • Combat Quiver
      • Elemental Magic Book
  • Box of Kundun + 2
    • Sets:
      • Black Dragon
      • Eclipse
      • Iris
      • Valiant
      • Adamantine
      • Red Wing
      • Sacred Fire
      • Princie
      • Rune Sphinx
      • Slayer
      • Scale Gunner
      • Light Ray
      • Mage Sphinx
      • Plate Illusionist
    • Weapons:
      • Sword of Destruction
      • Dragon Soul Staff
      • Celestial Bow
      • Sword Dancer
      • Lord Scepter
      • Ancient Stick
      • Piercing Blade Glove
      • Alacran Lance
      • Frost Rune Mace
      • Cookery Short Sword
      • Weiwen Magic Gun
      • Blue Moon Orb
      • Xeno Blade
    • Extras:
      • Skull Shield
      • Tower Shield
      • Alacran Shield
      • Book of Neil
      • Combat Quiver
      • Elemental Magic Book
  • Box of Kundun + 3
    • Sets:
      • Dark Phoenix
      • Grand Soul
      • Holy Spirit
      • Thunder Hawk
      • Dark Steel
      • Ancient
      • Storm Zahard
      • Sate
      • Rune Legendary
      • Slayer Demonic
      • Round Gunner
      • Flash
      • Mage Legendary
      • Steel Plate
    • Weapons:
      • Knight Blade
      • Platina Staff
      • Arrow Viper Bow
      • Kundun Staff
      • Dark Reign Blade
      • Great Lord Scepter
      • Demonic Stick
      • Pantera Claws
      • Pluma Lance
      • Light Road Rune Mace
      • Paring Short Sword
      • Cannon Magic Gun
      • Spinel Orb
      • Dragon Blade
    • Extras:
      • Legendary Shield
      • Serpent Shield
      • Pluma Shield
      • Elemental Shield
      • Book of Lagle
      • Devilwood Quiver
      • Shining Feather Magic Book
  • Box of Kundun + 4
    • Sets:
      • Great Dragon
      • Dark Soul
      • Red Spirit
      • Hurricane
      • Dark Master
      • Demonic
      • Piercing Groove
      • Hirat
      • Kanaz
      • Nightwing
      • Frere
      • Magic Flare
      • Noble Pixie
      • Black Origin
    • Weapons:
      • Brova
      • AA Sword
      • Chromatic Staff
      • AA Staff
      • Aileen Bow
      • AA Crossbow
      • Thunder Blade
      • Striker Scepter
      • AA Scepter
      • Raven Stick
      • AA Stick
      • Devast Claws
      • AA Claws
      • Vis Lance
      • AA Lance
      • AA Rune Mace
      • Novakura Short Sword
      • AA Short Sword
      • AA Magic Gun
      • Almandin Orb
      • AA Orb
      • Blood Blade
      • AA Blade
    • Extras:
      • Dragon Shield
      • Grand Soul Shield
      • Cross Shield
      • Vis Shield
      • El Hazard Shield
      • Devilwood Quiver
      • Shining Feather Magic Book

Ancient Items Tiers

  • Low Tier Ancient
    • Leather
      • Anonymous
    • Bronze
      • Hyperion
      • Mist
    • Scale
      • Berserker
    • Brass
      • Cloud
    • Pad
      • Barnake
    • Bone
      • Sylion
    • Sphinx
      • Minet
    • Silk
      • Gaia
      • Fase
    • Wind
      • Odin
      • Elvian
    • Spirit
      • Argo
  • Mid Tier Ancient
    • Dragon
      • Vicious
    • Legendary
      • Enis
    • Adamantine
      • Broy
    • Red Wing
      • Semeden
    • Plate
      • Rave
    • Storm Crow
      • Gaion
    • Spirit
      • Karis
    • Hirat
      • Akhir
    • Kenaz
      • Emile
    • Nightwing
      • Molossos
    • Frere
      • Falcon
    • Magic Flare
      • Magus
    • Noble Pixie
      • Freya
    • Black Origin
      • Slayer
  • High Tier Ancient
    • Dragon
      • Hyon
    • Legendary
      • Anubis
    • Guardian
      • Aruan
    • Adamantine
      • Agnis
    • Red Wing
      • Chrono
    • Storm Crow
      • Muren
    • Sacred Fire
      • Vega
    • Sate
      • Camill
    • Kenaz
      • Arcadin
    • Nightwing
      • Vesper
    • Frere
      • Burning
    • Magic Flare
      • Baldur
    • Noble Pixie
      • Maat
    • Black Origin
      • Mortal


Extra Info Topics:

Info about CREDITS - https://newsquad.mu/forum/topic/113-zenith-info-about-credits/
Info about Characters - https://newsquad.mu/forum/topic/122-zenith-info-about-characters/


Good, fast, cheap - you can only pick 2!


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